Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1180: The awkward Xiao Jing [3]

Upon hearing this, Xiao Jing paled with anger, almost vomiting blood.

Is this deliberately targeting him?

After some competition, the price of Liushuangjian rose to 30 million.

"I don't know who your Excellency is? I, Xiao Jing, think I haven't offended you. Why are you having trouble with my Xiao family?" Xiao Jing frowned for a moment and looked up at the man and asked, with a hint of discomfort in his voice. question.

"Huh! My young master is the young master of Moyue Sect! My young master can do whatever he likes, and it is not your turn to question the Xiao family." An old man's disdainful snort came from the box.

As his voice fell, there was an uproar in the audience.

All eyes were shocked, what? Demon Moon Sect Young Master!


The person sitting in the box turned out to be the Young Master of the Moyue Sect!

In addition to shock, everyone's eyes were shocked, and they were obviously extremely jealous of the Demon Moon Cult.

When Xiao Jing heard about the Moyue Sect, his face was completely dark and ugly. Cang Yuwei on the side showed a worried look in her eyes, "Brother Jing, you have offended anyone who has offended the Moyue Sect before. ?"

Xiao Jing shook his head, "I haven't even seen it, so why offend it?"

To be honest, no one is more aggrieved than him at this moment!

Obviously he is the young master of the Xiao family, and he has a wealth of power. Regardless of his status, money and power, he is all first-class. However, he has been hit twice today. How can he not be angry?

Now he has the thought of killing people!

"Momoyue Sect? What kind of sect does it belong to? It seems that everyone is very scared." There was a flash of surprise in Mu Qianyue's eyes, and she turned to look at Situ Mingrui beside her and asked.

"The Demon Moon Sect belongs to the Demon Sect. It has a very bad reputation in the Xuantian Realm. The people of the Demon Moon Sect are very bloodthirsty, cruel and ruthless, which makes everyone dislike it. In the eyes of everyone, it belongs to the Demon Sect. And the strength of the Demon Moon Sect is. Powerful and unfathomable, it belongs to the first-class school on the mainland!" Situ Ming Rui said.

The Xiao family is a first-class family in the Blue Wolf Kingdom, and the Moyue Sect is a first-class school in the Xuantian Realm.

Although they all carry the words first-rate, the gap between the two is extremely huge!

One belongs to the country, and the other belongs to the entire continent. The difference is naturally not a little bit, like being the first in the class in one exam, and the other in the province. There is a huge gap.

"Oh..." Mu Qianyue nodded thoughtfully, turned her head to look at Situ Mingrui beside her, with a deep and unpredictable light in her eyes, "Well, it's time for you to change your weapon. Up."

Situ Mingrui was shocked when he heard the words, "Master, I don't need to change weapons, I think my sword is quite good."

Good deed, this Frost Frost Sword is very expensive, it is an elementary fairy!

Although he wanted it very much, he definitely couldn't let the master spend money for himself! Otherwise he will feel guilty!

"With the Flowing Frost Sword and equipped with the God Yuan Dan, you can definitely defeat Xiao Jing, and your strength has improved, which is also beneficial to me." Mu Qianyue smiled.

"But you have already bought the Emperor Spirit Grass, so much money..." Situ Mingrui's face was tangled.

"Just treat it as the reward for you following me." Mu Qianyue's lips curled up with a faint smile.

Situ Mingrui was deeply moved. How lucky was he to meet this good master? In this life and this life, he is willing to follow her by her side, never leave, never change until death...

The fingers under the sleeve were lightly clenched, and the eyebrows were filled with firmness.

"Fifty-five million." Mu Qianyue slowly said, the time is almost here.

"Since you have spoken, I will withdraw and let it be for you." Nalanye in the next box said slowly.

When everyone heard this, they all understood it instantly. It was the Young Master Moyue Sect who deliberately embarrassed Xiao Jing and embarrassed him!

How could this Xiao Jing offend Mo Yuejiao?

It seemed that they were afraid that the Moyue Church would anger them, and each one quickly moved away from Xiao Jing for fear of getting into trouble.

In the end, Mu Qianyue bought this Frost Sword, and even Mu Qianyue felt that Nalanye definitely recognized herself! Moreover, he suddenly became angry with Xiao Jing, absolutely deliberate!

As smart as him, she can naturally see that she and Xiao Jing have some enmity at a glance, so she wanted to express this ill feeling for herself. The next auction also proved Mu Qianyue's guess.

In the next auction, as long as Xiao Jing opened his mouth, Nalanye would go and put a kick in every item in the next auction, and then suddenly did not want it. In the end, Xiao Jingping always spent dozens of times the price for no reason. Let's take a look at the things in here.

Xiao Jing's face at the moment was already extremely gloomy, his fists clenched under his sleeves, and deep hatred filled his eyes, "Damn Demon Moon Cult! They bullied me so much. Today's hatred, Xiao Jing will surely repay me twice in the future. Let him die!"

"Brother Jing..." Cang Yuwei looked at him worriedly.

After a series of auction activities, the auction soon came to an end.

"The next thing to be auctioned is a mysterious map, and it is also one of the final auction items of our Feibao Building. This is the last second auction item! But this map is incomplete. According to our Feibao Building Appreciation The division speculates that there are nine copies of this map, and this one is only one of them."

"It is said that this map may be a treasure left over from the Primordial Era hundreds of thousands of years ago! As for how mysterious it is and what is in it, I don’t know, but I think everyone knows what it means about the news about the ancient times. . The starting price is one million.” The host's words caused a great sensation as soon as they fell, and there were surprises and excitement on each face.

"My God! It's a mysterious map!"

"It's still a mysterious map from the ancient times!"

"Yeah! That was a long time ago..."

Each and every one showed horrified but deep gazes, in short, at this moment everyone's gaze fell on the auction stage above.

"Mysterious map?"

Mu Qianyue murmured, it seems that this map is really mysterious and influential. It has attracted so many people to show excitement. It is more attractive than those auctioned before.

"Master, do you want to buy it?" Situ Mingrui couldn't help asking, seeing a gleam of light in Mu Qianyue's eyes.

"En." Mu Qianyue nodded. This is a secret about the Primordial Era. As long as it is an individual, he will be interested. The stronger the person, the greater the interest.

An extremely lively auction has begun in the hall, and soon it has risen to an astonishing price of 30 million! It continues to soar...

Xiao Jing was clever in this replay. Instead of bidding, he asked Cang Yuwei to bid for herself. He knew that if she bidd herself, he would be taught by Moyue to watch.

But Cang Yuwei was the sixth princess of the Blue Wolf Nation anyway, no matter how rampant the Demon Moon Cultivation was, it would sell a bit of face.

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