Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1233: More people bully fewer people [2]

After killing the two of them, it is enough to support one's own side.

It's a pity that he imagined too good.

Among the remaining three people, one of them had just stepped into the realm of the **** emperor, and the other two were all the strengths of the first-order **** emperor.

"Jing, leave this to me, and those two to you." Mu Qianyue said lightly.

There was a cold and stern light in her black eyes. The plain white wrist was gently raised, and the Sword of Extinction was condensed in her hand. With her current strength, she could deal with a junior emperor, even if she could not kill him. Reluctantly support, consume the other party.

Nalan nodded, "Then you be careful."

"Don't worry, I will pay attention." Under the night, the woman's white face was surging with blood-eating cold light, and her red lips lightly opened, "The blood of the blue dragon, the talent is open, the nine changes of Tai Chi, immortality!"

At this moment, Mu Qianyue's breath instantly rose from the second-level **** king to the realm of the eighth-level **** king!

The Phantom's footwork unfolded, and the sword light in his hand was raised and rushed to the opposite person quickly.

"The Shadow of the Blood Moon!"

The red light filled the sky, the biting sword light, and the majestic breath rubbed the air, making a sharp and piercing sound.

The entire sky oscillated, slightly distorted, as if it was about to collapse at any time!

On the opposite side, the person's expression changed, a flash of horror flashed in his eyes, and he looked at Mu Qianyue with a stunned expression. What kind of technique was she using? It is possible to forcibly increase the strength of Tier 6 in an instant! This is simply impossible!

Looking at the entire Profound Sky Realm, no one can do this! Even taking the pill that forcibly enhances the strength can only be improved by the first order, and the woman in front of him has directly improved the strength of the sixth order, which is simply incredible!

Seeing the sword light coming from the front, the man no longer hesitated, raising his hand and quickly slashing.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The two sword lights collided fiercely in the sky, making a deafening sound.

The power of the shadow of the blood moon was shattered, Mu Qianyue paused, her body flew backward, and a trace of blood dripped from the corner of her mouth.

Obviously, Mu Qianyue suffered a loss in this confrontation.

The face of the opposite person showed a slightly surprised look, and it seemed that Mu Qianyue could accept his attack! You must know that although he has just been promoted to the Emperor of God, he is several times stronger than Mu Qianyue in strength!

But... she accepted his attack, only slightly injured. How could this not surprise him?

If I changed to another person, he would have been seriously injured and vomiting blood.

"You will not be my opponent. Even if you use your exercises to increase your strength to the level of the eighth-order **** king, you will not be able to beat me! The gap between the **** king and the **** king is not so easy to bridge, if you If you take the initiative to surrender, I might be able to make your death easier." The man said coldly and ruthlessly.

Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes and raised her hand to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth, "surrender? Let you kill? Do you think I am stupid, or are you stupid?"

What an idiot, such a thing can be said!

Even if she died in battle, there is absolutely no reason to surrender and let others kill, and she will not necessarily lose!

Suddenly, the person moved and rushed towards Mu Qianyue, obviously not wanting to give Mu Qianyue a chance to breathe. This woman felt too dangerous for him. If she is not removed as soon as possible, it will be troublesome in the future. ...

Seeing the person who rushed over, Mu Qianyue's heart jumped, her face slightly solemn, "Yuanlong kill!"


Seven Yuanlongs of different colors instantly transformed into giant dragons, and with a terrifying aura, they rushed towards the person!

The person's gaze changed drastically, the power of this move was too powerful, and he was about to catch up with a junior emperor!

During the Fighting Martial Arts Competition that day, he had seen Mu Qianyue perform this trick, but his power at that time was obviously not as strong as it is now!

It seems that she still retains a part of her strength!

Seeing that the seven giant dragons were about to hit his body, he let out a roar, and all the true energy in his body was mobilized at this moment, rushing to the sword in his hand...

The sword light rose in response to the storm, and instantly turned into a great sword of dozens of feet long, slashing forward fiercely!


There was a loud noise, and the whole earth trembled.

The air wave was tumbling, the red light rushed into the sky, and the horrible aura spread to the surroundings, raging in this world.

The strange thing is that no matter how hot the fight is here, the city of Gray Wolf is still quiet, and the people sleeping in the house don't feel any strangeness.

The power of the enchantment was really strong, and it was hit so hard without any damage.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

The powerful impact caused the person's face to change, his figure to a halt, and his feet kept retreating backwards until he took a dozen steps to stabilize his figure.

And Mu Qianyue was seriously injured under the impact of this air wave, a mouthful of blood came out of her mouth, her beautiful face turned pale.

"The realm of life!"

When the mind moved, the realm of life was displayed, and the injuries on the body instantly recovered. At the same time, the realm of life spread, covering Mu Xueying, Chu Tiange and others, and also instantly recovering their injuries, once again energetic and real Full of vitality, the second battle started...

But Qin Ling and the others were not so lucky. Although they did not suffer fatal injuries, they suffered some injuries, and their true energy was generally consumed. If this situation were repeated several times, they might not be able to support it for long.

This is simply an unfair battle!

Originally, there is no fairness in fighting, only strength can decide everything!

On the other side, Nalanjing appeared to be at ease under the attack of two first-order **** emperors, and was not affected at all.

The Nether Realm unfolded, enshrouding the two God Emperors, and the world was dim, and the sun and the moon were dark.

"Uuuuu..." The stern ghost cry sounded, sharp and piercing, making the scalp numb.

A huge ghost will appear in front of the two of them, exuding a terrifying ghost, holding three knives and forks in his hands, fierce and cold, bloodthirsty and cold.

When the two saw this ghost general, they couldn't help but shudder severely, with a look of horror in their eyes. What is this? Ghosts?

Gosh! How could this ghost appear here? And they faintly felt that this ghost would not be virtual, but physical!

This could not help but shock them!

I thought that the strength of the two of them was enough to kill Nalanjing, but he never thought that there would be a ghost in his domain!

This ghost general is still the giant monster beast that Nalanjing conquered in the City of Dreams a few years ago. He conquered him into the Nether Realm and became a ghost general!

Under the attack of Nalanjing and Ghost General No. 1, the two gods were seriously injured.

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