Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1200: Depressed Mu Yan

"Nothing?" Mu Yan slowly narrowed her eyes, and looked at Liu Ruyan in front of him. His deep gaze seemed like a sharp sword, as if he could see through everything in the world, making Liu Ruyan's heart tight.

"Foster father, you have watched me grow up since I was a child. Do you know what kind of person I am? This time, I wanted to be with Yue'er. Unfortunately, sister Yue'er didn't seem to like me very much. I wanted to be with me. In desperation, I had to go with Xiao Jing, but I didn’t expect that Xiao Jing would deliberately embarrass Sister Yue’er in it. Afterwards, I heard Xiao Jing talk about it. In the City of Dreams, it was Sister Yue’er. Killing Xiao Lanyan, this is why Xiao Jing deliberately embarrassed Yue'er sister..."

Liu Ruyan looked very aggrieved with tears, "Foster father, I wanted to help Sister Yue'er at the time, but Sister Yue'er didn't listen to me at all, and even played with me. Fortunately, I was so strong. Avoid the chasing of those people, otherwise I will be caught in this competition..."

"Okay, I see, you go back." Mu Yan waved lightly.

"Yes, foster father." Liu Ruyan nodded, turned and walked away slowly.

As soon as Mu Qianyue came over, she met Liu Ruyan coming out of the house.

"Sister Yue'er, I didn't expect that your tenth-grade pill pharmacist's appeal was so great that you caused those people to turn around. This time Xiao Jing suffered a loss. The new hatred of the old, I am afraid it will not be so easy." Liu Ruyan smiled.

"I don't need to worry about this. You should investigate the case of the theft of the Qiongqi Bloodline Pill. You have promised my father to solve the case within half a month. Don't find the thief at that time, just look for it. Personal charge." Mu Qianyue raised a sneer at the corners of her lips, and walked toward the house without looking at Liu Ruyan's pale face.

When Mu Yan saw Mu Qianyue coming, the coldness on her face faded, and she changed to gentleness and pampering, "Yue'er, you are back."

"En." Mu Qianyue stepped forward.

"Just now I heard Liu Ruyan say that you killed Xiao Lanyan when you were in the City of Dreams. Is this true? Why didn't you tell me before?" Mu Yan's eyes filled with concern and worry.

"I didn't tell you before because I was afraid that you were worried. I didn't expect Xiao Jing to know my identity so soon." Mu Qianyue frowned, too, her pseudonym was too simple, and her father called her Yue'er, Xiao It is impossible for the mirror to guess.

"Yue'er, don't worry, with my father, I won't let the Xiao family hurt you a vellus hair!" Mu Yan's eyes were filled with bloodthirsty coldness.

It was only twenty-two years before he got together with his daughter. Before, he was sorry for Yue'er and did not fulfill the duties of a father, but this time, he will never bully her again!

"Father, don't you want to ask?" Mu Qianyue asked.

"Yue'er, you are my daughter. I don't believe you. Is it possible to trust others? Even if you really killed Xiao Lanyan, she must have provoked you first." Mu Yan snorted coldly.

There was a glimmer of light in Mu Qianyue’s eyes, and the corners of her lips rose in a graceful arc, "Father, when I was in the City of Dreams, Xiao Lanyan fell in love with my husband, so he targeted me everywhere, even taking advantage of me. When He Jing understood the way of heaven, he took the opportunity to sneak attack and destroyed Jing's body, so how could I let her go?"

Mu Yan was shocked when he heard the words, and a series of questions were thrown out like cannonballs, "Yue'er, are you married? Who is your husband and which stinky boy? So how is my son-in-law now? Is he okay? He? Has his soul survived?"

What he cares about is not how Xiao Lanyan died, but about his son-in-law, which is related to Yue'er's lifelong happiness!

Mu Qianyue's lips curled up with a helpless smile, "Although he was physically destroyed, he was reborn with the power of the ghost master of the Nether Hell..."

Mu Qianyue briefly told what happened.

Hearing this, Mu Yan's eyes were filled with shock and horror. She was a bit displeased before seeing her daughter, but was abducted by other men.

But when she heard that Nalanjing did not hesitate to die for her, the soul could reach a deal with the ghost master to regain a new life, and because of this, he was imprisoned in the nether prison, which made Mu Yan very moved.

If it weren’t for Nalanjing, I’m afraid he would never see his daughter in this life...

Moreover, Nalanjing only had a wife like Yue'er, and no three wives or four concubines, so the little bit of dissatisfaction in her heart disappeared, and she was satisfied and moved instead.

He could even ignore his life for Yue'er and was willing to be imprisoned in the Nether Prison. This proved that he really loved Yue'er, and he was at ease with him.

"This time, Jing and I came to Xuantian Realm together to find you and my mother, but we were washed away by the airflow in the passage of time and space." A trace of helplessness surged in Mu Qianyue's eyes.

"It's okay, Dad will help you find him." Mu Yan comforted. It happened that he also wanted to see his son-in-law to see what he looked like, so Yue'er cared about him so much.

When I think about it, I feel a little bit sour in my heart, as if my beloved things have been taken away.

Hey, the women's college didn't want to stay, and finally reunited with Yue'er, only to learn that she was married.

After all, he was incompetent as a father, and he could personally participate in such important things as Yue'er getting married...

Had it not been 22 years ago, when the people of the Mu's family acted on him and Lan'er because of their own desires, he would not have been separated from Yue'er, Feng'er, and his family for so long...

How can others understand this pain of separation?

"Huh! Xiao Lanyan is looking for death by herself. There are so many men in the world, how dare you rob my son-in-law and who don't kill her? Yue'er, don't be afraid, with your father, the Xiao family dare not do anything to you. !" Thinking of Yue'er and Nalanjing's experience so much, Mu Yan's eyes were filled with anger. If she hadn't acted vilely, how could Yue'er and Jing suffer so much?

He hasn't gone to trouble with the Xiao family, so he is cheap to them!

If they dare to hurt Yue'er, they must pay a tragic price!

"Father, don't worry, with my current strength, no one can hurt me." Mu Qianyue smiled and took his arm. "Even if I can't beat him, I will hide in Feibao Building and let Dad protect me."

"Okay, dad protect you!" Mu Yan looked at her dozingly.

Of course, this is just Mu Qianyue's talk, because her temperament is unlikely to shrink in the Feibao Building because of fear.

She dared to act, and there was nothing she was afraid of.

She doesn't like killing, but it doesn't mean that she will let others kill. If you deceive me a point, it will be returned a hundred times.

"Father, forgot to tell you, I still have a son and a daughter." Mu Qianyue smiled.

"What? Do you have all your kids?" Mu Yan stared incredulously, feeling very depressed in his heart.

Even if the daughter is married, she even has a child...

What he has missed over the years is so much...

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