Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1189: Father and daughter recognize each other [2]

"Miss Mu, can you check again?" the man asked Mu Qianyue, looking up.

Mu Qianyue shook her head, "No, I believe in Feibao's character. If you say no, it must be no more."

When Liu Ruyan said those words, Mu Qianyue had guessed a bit. She must have hidden the pill in a secret corner, and she couldn't find it if she wanted to search.

It will not be good for her to continue to investigate this matter.

"Since I can't find the pill, I can only apologize to the girl in Feibaolou and compensate you with one billion profound crystal coins." The man said lightly, his face didn't show distress. The right cheek exposed in the air was still calm, like an ancient well, without waves and traces.

After that, he flicked his palm, took out a golden card and handed it to Mu Qianyue, "As long as you hold this card, you can go to all the properties under my Feibao Building to withdraw money."

Without hesitation, Mu Qianyue reached out and took it, only to see the word'rock' engraved on the card.


Mu Qianyue was taken aback and looked up at him, with a hint of astonishment and surprise in his eyes. No wonder when he first saw him, he felt that he was familiar! Because he has a father's breath!

It's just a goodbye that year. It has been 22 years. At that time, she was only half a year old and her memory was a little fuzzy...

But his figure has always been deep in his mind, sometimes clear and sometimes fuzzy, and sometimes it makes her feel that she has almost forgotten her father's face?

Thinking like this in his heart, he couldn't help raising his hand to remove the silver mask on his left face.


Liu Ruyan shouted angrily, her figure moved in front of the man, and she looked at Mu Qianyue angrily and hatefully, "What do you want to do? How dare you blaspheme my foster father?"

The man frowned, but there was no unpleasant color in his eyes, but he looked at Mu Qianyue suspiciously.

Situ Mingrui, Nalanye, and Cang Yuwei seemed to not understand Mu Qianyue's actions. She was indeed too abrupt and shocking.

"Miss Mu, do you want to look at my face?" The man looked at her and asked lightly.

"En." Mu Qianyue nodded.

"It's just that my face is disfigured. If I take off this mask, I'm afraid it will scare you. Speaking of which we are really destined, we are actually the same surname." The man chuckled, his deep eyes overflowing with softness.

"Your surname is Mu?" Mu Qianyue couldn't help but clenched the card in her hand, raised her hand, and looked at the golden ‘rock’ of the card. When she raised her head again, there was a hint of excitement in her eyes.

"Yes, my surname is Mu, and the words on it are my name." Mu Yan looked at her with a smile, don't know why, the first time I saw her, there was an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

Maybe it's because she looks like Lan'er when she was young.

"Your name is Mu Yan?" Mu Qianyue's eyes were dyed with light, her beautiful face exuding charming brilliance and excitement.

Liu Ruyan intuitively felt a sense of crisis, and she stood in front of Mu Qianyue, her voice was cold, and the corners of her mouth were sneered, "Miss Mu, my foster father is a wife. He and my mother love each other very much, I hope Don't hook up with my foster father and destroy our family. If you really lack men, there are many young talents in the field..."

It's just that before she finished her words, Mu Qianyue raised her hand and pushed her away, her phoenix eyes narrowed, her eyes stained with terrifying killing intent, "Get out!"

Her slender figure exuded anger, which shocked everyone for a while.

"You..." Liu Ruyan got up from the ground and rushed to Mu Qianyue angrily, but before she could speak, she was blasted off by Mu Qianyue's palm raising her hand. She turned her head to look cold and addictive. Looking at her bloodily, "If you don't want to die, just shut up!"

At this moment, all the aura on her body was exuding, shocking, the second-order **** king!

Even Liu Ruyan was stunned. She looked at the purple-clothed girl in horror in shock, and suddenly realized that she was so small!

Without the obstruction of the nasty fly, Mu Qianyue walked straight to Mu Yan, looking straight at him, "Your name is Mu Yan?"

Asked again.

"Yes, my name is Mu Yan, girl, do you know me?" Mu Yan frowned suspiciously.

There was a ray of tears in Mu Qianyue's eyes, and then she raised her hand and took off the mask on his face without hesitation.

Mu Yan was neither angry nor annoyed, just standing in front of her quietly, with a hint of doubt in his clear eyes, and staring at the beautiful face in front of him without blinking...

This weird scene shocked countless people, staring at each one in shock. What the **** is this?

Could this girl like the host of Feibaolou? It seems that there is something wrong with the expression of the host of Feibao Lou...

The man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, his left cheek is densely covered with dozens of scars, densely packed, and a bit hideous.

But the cheek on the right is as handsome and charming as jade.

Although his left face was covered with scars, he could vaguely see the familiar outline in his memory...


Seeing the familiar face before, Mu Qianyue's mouth evoked a complex smile, a little joyful, a little self-deprecating, a little lonely, a little frustrated, and a little sad.

Seeing so many complex emotions on her face instantly, Mu Yan's heart moved.

"Why... why have you never been home for so many years... Do you know that grandpa miss you very much, brother and I also miss you very much, I think you will have any difficulties or other things will be held back? Footsteps, or in danger... Oh, I didn’t expect you to have a new daughter, so you forgot about me and brother?!"

Mu Qianyue's eyes miss and look at him resentfully, which is very complicated.


Two lines of clear tears fell from her beautiful face.

This sentence stunned everyone, what does it mean?

Mu Yan was startled, but saw that Mu Qianyue dropped this sentence and turned and left. He hurried to catch up with her, stretched out his hand to hold her, his face was full of complex and excited expression, and his voice was also There was an uncontrollable shaking.

"You... Are you Yue'er?"

Tears blurred her vision, and Mu Qianyue always had a trace of comfort in her heart. He still remembered himself, did not forget her, did not waste her travels all the way to Xuantian Realm to find him...

Seeing this scene, Liu Ruyan had a bad instinct. For so many years, she had never seen her foster father be so nervous about anyone!

Except for Jin Yilan.

"Are you really Yue'er? Yue''ve grown up so much..." His eyes fell greedily on her face, and he raised his hand and gently stroked her satin-like hair.

"I'm so stupid! I should have recognized you early in the morning. No wonder that when I first saw you, I thought you were very familiar, and I thought you were so beautiful... I didn't expect to recognize me in the end... Yue'er, I am not good, I am not worthy to be your father..."

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