Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1231: Is everyone here?

After that, she raised her head and looked at Mu Qianyue coldly, "This is your trap, isn't it?"

Mu Qianyue's face was quite innocent, "I don't know what you're talking about." She faintly dropped a word and held Nalanjing's hand, "Jing, let's go."

Nalanjing stretched out his arms to embrace Mu Qianyue's slender waist, not even giving a hint of light to Liu Ruyan.

Mu Yan also didn't even look at her, and then walked out of the hall.

Cang Yuwei raised her eyebrows at her triumphantly, "Liu Ruyan, you are so cheap, you even want to grab your own brother-in-law, are you so short of men?"

After all, ignoring her iron face, went hand in hand with Situ Mingrui.

Seeing Mu Qianyue and Cang Yuwei leaving, Liu Ruyan's eyes were filled with anger and hatred. Until this moment, she also truly understood that she was designed by Mu Qianyue and the others!

It’s just that she doesn’t understand, the person she saw was Nalanjing...

Why is it different from what she imagined...

This time, Liu Ruyan was completely lost and became a **** that everyone despised.


Midnight on the moon.

Liu Ruyan returned to the house wearily, and saw that white figure had arrived in her yard on time. She hurried out quickly, reached out and hugged him, "You are here."

"En." The man put his arm around her waist and kept his hands up and down.

Liu Ruyan frowned, "Why were you so ruthless when you were in the hall tonight?"

The man didn't speak, and held her waist, and went straight into the room. After a fierce cloud and rain, Liu Ruyan's body was soft in his arms, winking like silk, "Lang Jun, you haven't explained tonight in the hall Why are you so ruthless to me?"

When she raised her head to look at the man in front of her, her eyes were incredibly big, she let out a scream, and quickly struggling from his arms, "Ah! Why are you?!"

The man in front of him was full of pockmarks, very ugly, not Nalanjing's handsome face like a god.

What she saw was Nalan Jing just now, why is she now a blue team?

A sneered sneered at the corner of the Blue Army’s mouth, “I’m always there, or who do you think it will be? We used to be sneaky, but now your Majesty has promised you to me, and we don’t need to sneak up again. Hey..."

"Get off!" Liu Ruyan turned pale, roared, stretched out his leg to kick him, but he grabbed the jade leg, and directly started the second storm and lingering.

"Huh! You are my person now, why are you letting me go? Liu Ruyan, just wait to marry me the Blues!" The Blues laughed, and after getting dressed, they took a stride with joy. Leave.

To get such a big beauty like Liu Ruyan, he has to thank Miss Mu, otherwise such a big beauty is not what he can think of.

Seeing the blue army leaving, Liu Ruyan's face suddenly became ashes, extremely ugly, and the cold glow of hatred surged in his eyes.


A few days later, Elder Luo walked into the courtyard with a solemn expression.

Looking at Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing respectfully, "Miss, my uncle, the matter has been found out. Back then, Liu Ruyan deliberately leaked to the Qin family the news that the master and the master were going to Flame Valley. That’s why the mistress was ambushed by the Qin family. The master handed the injured mistress to Liu Ruyan to take care of him. He didn’t expect Liu Ruyan to take advantage of the fact that there was no one around him to kill him in secret. The mistress chose to jump off the cliff...but the mistress was seriously injured and fell from such a high place, I'm afraid..."

Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes, and the cold light in her eyes narrowed, "It really is her."

After a pause, he continued, "My mother's life card is in my hand, and it is still intact. This is enough to prove that my mother is still alive. Elder Luo, you send people to investigate the place where your mother fell. You must find News from mother!"

"Yes!" Elder Luo nodded, a glimmer of joy flashed in his eyes, as long as the mistress is still alive, I am afraid that the mistress's body may be useless...


The thought of Liu Ruyan made Elder Luo's eyes cold. "Miss, what are you going to do with Liu Ruyan? Do you need me to kill her now?"

The mistress treats Liu Ruyan like her own life, but she never expected Liu Ruyan to be so vicious and ungrateful, to do such a conscience!

Let him wish he would choke her to death now!

Had it not been for the appearance of the eldest lady, I am afraid that he and his master would have been deceived by Liu Rumeng, deceived by her hypocritical mask...

And Liu Ruyan is not an orphan at all. Her father is still alive, but he is an insatiable gambler. Over the years, Liu Ruyan has been greedy for more than 10 million Xuanjing coins in Feibaolou, and those precious pills. medicine……

"No." Mu Qianyue waved her hand, cold light surging in her dark phoenix eyes, "I will peel off her hypocritical mask bit by bit, so that the world can see her ugly face! Kill her with a single knife. It's too cheap for her, and being alive will be the biggest pain for her!"

"Yes." Elder Luo nodded respectfully. Since the eldest made her own arrangements, he would not interrupt. Liu Ruyan is indeed a **** woman, **** it!

Then Elder Luo retreated, preparing to search for news about Jin Yilan.

After a month of such peace, in the blink of an eye, it was the wedding of Situ Mingrui and the sixth princess Cang Yuwei.

Since Situ Mingrui bestowed the palace in Canglang City, the wedding banquet was held in Canglang City, and he did not go to Huazhou County.

The Ming Palace had just been renovated and there were no servants or maids, so Mu Qianyue asked Elder Luo to bring some people to help.

The wedding was very lively and the stage was very big, and it was about to catch up with the gift of marrying the princess.

It may be that everyone is trying to please Mu Qianyue, a ten-pin pill, so many people come to give gifts.

In the middle of the night, Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing walked towards Feibao Building.

The cold moonlight faintly fell on the street, making it more cold and lonely, quiet and strange.

Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing walked hand in hand on the clean white jade stone road. The bright moonlight stretched the two of them. The breeze was blowing with a little coolness, and the air seemed to suddenly cool down.

Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing stopped at the same time.

Mu Qianyue lifted her head slightly, her white chin slightly raised, and a cold light flashed in her phoenix eyes, "Come out, you don't have to follow."

When the words fell, several figures flashed out from the dark night, falling in front of Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing, five junior **** kings and three **** king-level powerhouses.

Mu Qianyue saw several acquaintances, Qin Shu, Qin Shu's master Qin Ling, and Liu Ruyan.

"It looks like everyone is here." Mu Qianyue raised a faint smile. When she saw them, there was still peace in her phoenix eyes, without a trace of panic or fear.

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