Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1181: The awkward Xiao Jing [4]

Except for the people in the lobby, all the boxes on the second floor participated in the auction this time. Obviously everyone came for this mysterious map!

Regarding the secrets left over from the ancient times, whoever can find it, and whoever can inherit the power inside, might become a true god!

What a god!

That's God!

Beyond all power in the world! Who doesn't want to get it?

Soon the price soared to 50 million!

"80 million!"

"Eight and two hundred thousand." The person in the other box shouted.

As the price gets higher and higher, fewer people participate in the auction. After all, the price is too high. Now there are six boxes on the second floor competing.

When it rose to 90 million, there were only two people in the box on the second floor competing, and the other person also withdrew from the competition.

"Nine-five million." Nalanye said suddenly, who had not spoken.

"Young Master, if our Demon Moon Cult gets this place this time, we will have four maps in our hands! Our chances of finding the Primordial Land will increase by one more point." The old man beside him was excited and excited. Said.

Nalanye's eyes drooped slightly and did not speak, but stared at the opposite wall thoughtfully in a daze, as if he could penetrate the thick wall and see the face he hadn't seen for a long time...

"One hundred million."

The slightly hoarse voice sounded leisurely in the air.

The corner of Nalanye's lips made a slight curve, and he knew that she would definitely bid.

100 million!

Everyone was surprised to hear this price!


This price completely exceeds their bottom line! Some are just second-rate families in the Blue Wolf Nation. Even if they don't eat or drink for a few years, they can't make hundreds of millions, so most of them gave up.

100 million! !

Which pervert is it, so rich and powerful!

"Okay, let you." Nalan Ye said lightly.

"Young master, hurry up and shout! The demon master said that we must get this map!" The old man was shocked when he heard this, and said quickly.

Nalanye frowned unpleasantly, "I still need you to do something?"

The old man choked with unwillingness in his eyes, "But..."

"You say one more thing, get out of here now." Nalanye's eyes were filled with anger.

"Hey..." The old man sighed faintly and stopped talking.

This map was finally photographed by Mu Qianyue with 100 million Xuanjing coins. When he thought that there were eight other copies that he didn't know where, Mu Qianyue frowned. It seemed that he wanted to obtain all the Primordial Lands. Maps are a very difficult thing.

However, as long as she has a map in her hand, she has the opportunity to participate in the search for the Primordial Lands, or to obtain eight other maps.

You must know that she is not the only person who wants to find the Primordial Land. She has bought this map now, and there will definitely be some people who will be watching her secretly, and it will be up to who is better.

Since ancient times, opportunities and dangers have coexisted.

"The last item to be auctioned will definitely shock everyone. It is said that it is an elixir that can change the bloodline..." the host said slowly with a smile.

Suddenly a servant girl walked up to the host and whispered in her ear for a while. The host suddenly changed her face and quickly changed her words, "I'm sorry, there was a little accident in the middle. Now, please sit where you are. ! All the people in the boxes on the second floor, please come to the lobby on the second floor, and a dedicated person will meet you.

When her voice fell, she immediately caused a great shock, with shocked and confused expressions in her eyes.

"Did something happen?"

"Yeah! It's weird, isn't it going to auction the last item?"

All the exits of Feibao Building were closed and guarded by strong men. This scene was even more surprising to everyone.

Even Mu Qianyue had a puzzled look in her eyes, and under the leadership of a maid, she came to the lobby on the first floor.

The confidential work of Feibao Building is still very good. No one found that she was one of the purple diamond cards on the second floor, so no one in the field knew that she was the one who bought the mysterious map with 100 million Xuanjing coins. people.

Otherwise, she will definitely cause endless trouble, so at this point, Feibaolou is still doing very well.

What surprised Mu Qianyue was that the Feibao Building was very powerful. The people sitting in the box on the second floor were all distinguished people, but at this moment, they all obeyed Feibao Building’s words and went straight to the lobby. .

What is the origin of this Feibao Tower?

People in the boxes on the second floor came to the lobby one after another. At this time, Elder Luo and Liu Ruyan came over and stood on the auction stage.

Elder Luo had a solemn face at the moment, and he looked very ugly. Liu Ruyan was long and elegant, noble and elegant, and there was a hint of coldness in the beautiful pink clothes, which was very pitiful, and her coming Instantly aroused the favor and admiration of many men.

"Elder Luo, what's going on? Isn't the auction going?" the middle-aged man from the Zhao family asked.

"Yeah! What do you call us all here?"

"Didn't you just talk about auctioning the pill? What kind of pill is it?"

"Everyone is quiet." Elder Luo raised his hand and signaled everyone to stop talking. When everyone was silent, he said, "The last finale is a medicine called Qiongqi Bloodline Pill. , Is refined from a drop of ancient fierce beast Qiongqi essence and blood, it can make people's bloodline mutate into a rare bloodline, and thus have a trace of Qiqiongqi bloodline power... the user, whether it is physically or The power will be doubled than before! At the same time, it also has the ability to cross-tier combat!"

His words fell, and the time caused a burst of exclamation, and all eyes showed fanaticism.

Gosh! It turned out to be made from a drop of ancient fierce beast's blood!

The ancient fierce beast is so strange, that it has disappeared for a long time!

Which pill master is so perverted? Even such a pill can be made!

"Elder Luo, since this Qiongqi Bloodline Pill is so powerful, what are you still doing? Get it out quickly!"

"Yes! Hurry up and auction! I can't wait! Haha..."

"Yes, not bad! Ancient fierce beasts are poor and strange blood..."

The power of the user is doubled, and he can also fight across tiers. This is simply a lifelong benefit, endless! This is much more reliable than that illusory map!

The Primordial Place on the map is only in the legend, and no one has confirmed it! There are still nine copies of the map, and it is not easy to get one, not to mention the complete set of nine copies is simply impossible!

But this Qiongqi Bloodline Pill is different!

Its effect is obvious, and it will benefit for life! If you can get this Qiongqi Bloodline Pill, this martial arts contest can definitely be defeated with the arrogance of a dark horse!

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