Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1232: More people bully fewer people [1]

Liu Ruyan looked at Mu Qianyue with cold eyes, with bloodthirsty killing intent on the corners of her lips, "Mu Qianyue, didn't you expect to have today? For this day, I have waited a long time! Today, you must die! All The pain you inflict on me, today I will repay you a hundred times!"

Qin Ling also looked angrily at Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing, "You two **** bastards, you dare to abolish my apprentice's arm. Now I want you to taste it!"

With a wave of his hand, dozens of people around him swarmed down to surround Mu Qianyue and Nalan Jing.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Mu Qianyue's mouth, "I want to waste us, I'm afraid you still don't have that ability!"

Qin Ling had a sneer on his face, "Without a helper, you two will die today! This place has already been enchanted by us, and no one will come to rescue you!"

Liu Ruyan said: "Mu Qianyue, I'm really curious, how did you do it?"

The person she saw was Nalanjing, but she turned into a blue team weirdly, which made her unable to understand.

If it was a disguise technique, she couldn't do it at all, she should be able to find some traces...

Mu Qianyue naturally understood what he was talking about, tick the corner of her mouth, faintly spit out two words, "Illusion."

Liu Ruyan's expression changed, "It turned out to be an illusion!"

No wonder she didn't see through it. At first, she thought the Blues had done a disguise technique. Unexpectedly, Mu Qianyue had put a phantom mirror in her yard long ago.

"This time I was planted in your hands, but tonight, all the hatred and pain, I will definitely give it back to you." Liu Ruyan slowly raised his head, her eyes filled with hatred anger.

The thought of these days was teased by Mu Qianyue, her heart was filled with raging anger, which made her feel ashamed.

However, this time Mu Qianyue will die, and this time they are fully prepared. Five junior **** kings and three **** king-level powerhouses are enough to kill both of them!

Without a helper, it is impossible for them to escape from the net of heaven and earth!

As long as she thought that Mu Qianyue would fall into her hands when she waited, her face showed a sullen and triumphant smile.

Nalanjing didn't speak. His jade-like face was covered with a layer of frost. In his purple pupils, there was a light of blood, and there was a look of contempt on his face. Just these few people see. In my eyes, it is impossible to kill him and Yue'er!

"Everyone! There are only two of them. They will definitely not be our opponents. Kill them at the fastest speed and leave. This enchantment can support a stick of incense!" Qin Ling's voice was in the dark It sounded, with deep hatred and murderous aura.

Qin Shu didn't do it, but stood aside and watched indifferently. He who had abandoned his right hand, had not adapted to holding the sword with his left hand, and his strength was greatly reduced.

Besides, bringing so many strong men this time to kill them is enough!

Liu Ruyan did not take action either, but stood beside Qin Shu and watched quietly. She was only a ninth-order emperor martial artist. She could not get involved in such a battle, and she did not need her to intervene. She just had to wait quietly. Mu Qianyue can become her prisoner!

There were eight strong men, including Qin Ling, and they attacked Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing respectively.

Mu Qianyue's figure moved, her body as light as a swallow, easily avoiding a few sword lights waved in front of her, her body floating in the air, her purple clothes lightly raised.

In the evening breeze, the girl's white chin was slightly lifted, and she raised a cold smile, "It seems that you are planning to bully fewer people."

"So what? In short, no one can save you this time!" Qin Ling sneered with a sneer on the corner of his lips.

"If this is the case, then I have to call a helper, otherwise I will suffer too much." Mu Qianyue said lightly.

Qin Ling's mouth evoked a disdainful ironic smile, "No one can enter this enchantment, do you want to be a helper? Oh, dreaming!"

"Um...I'm afraid I will disappoint you!" Mu Qianyue snorted coldly, her mind moved, and suddenly she saw figures suddenly appearing in the air.

Mu Xueying has silver hair and silver eyes, a white robe, beautiful and cold, like a nine-day fairy who can't eat the fireworks in the world, a second-order god!

Xiao Xuan'er wore a bright red robe, and his red pupils were like shining gems. Meilun Meihuan was also the strength of the second-order **** king.

Long Ting wore a black robe, his expression was cold and cold, the second-order **** king.

Bing Yan's blue robe looked particularly eye-catching in the night sky, and the cruel and bloodthirsty cold light surged in his ice blue eyes, setting off his handsome jade face even more cold, second-order **** king.

Tian Shuo's handsome and evil face had a stern look, and his eyes looked coldly at the opposite Qin Ling, Liu Ruyan and others. In his eyes, there was an undisguised murderous intent, or the strength of the second-order **** king...

The wind took up the robe on Meng Ximo's body and dyed her gentle and beautiful face with a layer of frost, the sword light in her hand exuded a cold light, the first-order **** king...

"It seems that you are arrogant and want to bully my master? You have to ask us if we agree." Tong Ling squinted at the people facing him.

Chu Tiange's brilliant blond hair is very conspicuous in the night sky, like a moxibustion hot sun, his golden pupils are shining with bloodthirsty cold light.

Jin Liye’s handsome face had a somewhat owing smile, and he kept flexing his hands. “There are too many people bullying and few people? I like it the most!”

Qin Ling and Liu Ruyan's eyes widened in horror. Where did these seven people jump out? Once the barrier is opened, no one can break in casually!

And these seven people are all extremely young, with handsome faces and rich appearance, like Yushu Zhilan.

Five of these seven are the second-order **** king, one first-order **** king, and one eighth-order emperor martial artist...

When was the **** king so worthless? At such a young age, he reached the realm of a **** king...

It's incredible!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they almost thought it was a dream!

"That **** woman, leave it to me." Tong Ling directly fixed his gaze on Liu Ruyan, with undisguised murderous in his eyes, and he just wanted to experience the eighth-order emperor's challenge to the ninth-order. Emperor Warrior...

"I'll be the one who severed his hand." Meng Ximo said lightly, with murderous intent on her gentle and beautiful face and directly locked Qin Shu.

Mu Xueying, Chu Tiange, Long Ting, Jin Liye, and Xiao Xuan'er are fighting against the four junior **** kings and the high-ranking **** king Qinling.

"Huh! What if you have these helpers? You are all destined to die here!" Qin Ling's expression is vicious, don't forget, there are three **** emperors on his side, and their strength is enough to kill Nalan Jinghe Mu Qianyue two people.

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