Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1179: The awkward Xiao Jing [2]

"One and a half million." Mu Qianyue directly increased the price by half a million. This wealth of wealth is shocking, and many people are amazed. It is really amazing that a plant can be auctioned for 1.5 million. It's incredible!

Even the host opened her small mouth slightly in astonishment, but she quickly reacted with excitement in her eyes. She did not expect such a good result from the first auction item.

Xiao Jing's chest was ups and downs violently with anger, let alone how distressed, although his Xiao family is the largest family, and it can be considered a type of rich and powerful, but the money does not belong to him, but belongs to the entire Xiao family.

To buy this medicinal plant, he must pay for it himself. He is not as rich as Mu Qianyue, and he can add 500,000 yuan with his eyes closed.

"Two million!" It was Cang Yuwei who was speaking. She naturally called for Xiao Jing. After the price was quoted, she looked at Xiao Jingdao and chuckled, "Brother Jing, it will be your birthday in a while. I will buy this medicinal plant as a gift for you."

Seeing that Cang Yuwei had joined the auction, Mu Qianyue frowned, "2.5 million."

"three million."

"3.5 million!" Mu Qianyue shouted.

Situ Mingrui on the side looked at Mu Qianyue with some pain, "Master, I don't want Diyuan Pill, and I don't want this medicine either."

It really hurts to look at it! Three and five million! And it's still a 300-year-old medicinal plant!

Thinking of the thousand-year-old medicinal materials sold at my own pharmacy only sold for a few million, I suddenly felt that they were selling cheaply, and my heart was dripping with blood.

If those thousand-year-old medicinal materials are put up for auction here, absolutely every one can be sold at sky-high prices!

"It's only more than three million. I think it's worth it." Mu Qianyue had a faint smile in her eyes. Xiao Jing wanted this emperor spirit grass? She won't let him get it!

Anyway, the enmity with the Xiao family had already been settled, and I was not afraid of this time.

But they did not recognize themselves either.

"Four million!" This time Cang Yuwei gritted her teeth, her pocket money is not very big, only five million.

"4.5 million." Mu Qianyue still reported a number leisurely, as if it was just a number, not money at all.

This is the result of being too rich.

"Five million." Cang Yuwei showed a wry smile, and the people upstairs didn't even buy her from the Royal Family of the Canglang Kingdom.

"Five and five million."

Xiao Jing saw that Cang Yuwei wanted to make a bid, and raised his hand to stop her, "Weiwei, it's just a medicinal material, and adding it on is not worthwhile. I don't want this emperor spirit grass!"

If you let everyone know that his dignified Young Master Xiao mainly relies on a woman to get the Emperor Spirit Grass, where will he put his face?

Besides, his main purpose this time is not for a plant of Emperor Spirit Grass, but for other things.

A bloodthirsty cold light flashed quickly through the slightly drooping eyes.

"Okay." Cang Yuwei listened to him and did not make any more offers, "I don't want it, let it be for you."

"Thank you." Mu Qianyue really realized that Cang Yuwei didn't want it.

After the host reported five and five million yuan three times, he finalized it, and this emperor spirit grass was finally obtained by Mu Qianyue.

Some things to be auctioned in the next also caused a great competition sensation, and in the next few auctions, Xiao Jing never spoke. Obviously, he was still angry and angry about what happened just now.

"The next thing to be auctioned is a primary fairy weapon, the Flowing Frost Sword! It was made by Master Ye, the master crafting master!" The host's voice caused a commotion as soon as it fell.

"Oh my God! It turned out to be the Frost Flowing Sword forged by Master Chu Qing!"

"Yeah, it's still a junior fairy weapon. If you can buy it, you can definitely add a bargaining chip to this martial arts competition! It is said that the Frost Sword is very powerful, and it is now sold!"

"I want this Frost Sword!"

"Cut! You say yes, can you afford it? The people here are not short of money!"

"Wipe! Do you think I will have no money? I have money!"

As soon as this Frost Sword came out, it caused a great sensation. Everyone bid for it. The reserve price was 500,000, and the competition reached 5 million in an instant!

This speed is like riding a rocket!

And Xiao Jing was also bidding, and this time there was a slight agitated look on his face. He was about to decide on this Frost Sword!

Soon, Xiao Jing stood out from the crowd, "Ten million!"

His offer suddenly silenced the audience.

"Is there no one?" the host shouted, "Ten million once...ten million twice..."

Xiao Jing's eyes were stained with displeasure. This **** host, did he deliberately say this and want others to compete? Don’t you just say things belong to him?

But no one should compete with himself at this moment!

At this moment, a box on the second floor suddenly heard a gentle and mellow man's voice, "One hundred thousand."

If neither more nor less was added, one hundred thousand was added.

Suddenly, Xiao Jing was so angry that he was so angry that he was about to buy this Frost Frost Sword by himself, but suddenly he killed another person! Can he not be angry?

"One hundred and two hundred thousand." Xiao Jing said solemnly.

"One thousand three hundred thousand." The voice upstairs continued to sound, as if it had hit Xiao Jing.

Mu Qianyue was slightly surprised, and raised her head to look at the box next to her. The speaker came from the box next to her.

And his voice is very familiar!

It's Nalan Ye!

Why is he here? Or someone with a purple diamond card? After saying goodbye in the ancient land of Tianwu Continent, I have never seen him again!

Unexpectedly, he would come to the Profound Heaven Realm!

When she thought of Yun Chang and Bao'er, Mu Qianyue couldn't help feeling sour. She was distressed for Yun Chang and Bao'er...

Bao'er is so well-behaved. She is already six years old, but she has never seen her father. He has been with Yun Chang since he was a child, and the two depend on each other.

She is really hard to intervene in such things.

I don't know how Nalanye has developed in the Profound Sky Realm in the past few years, shouldn't it be wrong? Otherwise, you won't even have the Purple Diamond Card.

While Mu Qianyue was distracted, the price of Liushuang Sword had soared to 20 million.

"Hey, who are you? Can't you sell me the Cang Wolf Royal Family's face?" Cang Yuwei stood up angrily, hands on hips, and looked up at the box next to Mu Qianyue. She could see Brother Jing I really want this Frost Sword!

Even if the emperor spirit grass was not photographed just now, now that I finally saw a Frost Sword, it was suppressed again!


Like Mu Qianyue, there was a low ridicule, "I'm sorry, I really can't. If anyone in the court bids, I might give face, but he can't. As long as he makes a price, this Frost Sword I will not let him."

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