Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1211: Situ Mingrui VS Xiao Jing [1]

"Don't think that Weiwei said a few words for you, you are qualified to yell at me! Situ Mingrui, stay away from Weiwei if you know, otherwise I don't mind crippling you!" Xiao Jing stared at him fiercely , If he hadn't been saved in the City of Dreams, Yan'er wouldn't have died, and now he wanted to take Weiwei away?

Humph! This **** Situ Mingrui! Even if he can't be killed now, he must be abolished so that he knows that his Xiao family is not easy to provoke!

"I never thought about robbing the Sixth Princess. The Sixth Princess is a person, not an object. She decides who she likes." Situ Mingrui said coldly.

"You mean that Weiwei likes you? You deserve it too?" Xiao Jing's mouth was sneered.

"I don't know if I am worthy, but I know you are definitely not worthy!" Situ said coldly.

Xiao Jing's eyes were filled with anger, "Situ Mingrui, you are looking for death!"

A cold aura radiated from him, the first-order **** king!

He raised his head to look at Situ Mingrui's eyes with a bloodthirsty murderous look.

Everyone can guess the outcome of this battle without even looking at it. Situ Mingrui will undoubtedly lose!

However, he is already very good for an eighth-order emperor martial artist to persist until now!


Situ Mingrui squeezed the Frost Sword in his hand, an extremely powerful and mighty aura also radiated from him, an eighth-order emperor martial artist.

He now has the strength of an eighth-order emperor martial artist, and he still relies on the help of his master. At the auction that day, the master bought an emperor spirit grass and refined it into a pill, allowing him to break through from the seventh-order emperor martial artist to the eighth-order realm.

Even so, he would still not be Xiao Jing's opponent, but he would not give up easily.

Even if you lose, you must lose with dignity!

Flowing Frost Sword seemed to feel the master's fighting spirit, and it made waves of swords, and began to tremble, and the sword light contained the majestic and mighty true vitality.

This Frost Flowing Sword was the primary immortal weapon that Mu Qianyue bought at the auction that day, and it was given to Situ Mingrui. It has now been refined into his own destiny soldier.

"En? Frost Sword?"

Xiao Jing's eyes fell in Situ Mingrui's hands, his eyes narrowed slowly, and unabashed anger surged in his eyes, that day he took away his Frost Sword!

Thinking of what happened at the auction, he gritted his teeth with anger, took enough money to go, and ended up buying nothing!

Had it not been for the sudden intervention of the Young Master Nalanye of the Demon Moon Sect, this Frost Sword would have belonged to him, and would never fall into Situ Mingrui's hands!

"What? The Frost Sword is actually in the hands of Situ Mingrui?"

"The Flowing Frost Sword is an elementary fairy weapon with great power, but it can make him resist Xiao Jing for a while."

"Yes, even if he has the Frost Sword in his hand, he will not be Xiao Jing's opponent. After all, Xiao Jing is a Tier 1 God King."

Everyone argued that it is impossible to win. After all, the eighth-order emperor martial artist is two steps behind the first-order **** king, and the Frost Sword can make up some gaps, but it cannot make up the difference between the two.

In the crowd's discussions, the battle in the field has already begun.

A cruel smile appeared on Xiao Jing's face, "Situ Mingrui, even if you have a junior fairy weapon in your hand, you can't beat me. You should surrender and surrender!"

His eyes fell greedily on the Frost Sword in Situ Mingrui's hands.

"If you can't beat it, you'll know if you try it!" Situ Mingrui snorted coldly, and when the words fell, his body turned into a afterimage and rushed towards Xiao Jing.

In a blink of an eye, the two of them had done dozens of moves, and there was no doubt that Situ Mingrui had been squeezed under by Xiao Jing.


Situ Mingrui was kicked out fiercely and fell onto the competition table with a loud noise, and the stone slab under him was shattered by the huge force.

"Puff!" Situ Mingrui's face paled, and a mouthful of blood came out.

Everyone sighed and shook their heads. Obviously, they weren't surprised by this result, it was expected.

Xiao Jing snorted coldly, his figure moved, and the long sword in his hand raised, and suddenly stabs Situ Mingrui's dantian fiercely. Everyone was shocked when he saw this, Xiao Jing was about to abolish him!

Cang Yuwei's expression changed and she stood up from her position in a hurry. Her Majesty Cang Yuwei whispered, "Vil, sit down. He didn't admit defeat. No one can intervene in the game."

Situ Mingrui was shocked and rolled on the spot quickly, hiding in embarrassment.

"Now you are no different from a rat who flees in a panic. What right do you have to like Weiwei? I will show you what the real gap is!" Xiao Jing's expression was extremely vicious.

Situ Mingrui wiped off the blood stains from his mouth, stood up and stared at Xiao Jing with a cold look, "Who is the rat, you know in your heart. The sixth princesses are sincere to you, but you are trying to trick her into giving her medicine. Liu Ruyan, ha ha... You are never worthy to be with the Sixth Princess!"

As soon as the incident was mentioned, Xiao Jing's face was filled with uncontrollable anger, and if it hadn't been for Liu Ruyan's fanfare, he wouldn't be like that.

At the beginning, he didn't feel that Cang Yuwei's position in his heart was so important. It wasn't until Cang Yuwei left him that he realized that he regretted and regretted it!

I thought that Cang Yuwei would just be fine with just a few days of weather as before, who knew she had become so determined this time!

All this must be caused by Situ Mingrui! He must have said something bad about him in front of Weiwei!

"It's not your turn to take care of the matter between Weiwei and I!" Xiao Jing roared, his figure moved, and he attacked Situ Mingrui again.

Situ Mingrui escaped his attack, flipped his fingers, and quickly threw a pill into his mouth, and saw that Situ Mingrui's strength rose to the peak of the 9th-order emperor martial artist!

Everyone's complexion changed, can the strength of the pill be improved in a short time?

Unexpectedly, Situ Mingrui still has such a medicine in his hands!

"It's a pity that Situ Mingrui still has such a pill in his hands, but even so, he will not be Xiao Jing's opponent. It's a pity that such a pill." His Majesty Canglang shook his head and sighed.

"Father, are you not so optimistic about Situ Mingrui?" Cang Yuwei felt depressed and anxious.

"It's not that I'm not optimistic. In fact, this Situ Mingrui has good talents, but it is a pity that he is only an eighth-order emperor martial artist. He uses the pill to forcibly upgrade to the first order. The duration is not long, and the strength is definitely not as good as Xiao Jing. He is strong, so he will definitely lose this game!" His Majesty Cang Wolf analyzed.

"Father is right, Situ Mingrui has no chance of winning at all." The prince nodded in agreement.

Cang Yuwei curled her lips. In fact, she also knew that Situ Mingrui had a very small chance of winning, but she still hoped that Mingrui could defeat Xiao Jing.

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