Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1190: Father and daughter recognize each other【3】

This sentence was like a blockbuster thrown into the crowd, thundering everyone inside and out.

what? father? !

The host of Feibao Lou is actually the father of this girl?

This is too dramatic, right?

Liu Ruyan's face turned pale, her body trembled fiercely, her eyes widened unbelievably.

what? Is she the daughter of a foster father?

Do not! impossible!

She has been with her foster father for so many years, and has never heard the foster father mentioned that he has a daughter! She is the only daughter of the foster father!

No one wants to take her place!

"Foster father, I have never heard you mention that you will have a daughter, is this you making a mistake?" Liu Ruyan gritted his teeth and stepped forward to ask.

Mu Yan looked cold and glanced up at her, "Will I not even recognize my own daughter?"

"But why before..."

"I haven't told you before, but that doesn't mean I don't have a daughter!"

"But...Foster father, this incident is too shocking. Now that such a big daughter suddenly appears, it's hard to doubt whether she has ulterior motives!" Liu Ruyan said with a worried expression.

Mu Yan squinted.

Mu Qianyue's palm flicked, and she took out a life card that contained Mu Yan's Soul Nian, "This is what you left to grandpa back then. It is with this jade card that I keep practicing hard and come here to find you... …"

The jade card seemed to sense the master's aura and echoed the aura on Mu Yan's body, which proved sufficient.

Originally Mu Qianyue disdainfully took it out, but she embarrassed Liu Ruyan in the previous incident and almost exposed the act of stealing. At this moment, Liu Ruyan would definitely bite the handle like a mad dog.

In that case, just stop her mouth and save her trouble.

"Ruyan, that's enough! If you say more about Yue'er, don't blame me for being angry!" Mu Yan said angrily.

"Foster father, I..."

Liu Ruyan was about to say something, but when he saw the cold light coming from Mu Yansui, he couldn't help being surprised, and quickly stopped.

She knew the character of this man, he looked indifferent on the surface, and if he really got angry, the consequences would be very serious.

Withdrawing his gaze, he couldn't help but raise his hand to caress Mu Qianyue's face, his eyes gradually became gentle, "Yue'er, you have been working hard these years. You and Feng'er must have been having a hard time? How about your grandpa? Is he okay?"

Hearing these words, Mu Qianyue's heart became sour, and the tears fell more fiercely, and she couldn't help but burst into tears. The tears seemed to have burst and flooded.

For so many years, she has missed all the time, and now we meet again, naturally all the emotions have poured into her heart...

No matter how cold she is in front of outsiders, how calm and calm she is when facing danger, at this moment, she is only a daughter who misses her father in front of Mu Yan...

Nalanye's deep gaze slightly narrowed, looking at the tears on Mu Qianyue's face, a little distressed, it was the first time he saw her so sad when she grew up like this...

Situ Mingrui was also stunned. It seemed that he didn't expect Mu Qianyue to be the hostess of Feibao Lou, nor that Mu Qianyue would cry so sadly...

Seeing Mu Qianyue crying so sad, Mu Yan felt a pain in her heart and hugged her in her arms, gently patting her back with her palms, her tone was not as cold as before, but very gentle, "Yue'er Good boy, Yue'er doesn't cry... it's my fault..."

Feeling the warmth and breath of the long absence, Mu Qianyue took her nose hard, raised her hand to wipe the tears on her face, and broke free from his arms.

"Where is Feng'er? Where is he? Your grandpa..." Mu Yan hung his heart tightly, looked at her with a little fear, and asked.

"Big brother didn't come, grandpa is in good health." Mu Qianyue said lightly.

She was indeed crying and complaining to him just now, but at this moment, hearing his care, and the feeling of holding her in her arms as if she was a child, was still there yesterday.

The hatred that permeated my heart faded instantly.

After all, blood is thicker than water.

All the grievances are gone.

Hearing this, Mu Yan was secretly relieved. Seeing her crying just now, he thought they were all...

Elder Luo was already stunned. He seemed to have never expected the outcome of the matter to be like this. Girl Mu is the original daughter of the original poster...

Situ Mingrui's eyes were filled with joy. It was so good that the master found her father.

Did the master come to Xuantian Realm to find her father?

It seems that the master's luck is pretty good. He just came to Gray Wolf City, and before he started looking for someone, he ran into her father by accident.

Sometimes when you do everything possible to find someone, there is no news.

Sometimes, you give up and don't want to look for it, but that person suddenly appears in front of you, unexpectedly.

Life is so strange.

Even Mu Qianyue didn't expect this. When I was in the mainland of Huanzhou, I sent many people to inquire about the news secretly, and my grandfather had never given up for so many years, but there was no news.

This time he came to Xuantian Realm, Mu Qianyue didn't expect to encounter it so smoothly...

"Everyone, I'm sorry for today's affairs, let everyone watch a joke. She is my Mu Yan's daughter, and she will be the eldest lady of this Feibaolou in the future!" Mu Yan raised his head to look at the crowd and announced loudly.

His voice was loud and clear into everyone's ears.

"Because something happened before, I had to run away from home. I haven't returned for 22 years. I didn't expect my daughter to grow up so much in the blink of an eye! I owe you my father all these years! I promise you that I will. Make up what you owe you all these years!"

Everyone was in an uproar upon hearing this, it turned out that she was the daughter of the original poster of Feibao Lou! She is the real eldest lady!

Hearing Mu Yan's announcement, Liu Ruyan's face instantly turned pale, his body trembled uncontrollably, and his eyes were suddenly filled with resentment.

"Hehe, congratulations to the landlord Mu and his daughter he hasn't seen for many years!"

"Congratulations, I didn't expect Mu Louzhu's daughter to be a Shipin Pill Pharmacist..."

"Yeah, yeah, I didn't expect that this time Feibao Building will be upstairs."

Everyone agreed with the Tao, and the expressions revealed envy.

Thinking of Mu Qianyue's identity as a ten-pin pill pharmacist, Mu Yan's face was also full of pride and pride.

"In the future, everyone will come to my Feibao building to buy things, and they will all give the lowest price discount! Today's auction will end here!" Mu Yan laughed.

Now he doesn't have any thoughts of continuing the auction, and he can't wait to take Mu Qianyue to a place where no one is there, and have a good talk. At this moment, his heart is as full of doubt as Mu Qianyue.

"Father, today's auction will continue. Everyone is here for the Qiongqi Bloodline Pill. How can you let everyone go back in failure?" Mu Qianyue's eyes lit up.

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