Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1213: Despicable Xiao Jing【2】

Just as Xiao Jing’s intestines were almost repenting, Patriarch Xiao’s question sounded above his head, “How are you and the Six Princesses? Although you have lost the opportunity to continue participating in the competition, if you can marry the Six Princesses back, we Xiao The family still has a chance to get the God Emperor's Pill. After all, your Majesty spoils the six princesses so much, there must be a lot of pill for marriage.

"By the way, why haven't seen the Six Princesses come to you for several days?" After a pause, Patriarch Xiao continued to ask.

Xiao Jing's face became stiff.

"What's the matter? You and the sixth princess quarreled? How many times have I told you. Before getting married, you must coax her and make her happy. You will go to the palace to find her later!" Patriarch Xiao faintly Said.

"Father, Weiwei and her..." Xiao Jing's expression was a little ugly, and said squeakyly, "I was hit by Princess Six when I was in the house with Liu Ruyan that night, and she has ignored me now. ..."

"What?!" Patriarch Xiao was shocked when he heard the words, with a look of shock and anger on his face, with a hint of disappointment, "Jing'er, you are really confused! That Liu Ruyan is just the righteous daughter of Feibaolou, now she has With the appearance of Mu Qianyue, she is even less favored in Feibao Tower. How can you compare to the Six Princess? How can you do such a confused thing? Even if you want to be with Liu Ruyan, you have to wait for you After getting married with the sixth princess, you can play whatever you want at the time. Isn't it up to you?"

"Then what should I do now? Dad, Weiwei simply ignores me now and is very close to that Situ Mingrui!" Xiao Jing also said anxiously.

"What else can I do? Go and chase her back quickly, no matter what method you use, you must make the Sixth Princess change your mind!" Xiao Patriarch's eyes flashed with brilliance, "This is related to the development of our Xiao family!"

"Yes, Dad. I will find a way!" Xiao Jing said.

"By the way, I heard that Namu Qianyue is the strength of the second-order **** king?" Xiao Patriarch's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yes, she said it herself."

"Huh! This Mu Qianyue's talent is amazing. Only in his twenties, he has reached the realm of the second-order **** king. This talent is not much better than that of the disciples of the six major sects!" Xiao Patriarch's face surged. Grim look.

"Father, I am not her opponent, it seems that those people have to take action." Xiao Jing said.

"No problem, I have already contacted Qin Shu. For tomorrow's game, Qin Shu will naturally clean up her! Humph! Little bitch, if you kill my daughter, I will definitely make you worse off than death!" Xiao Patriarch snorted angrily.

Then Xiao Jing left Xiao Mansion and went straight to the palace.

Outside the huge palace wall, Cang Yuwei looked at Xiao Jing impatiently, "Xiao Jing, it's so late, what's the matter with you asking me out?"

"Weiwei, I love you so much. Are you really unwilling to give me a chance? If you are not a sage, who can do nothing?" Xiao Jing looked at her painfully.

People can not escape from doing wrong? Cang Yuwei couldn't help but sneer at the corner of her mouth when she heard the words. Now she even used this sentence.

It's a pity that no matter how he pretends, she won't be fooled anymore!

His city is extremely deep and terrifying.

"If it's okay, I will leave." Cang Yuwei said coldly.

"Wait, Weiwei." Xiao Jing shouted, the expression on his face was very calm and indifferent, "Since you are determined, I won't force it anymore. But can you walk with me for the end? Is it the last farewell?"

"I'm leaving Canglang City in a few days, and decided to go outside for a bit of experience. Having stayed in Canglang City for too long, I almost forgot the excitement of the outside world..." Xiao Jing's mouth raised a wry smile.

"Before I didn't know how to cherish you, but I was stupid. Situ Mingrui is a good person, and I hope he can bring you happiness."

Cang Yuwei frowned. Ming Rui was a good person, but she and Ming Rui were just friends. At that time, she said so to prevent Xiao Jing from pestering herself.

However, she wouldn't say it. Since Xiao Jing misunderstood, let him misunderstand it, as long as he doesn't bother himself.

"This is something you gave me before, and I will give it back to you now." Xiao Jing's palm flicked, and he took out a piece of cute gadgets, some were butterflies made of straw, some jade pendants, ornaments and the like. .

Although it is not as precious as the pill, it is also her heart.

Seeing that he was going to pay it back to herself at this moment, Cang Yuwei was stunned and stretched out her hand to take it.

His gaze fell on these things, his expression was slightly emotional, he sighed softly, and then put it into the ring between his fingers.

Although there is no love for him, but thinking of the past, I can't help feeling, it's normal.

"Weiwei, finally walk with me." Xiao Jing begged.

Looking at his pleading face and what he had just said, Cang Yuwei sighed, "Okay."

Now that he has let go, it doesn't hurt to walk with him.

Unknowingly, I walked to the edge of the Canghe River outside the sparsely-traveled Cangcheng Wolf. Above the dark sky, a bright moon hung in the sea of ​​stars. The faint silver brilliance shed from the sky and fell on the clear and deep river. Sparkling.

The evening breeze was blowing, with a hint of coolness.

"Well, it's getting late, I'm going back to the palace." Cang Yuwei said.

"Okay, I'll give it to you." Xiao Jing smiled on his face, looking like a gentle gentleman like Qian Qian.

"No need..." Cang Yuwei waved her hand. Suddenly her face turned pale, her head felt a little dizzy, her legs were soft, and she fell behind her, but collapsed in Xiao Jing's arms.

"Weiwei, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Jing asked concerned.

"Strange, how come I feel that I don't have any strength..." She shook her head, trying to get up from Xiao Jing's arms, but was hugged tightly by him.

"You let me go, Xiao Jing, you let me go!" Cang Yuwei was furious, but she was helpless, unable to use her strength, and even her words seemed to be coquettish, without a trace of majesty at all.

"Weiwei, I can't let go of you yet. Obediently follow me back to Xiao Mansion, and I will let go of you." There was a wicked sneer on Xiao Jing's face. How could there be a half-point warmth and respect?

Cang Yuwei was shocked when she heard this, and only now did she understand that she was deceived by Xiao Jing! She was suddenly weak, it must be related to him!

"What the **** did you do to me?" The cold beautiful eyes stared at him angrily.

"Hehe, I didn't do anything, I just applied some fragrance and sensuality." Seeing the woman in her arms gradually reddened face, like a delicious cherry, it was so tempting, Xiao Jing couldn't help feeling the rise in her lower abdomen. With a fiery heat, he couldn't help but stretched out his hand to attack Cang Yuwei's chest.

Cang Yuwei was shocked with a panic expression on her face, struggling constantly, crying, "Let go of me, you let me go...Xiao Jing, you bastard...I want to kill you..."

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