Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1194: Very depressed [2]

"Huh! I not only know her real name, but I also know that she is not from the Profound Sky Realm, but from the Huanzhou Continent. A few years ago in the City of Dreams, she killed my sister Yan'er!"

"It turned out to be her?!" There was a ray of light in Liu Ruyan's eyes. She had heard the news of Miss Xiao Xiao Lanyan's death in the Xiao Mansion.

Unexpectedly, Mu Qianyue actually killed it, ha ha...

Xiao Jing is extremely short-sighted and has a very cruel personality. I am afraid that this time I don't have to do it myself, and Xiao Mansion will not let her go.

Liu Ruyan frowned suddenly, her eyes fell on the jade bottle in Xiao Jing's hand, and her heart was filled with regret. She didn't expect that Mu Qianyue was Xiao Jing's enemy and the murderer who killed Xiao Lanyan, even if she didn't take it out. The Qiongqi Bloodline Pill, Xiao Jing and even the entire Xiao Mansion would not let Mu Qianyue go!

However, she took out the Qiongqi Bloodline Pill without any extra effort...

This is what she has done so hard! Xiao Jing is so cheap now!

"Return the pill to me."

Thinking of this, she hurriedly reached out and grabbed Xiao Jing's hand. How could Xiao Jing let her succeed?

She moved away from Liu Ruyan's side.

There was a sneer on Xiao Jing's face, "Liu Ruyan, how can there be any reason to take back the things you sent out? Besides, I have to do things for you!"

Liu Ruyan's face turned pale.

"This Qiongqi Bloodline Pill was not given to you by Mu Qianyue, right? Hehe... I've always wondered who the thief is, who can steal the medicine from the treasure room without knowing it. This is the person who wants to come. Miss Liu..." Xiao Jing sneered in a low voice.


Liu Ruyan's face paled again, and she bit her lip stubbornly. She felt ashamed and unstoppable as she was stripped naked and exposed to others.

"Liu Ruyan, what I promised you will be done, so this pill is absolutely impossible to return to you. You'd better not play any tricks, otherwise, in case I accidentally take this matter It's not good to say it." Xiao Jing sneered.

Suddenly Liu Ruyan was so angry that her chest was up and down violently.

"Okay, I'm going to practice, and strive to break through the realm of the **** king five days later. Dear Miss Liu, goodbye." After the words fell, Xiao Jing jumped out of the window and disappeared into the night. .

"Xiao Jing!"

Liu Ruyan gritted her teeth, and her beautiful face was filled with resentment and ferocious expression.


In a box in the restaurant, Cang Yuwei held Mu Qianyue's hands, "Qian Qian, I thought you didn't want my friend..."

"It's a bit busy these days, so I don't have time to find you. No, as soon as I have time, I will come to find you." Mu Qianyue looked at her with a smile.

"Hee hee." Cang Yuwei smiled happily, her elf-like face showed a sly smile, with a trace of ambiguous breath, "Shallow, are there many young talents going to Feibaolou these days? what?"

When I mentioned this Mu Qianyue, I felt a headache. In the past few days, many young men went to Feibao Tower to hand over famous posts, almost breaking the threshold of Feibao Tower.

Although they didn’t even see Mu Qianyue’s face, they didn’t give up. They seemed to behave better or to please Feibaolou. Those who came to hand in famous posts and wanted to meet Mu Qianyue were all in Feibao. Buying wildly in the building, scrambling to express how rich he is, he looks like a nouveau riche.

Even the business with Feibaolou became very popular.

When there was only Liu Ruyan before, there were indeed many young talents who came to Feibao Building, but they had never been so lively.

One can imagine how influential Mu Qianyue is.

May I ask who doesn't want to marry a pill master as his wife? This will benefit even the entire family, and the tide will rise! What's more, it is a Shipin Pill Pharmacist!

It's a pity that Mu Qianyue got married a long time ago, and their wishful thinking is destined to be nothing.

And during this period, even the Majesty of the Blue Wolf Kingdom announced Mu Qianyue, treated him with courtesy, and looked at his Majesty Canglang's expression, as if he was afraid of offending Mu Qianyue, and tried his best to draw in.

Mu Qianyue shook her palm, took out a small jade bottle, and handed it to her, "This is a gift for you."

"Gift?" Cang Yuwei showed a surprised look in her eyes. She reached out and took it, opened the bottle cap and smelled it. She couldn't help but glance at her eyes. The black pupils were filled with shock, "Qingqi Bloodline Pill?"

"En." Mu Qianyue nodded.

"But, wasn't that the last one at the auction?" Cang Yuwei asked suspiciously.

"Qingqi Bloodline Pill is indeed not much, but it is not the last one. It is only rare and expensive. I deliberately said it is the last one. Otherwise, it can sell 200 million Xuanjing coins?" Mu Qian Yue's eyes were filled with a slight smile, she looked like a sly fox.

Cang Yuwei suddenly realized, and she smiled slightly, "As expected of the daughter of the poster of Feibao Tower, she is all business materials! No, you are both civil and military, and you are amazing! Hehe..."

"Shallow, I will send 200 million Xuanjing coins to Feibao Building after I return to the palace."

"This is a gift I gave you. If you send money, doesn't it mean you bought it? Can it still be called a gift?"

"But... this is worth 200 million Xuanjing coins!" She gave it to herself like this, it hurts!

The most important thing is that this pill is something that everyone with money can't buy!

"Don't forget that we are good friends." Mu Qianyue smiled.

"Shallow..." Cang Yuwei looked at her with moving eyes.

In fact, she didn't do anything, but when Mu Qianyue was misunderstood by everyone and was framed by Liu Ruyan, she chose to believe her, but she did not expect that Mu Qianyue would give her a priceless pill for this!

"When I was doubted by so many people, only you believed in me, so your trust is priceless to me." Mu Qianyue looked at her indifferently.

"You are my friend, I don't believe you, who to believe? Do you believe that hypocritical Liu Ruyan?" Cang Yuwei curled her lips, obviously having a very bad impression of Liu Ruyan.

After chatting with Cang Yuwei for a while, after lunch, Mu Qianyue and Situ Mingrui were planning to leave, but the three of them just came out of the restaurant when they saw a young man dressed in luxurious and imposing manner coming towards him.

"Sixth sister, it's a coincidence. I didn't expect to meet you here." First, his gaze turned on Cang Yuwei, and finally fell on Mu Qianyue, who was beside him, and smiled, "Miss Mu, what a coincidence. You are here."

Mu Qianyue nodded, her expression indifferent like water.

"Second brother." Cang Yuwei faintly yelled, obviously having no affection for this man.

"In Xia Cang Yihan, she is the second prince of today. I didn't expect Girl Mu and Sixth Sister to be good friends." The smile on Cang Yihan's face looked warm and courteous.

"It turned out to be the second prince, I am lucky to meet." Mu Qianyue said lightly.

Cang Yihan's eyes were filled with joy, "Miss Mu, where are you going? I happen to be fine. Let's go with you."

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