Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 122: Insidious

Mu Qianyue exchanged all the merit points gained into spirit jade, but it was only five yuan. The speed of exchanging spirit jade by completing the task was a bit slow, and not every time he was so lucky to hunt the second-order monster beast. And do not die.

Thinking of what Chu Tiange said before, he could exchange pills with pills, and his eyes lit up. This is a good way to exercise his pill refining ability and exchange spirit jade. Then Mu Qianyue learned from Sheng Shixin the rules of how to exchange pill for merit points.

When she came out of the Gongde Hall, Mu Qianyue felt a pair of cold eyes staring at her behind her like poisonous snakes, and disappeared when she turned her head.

The delicate eyebrows frowned lightly, then stretched out, and walked out of the gate hall.

Because Chu Tiange had to go home to take care of Chu Xiaoxue, he did not live in the college, but went home every night.

Mu Qianyue returned to the small courtyard where she lived, and her consciousness entered the Tongtian Pagoda, preparing for alchemy.

"Stupid woman, you can enter the second floor of the Tongtian Pagoda." Tian Shuo's voice sounded from the side, with carved facial features clearly distinguished, and with a young and childish air, under the flying sword eyebrows, a pair like water There was a cynical smile in his eyes.

"Can you enter the second floor of the Tongtian Pagoda?" After hearing this, Mu Qianyue's eyes lit up, and her heart was a little excited. When she got the first floor, she got a god-level exercise technique. I don't know what is on the second floor? Thinking about it, I really look forward to it!

Tian Shuo rolled his eyes angrily, "It's already done, okay? You can enter the second floor if you reach the first-order martial artist. You are intoxicated in the love of that black-bellied cunning stinky fox all day, of course you don’t know. Up."

Mu Qianyue curled her lips, ignored him, and went directly to the second floor of Tongtian Tower.

The second layer of space is empty, with an old parchment scroll floating in the sky.

Could it be combat skills? Mu Qianyue was taken aback for a moment, a little disappointed, she thought it was a baby, she was really overjoyed.

She stretched out her hand to grab the parchment scroll in her hand and opened it. When she saw the introduction in the book, her cold eyes stared incredibly at the boss, her beautiful face showed shock and excitement, and she almost jumped up with joy.

This turned out to be a stealth combat technique! !

Invisible! This Nima is simply against the sky! I've only seen it on TV series before, but I haven't really seen it before. Now I see a stealth combat technique, can I not be excited?

This stealth combat technique is called "Invisible Assault" and it is divided into two parts, one is stealth and the other is attack.

‘Hidden’ is to enter the invisibility state 1.5 seconds after the squeeze, which can be maintained for five seconds.

As for the ‘attack and killing’, it is possible to rush forward a certain distance. For example, in battle, if you encounter an enemy that is difficult to deal with, if you use an attack and kill, it will suddenly disappear and appear behind the enemy. It must be able to reverse the situation and turn defeat into victory! Another advantage is the best cheat device for fleeing life and death!

Mu Qianyue immediately sat cross-legged, carefully reading every sentence in her mind with all her concentration, and after learning the mental formulas inside, she stood up and muttered quietly, "Three thousand worlds, Reckless universe, all laws return to one, all things return to the original, nothing is born out of nothing, something is born out of nothing, it seems to be non-nothing, it seems to be nothing, there is also nothing, whether there is nothing but nothing..."

Such a long passage was almost like a tongue twister, so Mu Qianyue was almost dizzy, and as the last word uttered, "Hidden!"

Mu Qianyue's eyes widened, she looked left and right, her mind was full of doubts, is she a stealth success?

Can you see me? Can't see me?

Thinking that there is still a living person in the space of Tongtian Pagoda, Mu Qianyue quickly rushed to Tian Shuo and asked, "Can you see me?"

"Idiot, I am not blind." Tian Shuo glanced at her.

"Uh..." Mu Qianyue touched her chin awkwardly, well, the practice failed.

Finally, after Mu Qianyue asked "Can you see it?" for the ninth time, Tian Shuo finally waved his hand impatiently, "Stupid woman, your understanding is too bad, but I used to praise your talents, really... …Hey! My Tian Shuo has gone wrong!"

Mu Qianyue's face turned black, and she had the urge to beat someone. It's all because of the bad mental formula, and it's so difficult to understand why? After practicing for almost one night, I still can't get it out, so depressed! I feel like I am going crazy, just like those mental patients, holding a leaf, and asking stupidly, can you see me?

puff! I really want to vomit blood? !

"You didn't feel the real mood in the formula, the realm of being born out of nothing, born out of nothing, seemingly non-nothing, seemingly nothing but something!" Tian Shuo said.

Mu Qianyue closed her eyes, thinking about the meaning of these sixteen characters in her mind, something is born out of nothing, nothing is born out of nothing, it seems there is not nothing, it seems nothing but something...

Slowly Mu Qianyue sank into meditation, feeling that she seemed to merge with the air, I am the air, the air is me... If there are people on the scene, you will notice that Mu Qianyue's body gradually becomes transparent, as if pure The extremely clear crystal gradually disappeared into the air.

Only five seconds later, Mu Qianyue appeared in the air again, but he was no longer in the same place, but ten meters away.

"It still doesn't work. The fluctuations during stealth and appearance are too great. If the opponent's soul power is slightly stronger, you can feel it, especially when performing assault and killing, the energy and killing intent it brings is too strong... "Xiu's eyebrows twisted lightly, Mu Qianyue did not rest, but practiced stealth attack again.

Before dawn, Mu Qianyue was exhausted and relieved. After a night of practice, she was still very dissatisfied.

"Okay, this is a combat skill of the heavenly rank. You can comprehend the mystery in one night. It is already very good. Practice the rest slowly." Tian Shuo said.

Mu Qianyue curled her lips, and that was the only thing she could do. After taking out a pill and taking it, she replenished the true vitality consumed in the body, and felt that her soul power and energy had recovered, and then she exited the Tongtian Tower space.

The first ray of sunlight in the morning rises from the sky, and the gorgeous golden glow breaks through the clouds and falls from the clouds, passing by the bustling and prosperous Qingfeng City, sliding past the glazed and tiled pavilions, and finally shines into this piece of deep tranquility In the small courtyard.

After washing up, Mu Qianyue stretched her waist. After seeing the quiet neighboring courtyard, a sly light flashed through her eyes.

After practicing for a whole night without verifying the effect of the insidious attack, why don't you try with King Lintian?

Mu Qianyue moved to the neighboring courtyard very lightly, looked at the open window, smiled at the corners of her lips, pinched her hands, her slender figure gradually turned into a crystal-like color, and finally interacted with the air. Melt into one, until completely invisible...

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