Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1212: Despicable Xiao Jing【1】


Xiao Jing frowned, feeling a sense of crisis, and the fierceness in his eyes became deeper, "It seems that you have a lot of good things in your hands. These are all given to you by Mu Qianyue! Haha... Situ Mingrui, you pretend to be righteous and awe-inspiring in front of me, in fact, are you the same? Relying on a woman everywhere, you are a little white face, and you want to like Weiwei? The relationship between you and Mu Qianyue Very unusual, isn't it? Otherwise, could she treat you like this?"

Situ Mingrui was furious when he heard the words, and the anger of the two races surged in his eyes, "I don't allow you to insult the master like this!"

With a soft drink, the sword light in his hand swung forward fiercely, and the sharp piercing sound made the air tremble. This move was obviously much stronger than before.

Endless sword aura, instantly permeated the entire competition platform, with unparalleled momentum!

The corner of Xiao Jing's mouth evoked a smirk, as if he did not put Situ Mingrui in his eyes at all, he yelled, "Power of Thunder!"

There was a sword roar, like the sound of thunder, and the murderous head toward Situ Mingrui!


The two powerful sword auras fought together fiercely, and the terrifying vigor rolled and raged across the world, shaking the referee's body a little unstable, blowing the robe and hunting.

The entire competition platform began to tremble, and seemed to collapse, showing how powerful these two sword lights are!

"Broken!" Situ Mingrui's face was cold, his wrist shook, and his strength suddenly increased.

Xiao Jing was furious, and quickly increased his strength again, but he was shocked to find that Situ Mingrui was like a lunatic at this time, mobilizing the true energy in his body in a desperate manner.


The next moment, Xiao Jing actually fell off the competition platform, and when he realized something, he was already standing under the stage.


The audience was in an uproar, their expressions were stunned and sluggish, this, this all won?

Situ Mingrui was pale, panting heavily, his face was covered with sweat, and his clothes were wet with sweat. He knelt on the ground weakly on one knee, his whole body supported by the Frost Sword in his hand.

"Situ Ming Rui Sheng." The referee's voice faintly sounded, announcing the result.

Only then did Xiao Jing react, and his eyes widened in disbelief. Did he lose? How can this be? How could he lose? He is a Tier 1 God King, how could he lose to Situ Mingrui?

But at this moment, he was standing under the stage, while Situ Mingrui was kneeling on one knee on the edge of the competition platform, and he almost fell off!

At this moment, Xiao Jing's face was so ugly, it was even more ugly than a pot lid! Because he was wronged by this loss!

Everyone also shook their heads regretfully, "This is probably the most unjustly lost match in the history of the Fighting Martial Arts Tournament. The first-order **** king lost to an eighth-order emperor warrior. It's really exciting."

"It's not wrong at all, okay? That Situ Mingrui has a primary fairy weapon in his hand, and a pill that can improve his strength in a short time..."

"Even so, Situ Mingrui couldn't beat Xiao Jing. To put it bluntly, Xiao Jing underestimated the enemy, ha ha..."

"Those who underestimate the enemy are doomed to fail."

Everyone's ridicule and discussion made Xiao Jing's complexion very ugly, and his eyes were extremely gloomy, containing a terrifying storm.

damn it! He actually lost! And it was so embarrassed to lose! He is not satisfied!

"Your Majesty, it was Situ Mingrui who deceived just now..." Xiao Jing raised his head and said to the incomparable man above.

It’s just that before he finished speaking, the sixth princess Cang Yuwei stood up, her beautiful eyes filled with anger, "Xiao Jing, so many people are watching, it’s obviously that you underestimated the enemy and lost to Ming Rui. , Now do you want to give it a go? It depends on whether you believe it or not!"

Xiao Jing's expression instantly turned cold.

His Majesty Canglang quickly passed a touch of surprise, his eyes turned on Cang Yuwei and Xiao Jing, and finally said coldly, "Xiao Jing, man man, you lose if you lose, don't lose dignity."

A short sentence clearly expresses the position of His Majesty Gray Wolf.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Xiao Jing bowed his head respectfully, but the slightly drooping eyes were filled with fierce and unwillingness.

A lovely smile appeared on Cang Yuwei's face when she heard the words. She quickly rushed down the auditorium and rushed to the side of the competition stage Situ Mingrui, "Mingrui, how are you?"

"Princess Six, I'm fine." Situ Mingrui raised his head, trying to squeeze a smile on his pale face.

Seeing sweat on his face, Cang Yuwei quickly took out the handkerchief in her arms and gently wiped it off for him. Then she reached out and helped him, "Come, I will help you down."

"Thank you six princesses."

Situ Mingrui stepped off the competition platform with the help of Cang Yuwei, and Mu Qianyue recovered his injury by seven to eight points with the Tianyuan needle.

"It's getting late today, and tomorrow will be the final of the decimal point three, everyone can go back to rest individually." The referee announced.

The crowd gradually dispersed.

But this exciting game is etched in their hearts.

Especially the last match between Situ Mingrui and Xiao Jing was even more shocking.

The first-order **** king lost to an eighth-order emperor martial artist, this matter will surely spread throughout the entire Canglang City, and even the Profound Heaven Realm!

And Situ Mingrui's name is also destined to move the world, and is known to the world!

Mu Qianyue was about to leave, she suddenly felt a strange cold gaze locked on her body, and when she went to investigate, she disappeared again, very strange.

Instinct told her that someone was looking at her.

Xiao Mansion

Patriarch Xiao had a face with a stern face, "Jing'er, in such an important match, how can you underestimate the enemy and lose to an eighth-order emperor martial artist? Where does this put the face of our Xiao family? More importantly, you know this battle. Will the top three in the competition get anything?"

Xiao Jing's expression is no better than him, "What is it?"

"God Emperor Pill!" After saying these three words, Patriarch Xiao let out a long sigh.

When he heard the three words God Emperor Pill, Xiao Jing's eyes stared at the boss, "Shen Huang Pill?"

"Yes! The reward for the first place is a **** emperor pill. If our Xiao family can get this **** emperor pill, the ancestors will hope to be promoted to the **** emperor, but... hey, that's it..." Patriarch Xiao sighed. .

Xiao Jing's face was pale, and his heart was full of regret, regretting that he despised Situ Mingrui so much, that he accidentally lost the competition...

Divine emperor pill, the 9th-order divine king, has a great chance of breaking through the realm of the divine emperor. Although there is only a 40% chance, it is much greater than the chance of not taking the pill.

If there is no God Emperor Pill, there is only a 5% chance. If you take the God Emperor Pill, there is at least a 40% chance!

Damn Situ Mingrui! If it weren't for him, how could he have lost the game!

Situ Mingrui, I will not let you go!

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