Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 123: shining white……

The figure hidden in the air moved and swept in from the window, and at the same time the invisibility tactics came out, silently hiding in the air.

Fragmented sunlight sprinkled into the house through the red sandalwood lattice window, and shone on the person on the bed. The white, flawless and delicate skin seemed to be coated with a layer of gold gauze, with almost perfect and elegant lines, and a strong chest. Like a gorgeous artwork.

Hmm... I really want to go to the bathroom, should I go? But he still wants to sleep, Jun Lintian turned over, his heart is very tangled, and he can't hold it anymore...

He opened his sleepy eyes, got up in a daze, got up, and the thin silkworm covering his waist was slid down.

As soon as Mu Qianyue slid into the window, she saw a white buttocks twisted in front of her, her face flushed, and a hint of anger in her sweet voice, "Rogue!"

"Bang!" With a kick out mercilessly, Jun Lintian fell out without even reacting, and fell directly into a dog-eating shit. He was instantly awake from the state of confusion, and he sat up from the ground, puzzled and puzzled. Look around, a woman was talking just now! I was kicked!

But I turned my head and looked at the closed door, and then at the empty room, where is there anyone?

A cold wind passed by the window, and the shadow of the tree shook, but there was no trace of anyone...

"Ah! There's a ghost!" Jun Lintian's face paled with fright, his hands were trembling around his chest, and it seemed that the other party was still a female ghost!

Mu Qianyue quickly returned to her courtyard, her transparent figure gradually condensing, a trace of crimson appeared on her beautiful white face, she couldn't help cursing in a low voice, Jun Lintian was a big pervert, naked and sleeping! Fortunately, she just saw someone's white ass, otherwise... Hey, if Nalan knew about this, she might be jealous again.

Being jealous is a trivial matter, maybe someone's **** will suffer.

Mu Qianyue went to the cafeteria for breakfast. When the meal was fragrant, Jun Lintian came over and sat down opposite her. With a strange look on his handsome and resolute face, he looked around and then approached Mu Qianyue's ear. He whispered, "Qianyue, I tell you one thing, you must not tell others."

"What's the matter?" Mu Qianyue felt a little guilty in her heart, shouldn't he notice anything?

"There is a ghost here! I was peeked by a female ghost this morning!" Jun Lintian said seriously.

"Puff!" Mu Qianyue almost sprayed out the porridge in his mouth, there is a ghost? This kid doesn't think of himself as a female ghost, right?

Seeing her strange constipation look, Jun Lintian was anxious, thinking she didn't believe it, and immediately added, "There is really a ghost here! It was in my room, and I kicked my **** this morning!" I pointed to my buttocks, and it still hurts.

"Um... Why didn't I meet? It seems you are lucky." Mu Qianyue buried his head in the meal, lest he could see any clues.

After eating breakfast, today is free training, no class, you can practice or practice combat skills at will.

Thinking of the insidious attack practiced last night, there are still many shortcomings, Mu Qianyue wanted to find a quiet place to practice again. After all, the combat skills of insidious attack are too bad, so far, this is what she sees. The first combat skill ever that has stealth, advancement, assault, and escape, if it is leaked out, it is inevitable that no one will be jealous, so it is natural to be more careful.

The Tianwu Continent has very few physical and combat skills, let alone those with stealth functions.

Mu Qianyue walked to the back mountain of the outer courtyard alone, passing through the curved corridors and gardens, pavilions, and pavilions, and came to a lush dense forest. A fresh and elegant fragrance floated from the front, leaving with the fragrance of flowers. Suddenly he opened up.

I saw that an ancient and tall crape myrtle flower bloomed extremely luxuriantly, with purple petals covered with branches, like flying purple butterflies, dancing in the wind. When the wind passed, the purple petals fell gently, and the fragrance floated, covering the whole area, like a gorgeous and exquisite red carpet.

Mu Qianyue was slightly surprised, and looked at this ancient crape myrtle tree with some surprise. The trunk was smooth and clean, and the ancient branches seemed to have endless vitality and full of vitality.

Next to the crape myrtle tree is a huge pool of water. The turbulent water falls from a hundred-foot-high rock wall, and the sound of rumbling water is like a long rhythmic song.

Phoenix eyes squinted lightly and his eyes fell on a rock reef in the middle of the pool. Mu Qianyue had an idea in her heart. This is the best place to practice stealth. Usually, few people come, and the geographical environment is good.

Fingers squeeze the tactics, the clothes are flying, and the sweet and sweet voice slowly falls, "Hidden!"

The purple shadow gradually turned into a transparent color, and finally completely merged into the air. Mu Qianyue, who was hidden in the air, moved towards the pool of water.

A gust of wind suddenly blew across the empty pool with no one and no waves, and a ring of ripples swayed.

Mu Qianyue landed on the rocky reef, her cold phoenix eyes lightly narrowed, and the movement was still too great, no, continue practicing.

She must be able to pass the wind to the extent that there is no trace, otherwise others will easily detect the abnormality, and then practice to converge the body's breath.

As time passed, I saw a gust of wind blowing from time to time over the water pool, and from time to time there were waves of ripples. As time went by, the sun became thinner, and the occasional wind on the water pool became smaller and smaller. In the end until it disappeared, the pool was as calm as a mirror, without a trace of ripples...

"Huh...Finally succeeded!" Mu Qianyue landed on the rocky reef and let out a light breath. Her mood was extremely relaxed. The day's hard work was not in vain. With this hidden hole card, she felt that her life was safe. Finally had the greatest guarantee.

If I meet those people in black with blood rose marks on the back of their necks, even if they are lost, they won't end up in embarrassment or death.

The time flickered, and one month passed. In the past two weeks, Mu Qianyue was not only practicing, attending classes, and receiving tasks, but also to exchange merit points for alchemy. The alchemy techniques became more proficient, handy, and smooth. 'S promotion to the realm of the second-order martial artist.

After class that day, Chu Tiange came to the training ground of Class 3, with a brilliant blond hair that looked extraordinarily handsome and charming in the dim sunset, with a faint gleam in the gilt-like golden pupils, and a black robe. Fengshen Junyi, scorching its beauty, instantly grabbed everyone's sight.

The girls in Class 3 saw Chu Tiange walk straight to Mu Qianyue's side, and the cool and arrogant face of the gods showed a shallow warm smile, melted like ice and snow, and permeated the spring breeze in March. Across the lake.

"Master, Uncle Pan, he has recruited a group of young people, would you like to check it out?"

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