Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1193: Very depressed [1]

Mu Qianyue raised her head and looked up at Liu Ruyan on the side. Mu Yan immediately understood, and said to her, "Ruyan, you should withdraw first, and check the theft of the pill by the way."

"Yes." Liu Ruyan glanced at Mu Qianyue bitterly, then turned and left.

In the past, the adoptive father never disengaged her when something happened, but now he doesn't even give her the opportunity to let her listen!

After seeing her gone, Mu Qianyue slowly spoke and said roughly what had happened over the years.

Hearing this, Mu Yan was silent for a long time, and the gaze towards Mu Qianyue was full of compassion and guilt.

Unexpectedly, she has gone through so many hardships over the years. Listening to her lightly speaking, it seems to be a very ordinary thing, but who can think of the hardship...

Situ Mingrui sat next to him quietly, and his gaze at Mu Qianyue was not only admired, but also a touch of distress.

Originally, it seemed that the master always looked cold and indifferent, but I didn't expect the master to go through so many ups and downs.

Since I was young, I have not been accompanied by my parents, and I have to be bullied and laughed at...

It’s really hard to imagine how the master survived...

It is precisely because of all this that makes the master's character so cold and indifferent?

"By the way, father, why didn't I see my mother? Didn't my mother stay with you?" Mu Qianyue asked in surprise.

"Your mother..." Mu Yan felt a trace of sadness deep in his eyes, and it seemed that the whole body became haggard.

Mu Qianyue's figure was shocked, her beautiful face was pale, and she asked nervously, "What's wrong with my mother?"

"A year ago, Lan'er and I went out to practice together. I didn't want to miss the wind. I encountered the enemy's ambush in the Valley of Fire. The loss in that battle was heavy..." Mu Yan said slowly.

The enemy’s strength was too strong. Jin Yilan was seriously injured to save Mu Yan. In order to let the disciples of Feibaolou cover Jin Yilan to leave first, Mu Yan chose to stay and stopped the attacks of several **** kings and **** kings with his own strength. ...

When he fled back in blood, he found that Jin Yilan was missing and his life and death were unknown. On the way, he found Liu Ruyan, who was seriously injured and unconscious, with his veins severed and almost a waste.

In order to save Liu Ruyan, Mu Yan spent a lot of rare medicinal materials before curing her, and Liu Ruyan had been recuperating in bed for two months.

Although Jin Yilan has lost the news, Jin Yilan's life card is still there, and it can be concluded that she is still alive.

It's just that she lost all the news and clues. No matter how Mu Yan looked everywhere this year, she couldn't find her trace.

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue's eyes were stained with bloodthirsty anger, "Who are those people?"

"They are members of the Qin family of Liuhuo Nation." Mu Yan said lightly. Seeing Mu Qianyue's undisguised murderous intent, Mu Yan was shocked and said quickly, "Yue'er, you don't care about this. Me! The strength of the Qin family should not be underestimated, you can never rush to find someone to avenge!"

"Father, don't worry, I will be measured." Mu Qianyue's eyes flickered with cold light.

But when she thought of Liu Ruyan, Mu Qianyue felt uncomfortable in her heart.

Because they haven’t seen each other for many years, Mu Qianyue and Mu Yan talked until midnight. The long separation did not make their feelings unfamiliar, but it became stronger, just like the spirits buried in the cellar, the more mellow and fragrant... …

The Wolf City in the dark still looked majestic, like a sleeping lion.

"It's so late, why is Miss Liu looking for me?" In an inn room, Xiao Jing smiled at the corner of his mouth and looked at the woman in front of him.

"Young Master Xiao, are you still annoyed about the Qiongqi Bloodline Pill?" Liu Ruyan asked with a faint smile on her lips.

Xiao Jing's eyes were gloomy.

"Qingqi Bloodline Pill is precious, but it is not the only one. I happen to have a Qiongqi Bloodline Pill here, which Mu Qianyue gave me." Liu Ruyan shook his palm and took out a small jade bottle.

The reason why Mu Qianyue gave it to her was that she didn't want Xiao Jing to know that she stole the medicine.

When Xiao Jing saw this, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his eyes filled with joy and excitement. He stretched out his hand and wanted to take it, but Liu Ruyan took it back and played with it gently.

The corners of the beautiful lips raised a chuckle, and his eyes were cold, "Young Master Xiao, this poor bloodline pill is worth 200 million Profound Crystal Coins! If you take it away like this, am I going to die?"

"What do you want? Let's talk." Xiao Jing calmed down.

Now he knew that Liu Ruyan came to him with this pill, there must be something, otherwise how could she easily take out such a precious pill?

"Let's make a deal." Liu Ruyan walked to the table and sat down, looking up at him, in a calm tone, but what he said was extremely vicious, "There are still five days to fight the martial arts contest, Mu Qianyue also In it, I want you to abolish her during the game! Let her completely become a disagreement!"

Xiao Jing leaned her back against the window, with her hands around her chest, and a sneer appeared at the corners of her mouth, "Didn't she give you the Qiongqi Bloodline Pill? How can you pay for it?"

"This is my business, just ask you if this deal will be done?" Liu Ruyan's complexion changed, and the coldness on his face became deeper.

"Do!" Xiao Jing walked up to her, stretched out his hand and grabbed the jade bottle in her hand, opened it and sniffed it lightly. After confirming that it was the Qiongqi Bloodline Pill, he raised his head and looked at Liu Ruyan in front of him, revealing his eyes. Cold and bloodthirsty sneered, "Why not do such a good thing?"

Anyway, Mu Qianyue was his enemy, and he was going to kill one after another. And he happened to be annoyed because he didn't buy the Qiongqi Bloodline Pill. Liu Ruyan gave it to him now, why should he not do it?

Seeing Xiao Jing's promise, Liu Ruyan's lips raised a smug smile.

"Hehe, it just made me curious. Why did she offend Miss Liu of Feibaolou when she first came to Feibaolou? She is your foster father's biological daughter! Are you afraid of your foster father being angry with her like this? "Xiao Jing mocked.

When he mentioned this, Liu Ruyan's face suddenly became cold.

"Now I'm not the eldest lady of Feibaolou, Mu Qianqian is just a righteous girl." Liu Ruyan's beautiful face was stained with a touch of gloom, and it seemed sad.

"Yes, Mu Qianyue attracted everyone's attention as soon as she came, not to mention that she is a ten-pin pill pharmacist. The original poster of Mu naturally knows how to choose the most advantageous option, and she is still the biological daughter of the original poster." Xiao Jing sneered.

"Mu Qianyue?" Liu Ruyan frowned in doubt.

"Yes! Her real name is Mu Qianyue, not Mu Qianqian, it's just her pseudonym." Xiao Jing sneered.

Liu Ruyan's eyes felt a little more stunned, "No wonder her foster father called her Yue'er, but how did Young Master Xiao know her real name?"

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