Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1201: Seduction【1】

"Then you and Jing came out, didn't you bring the two of them out? Who is taking care of them now?" Mu Yan asked quickly, frowning and looking worried, "Hey, others don't worry about me. "

Mu Qianyue smiled, "Xiao Ling is already six years old, and Jiujiu is just two years old. They can already take care of themselves, and no one needs to take care of them."

Hearing Mu Qianyue’s words, Mu Yan almost didn’t blow up her hair. “The two of them are so small, how could they not need someone to take care of them? What if you meet a bad guy? No, I must go to them and bring them to my own. By my side, I can rest assured!"

"You, how can you be careless!" Mu Yan looked at her complainingly, her face was full of distress, "Before you and Feng'er were without me and Lan'er by your side. You brother and sister ate them all. Suffering, you have lost your eyes, now how can you let Xiaoling and Jiujiu do the same?"

Mu Qianyue twitched her mouth depressedly, "Father, no one can bully them, they have always been the only ones who bully others."

With the strength of Xiaoling, in the Huanzhou Continent, as long as it does not meet the powerhouse of the **** king level, there are few opponents.

And there are many strong people around Xiaoling.

As for Jiujiu, he is even more abnormal. He is the ghost master of the Nether Hell. Who dares to provoke him? Unless you don't want to live anymore!

But Mu Qianyue didn't intend to tell him the matter, and waited for Xiao Ling and Jiujiu to come to the Profound Sky Realm in the future to give him a good blow.

If Mu Yan knew Mu Qianyue's thoughts, she would definitely die of depression.

Mu Yan sighed softly, "Yue'er, you must not leak out the matter of the Tongtian Tower artifact. Back then, Lan'er and I escaped from the hands of the ancestor Mu. After accidentally entering the Profound Heaven Realm, we originally wanted to wait for our injuries to recover. I went back again, but my strength was not enough to open the space-time channel, so I could only stay here for a while to practice and improve my strength until Feibao Tower was founded..."

"In addition to auctioning and selling all kinds of medicinal materials, elixirs, exercises and martial arts, Feibaolou also secretly collects all kinds of information. A few years ago, we suddenly learned that it was not only Huanzhou who discovered the artifacts of the Tongtian Tower. The Mu family in the mainland, and even members of the Biyu Sect, have been secretly inquiring about the news. So Lan'er and I did not go back, staying and paying attention to their every move."

"Biyuzong?" Mu Qianyue frowned suspiciously.

"Yes, the Biyu Sect is one of the six major factions in the Profound Sky Realm, with extraordinary strength, even above the Four Kingdoms, and its unshakable status. And they seem to know that the Tongtian Tower artifact is not in the Profound Sky Realm, and they want to send people to the Magic State and Tianwu Continent inquired about the news, but they didn't know what happened. They didn't send anyone there. This is why Lan'er and I have not dared to go back." Mu Yan continued, his face calm and a little solemn.

Mu Qianyue was also puzzled, "Tongtian Pagoda is an artifact handed down by our Mu family's ancestors. I can still understand that people from Qingzhou Mu's family are coming to grab it. But how did the people of Biyu Sect know?"

"I don't know this." Mu Yan shook his head, and Jun's face was also full of doubts.

Mu Qianyue frowned and shook her head. Since I don't understand, I don't want to. The truth will be revealed one day.

Looking up, her gaze fell on Mu Yan's ruined left face, "Father, you are the Fuyan Pill I just made, you can take it down, and your face will return to normal. "

Mu Yan waved his hand disapprovingly, "I'm so old, what do I need this Fuyan Dan for? Now I just hope to find your mother sooner, and then our family can be reunited soon."

The wound on his face was left over when he was in the Valley of Fire a year ago.

"Hey, I received news a few days ago that someone had seen Lan'er in Funan Mountain, but when I rushed over, I couldn't find anything. Now it's been a year, and I don't know where Lan'er is now. , How is it." Mu Yan's eyes were filled with worry.

Looking for people in a vast crowd is like finding a needle in a haystack.

"In any case, I must find Lan'er!" Mu Yan clenched his fingers tightly under his sleeves, and his star-deep eyes were filled with firmness.

"Father, mother doesn't want to see the scar on your face when she sees you, she will definitely feel sorry for you."

Thinking of the gentle woman, Mu Yan's face gradually became gentle. Yes, if she saw the wound on her face, she would probably cry in distress again.

He no longer hesitated to take the Fuyan Dan, his left cheek gradually became hot and hot, and then saw the scars on his face come off automatically, and new skin grew.

In an instant, there was not even a shadow of a scar.

Without those hideous scars, Mu Yan's entire face was glowing, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, skin like snow, like a chrysanthemum jade tree, and the beauty of the moon, as if a **** descended from the world.

"No wonder the eldest brother is so handsome, because he inherited your excellent genes." Mu Qianyue smiled.

Anyone who has seen Mu Rufeng can tell that Mu Yan and Mu Rufeng are somewhat similar, even the auras are similar, the same cold and charming.

"I have also learned to tease me." Mu Yan looked at him indignantly.

"I'm telling the truth." Mu Qianyue stuck out her tongue mischievously.

"Father, did you watch Liu Ruyan grow up since he was a child?" Suddenly, Mu Qianyue raised her head to look at him, and asked with a serious expression, the smile in her eyes had been closed, her face was slightly solemn.

"Yue'er, I know that you don't like Liu Ruyan. It was her fault that she framed you like that at the auction. However, she was the one who watched her grow up." Mu Yan frowned slightly.

"Twenty years ago, not long after Feibao Building was established, your mother and I went out together, and met her in a coma in the forest, so your mother rescued her. Her appearance made her Your mother couldn't help but think of you and Feng'er, and she missed her, and she was an orphan without a father and no mother. She was only six years old at the time and had no parents. When your mother saw her being pitiful, she would She took her as a righteous daughter."

Mu Yan sighed deeply, and continued: "Hey...Your mother always said to do more good deeds. I hope you and Feng'er are in Tianwu Continent. When they encounter danger, others will also lend a helping hand..."

Mu Qianyue lowered her eyes, it turned out to be like this.

"You know, as long as it's your mother's decision, I won't object." Mu Yan asked helplessly.

Mu Qianyue concealed her lips and smiled, his father was too spoiled for his mother, so that he would let her everything, and he was reluctant to let her suffer a bit of grievance.

"Ruyan grew up in Feibao Building these years, but she performed very well and didn't do anything bad. But that Qiongqi Bloodline Pill..."

After all, Mu Yan had a voice, looked up at Mu Qianyue, and asked, "Yue'er, did you know that she took the medicine for a long time?"

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