Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1170: Comprehend the world【2】

Mu Qianyue sat motionless on the eaves like a sculpture, the sun rose and the sunset, the moon rose and the moon set, and the wind was blowing and raining, she remained motionless.

It was like a stone sculpture, as if this world had nothing to do with her.

There was no aura floating around her, and she didn't have any true essence protection, as if she was sitting down, very strange and scary.

"Patriarch, Girl Mu has been sitting on the eaves for five days and five nights. If she doesn't move, will there be anything wrong?" Elder Yi looked worried.

Patriarch Situ was also taken aback, raised his head and looked at Mu Qianyue with a trace of worry in his eyes, hesitating in his heart whether to go up and call Mu Qianyue.

In case something happened to her here, it's not good, and she is a ten-pin pill pharmacist! Wouldn't it be a pity if it fell like this?

"Don't bother her." At this moment, Situ Patriarch's voice sounded behind her, "If I guess correctly, she should be comprehending the world. Once the comprehension is successful, she will reach the realm of harmony between man and nature. !"

"What? Enlightenment of heaven and earth? Heaven and man are one?" Upon hearing this, Patriarch Situ and Elder Yi both widened their eyes in astonishment, "Isn't it possible that only people with the strength of the **** emperor level can achieve enlightenment success?"

What he said is only possible, not 100%. On the contrary, the success rate is still very low.

There may not necessarily be one out of a million people. The ratio can be said to be one in a million. The most important condition is that they must reach the level of a **** emperor.

Don't even think about the following God Emperor.

"It's been the case since ancient times, but it doesn't get rid of the exception. In short, don't disturb her, and don't let anyone disturb her. Before she leaves the customs, you will always stay here." Situ Ancestor's eyes surged. With light.

The talent of this little girl really exceeded his imagination!

I don't know which guy can receive such a talented and perverted apprentice, it is really enviable!

Hearing Situ Patriarch's words, both Patriarch Situ and Elder Yi both changed their faces. Knowing the importance of this, they immediately sent additional people to guard nearby, and the two of them also began to take turns to guard.

In a blink of an eye, seven days passed. After Situ Mingrui left the customs, he learned that Mu Qianyue was comprehending the unity of nature and man, so he automatically joined the guard queue.

These seven days of retreat, his harvest is also quite rich, not only the ordinary bloodline has mutated, but the strength has broken through to the realm of the seventh-order emperor in one fell swoop! Two steps up!

And he could feel that because of the bloodline mutation, the strength and speed were obviously much stronger than before! At least doubled the power!

In other words, there are few rivals in the same rank! It is not even a problem to fight across the first tier!

This is the benefit of the mutant bloodline!

Feeling the bloodthirsty and domineering aura of Situ Mingrui's body, it seemed to carry the aura of ancient ferocious beasts, Patriarch Situ, Elder Yi and others all changed their expressions, their eyes filled with surprise and shock.

"Rui'er, how do I feel that your aura has become much stronger? Well, there is still a bloodthirsty and terrifying breath of monsters?" Patriarch Situ asked in confusion.

"Yeah, how do you feel that the breath comes from the ancient times?" Elder Yi's eyes were also firmly locked on Situ Mingrui.

"The master gave me a bloodline pill, which is made from a drop of essence blood of ancient fierce beasts. It can remove impurities in the blood of the user, completely become pure, and increase the bloodline power. This time. My bloodline in retreat not only brings a hint of strange bloodline aura, but also breaks through two steps in one fell swoop. I am now a seventh-order emperor martial artist." Situ Mingrui said lightly, looking up at the figure on the eaves, There was a ray of pride in his eyes.

Yes, he is proud of being her subordinate, proud!

Every word and sentence of Situ Mingrui exploded like thunder in the ears of the Situ family and Elder Yi. The two stared in amazement, their mouths opened wide, and they looked extremely funny.

The two looked at each other, each saw horror in each other's eyes, my God! Qiongqi Bloodline Pill! It turned out to be refined from a drop of blood extracted from the ancient Qiongqi!

Mu Qianyue even had such a pill! And also to Situ Mingrui!

This kind of medicine was unheard of before! It's an existence against the sky! Unexpectedly, there are still medicines in this world that can change the purity of blood!

Now they deeply feel that Situ Mingrui is following Mu Qianyue, that is definitely going away~shit~ luck!

There is a hunch in their hearts that the Situ family is about to rise! To rise because of Mu Qianyue!

The happiest person is naturally Patriarch Situ, and his own son has become stronger, and that is naturally the best thing! In a few years, Situ Mingrui will become a **** king, and then his Situ family will have one more master of the **** king level!

Moreover, Situ Mingrui's bloodline contains a trace of strange power. If this can be passed on to future generations, then his Situ family will benefit from it for generations!

It was a great benefit!

Soon he informed Old Ancestor Situ about this matter, and Old Ancestor Situ was equally surprised when he learned about it, with a strange light surging in his deep eyes.

"Xuantian Realm is destined to become even more exciting because of her appearance! I believe that within a few years, she will definitely stand at the top of the continent and become the pinnacle of existence!"

This is his evaluation to Mu Qianyue.

Patriarch Situ and Elder Yi were deeply shocked, but ancestors rarely gave such a high evaluation! It is enough to prove Mu Qianyue's excellence!


In the vast and endless starry sky, Mu Qianyue only felt that she had become the master of this universe, as if she had completely integrated into this sea of ​​stars.

The dazzling stars hovered and revolved around her body. Slowly she figured out the law and the law of the alternation of the sun and moon.

Revolving the consciousness, controlling the stars, sun and moon in the star sea in the dantian, slowly revolving according to that trajectory...

It really succeeded!

Immediately, Mu Qianyue frowned again, "Although the power of the stars can forge the sun and the moon, it is not strong enough because they are not real!"

"The sun, moon, and stars are unchanging existences in the past, and everything in the world cannot be replaced. If I use my body as a medium, as a moving track, and then reflect in the space of the Tongtian Pagoda, the space of the Tongtian will have real Change day and night!"

After turning the sun, moon, stars, mountains and rivers in the dantian, and turning them into an endless power of stars, Mu Qianyue once again merged into this world...

As time went by, she seemed to be sitting down.

I don't know how many days have passed, and finally, the figure on the roof has a breath change.

In the dense dark night, there is only a bright moon in the sky, and the galaxy runs across.

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