Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1234: The end of Ruyan Liu [1]

"Nether Suppression! Surrender!"

With a soft drink, the cold and terrifying ghost aura continuously radiated from Nalanjing's white-clothed, snow-like body, and pressed hard against the two.

There were painful expressions on the two people's faces, struggling constantly, trying to break free from Nalanjing's suppression.

But the weird ghost energy penetrated into their minds, constantly devouring their consciousness, under this ghost energy, they have no resistance!

Gradually, they stopped struggling, their eyes became dull, and they stood respectfully and obediently behind Nalanjing.

"Go and kill them all." Nalanjing said lightly.

The purple eyes squinted lightly, the killing aura was terrifying, and the ghostly aura all over his body was astonishing, like a demon **** under the Nine Netherworlds.

It happened that he wore a robe like snow, and his face was as handsome as a god. If you didn't look at the ghosts around him, he looked like a **** on the nine heavens at this moment.

The two contradictory auras blended perfectly in his body, which seemed so natural.

"Yes, Master!" The two ghost generals nodded respectfully, and swooped toward the battle circle below.


The junior **** emperor who was fighting against Mu Qianyue, before he realized what was going on, was hit and flew out with a palm, and fell to the ground fiercely, his face pale, blood constantly pouring from his mouth.

He raised his head, and when he saw his two companions, his eyes quickly flashed with astonishment and shock, and he roared, "What are you two doing?"

The answer to him was the shadow of the palm that fell on his chest, killing him with one blow!

He stared unwillingly, until he died, he couldn't understand why his companion would kill himself in turn...

It's not just him, but everyone else is the same, with a look of confusion and astonishment on their faces. What awaits them is the fate of death...

When Mu Qianyue saw Nalan Jing coming over, her face was delighted, "Jing, is this your Nether Realm? Hmm... Others say that my life and death realm is against the sky, but I think your Nether Realm is even more rebellious. OMG!"

I saw him cast once in the City of Dreams last time, but he didn't expect that his Nether Realm would still have the ability to conquer others and make a ghost general.

In this way, he can have a lot of helpers!

"A total of 108 ghost generals can be subdued in the Nether Realm." Nalanjing's lips filled with a faint smile.

"Wow! One hundred and eight?" Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed, this can form a huge army!

"It deserves to be the man I admire Qianyue, he is abnormal!" Mu Qianyue smiled lightly.

Nalanjing looked at her dozingly.


Seeing the two people who wantonly slaughtered the party, Qin Ling's eyes changed in shock, even if he didn't understand it, he realized a little bit, they both became puppets!

Qin Ling repelled Xiao Xuan'er with one move, then turned and ran.

"Huh! I want to run now? It's late!" Mu Qianyue raised a cold light at the corner of her mouth, lifted her palm lightly, and a sword light blasted out, quickly smashing Qin Ling from the air and falling to the ground. He was seriously injured. More serious, dying.

Mu Qianyue walked slowly in front of Qin Ling with a cold expression, pinched her fingers, and a ray of light flicked out of her slender jade fingers and landed on Qin Ling's eyebrows, "God's blood contract!"

A painful expression appeared on Qin Ling's face, but it only lasted for a while.

Mu Qianyue used the Realm of Life to heal his wounds. The next moment, Qin Ling got up from the ground and bowed respectfully to Mu Qianyue, "Thank you, Master."

The blood contract of God, the puppet of the contract, is extremely domineering.

In addition to the current Qinling Mountains, Mu Qianyue had three puppets, but they did not bring them with him, but left them in the Huanzhou Continent and the Demon Realm.

After a while, all the **** kings were beheaded, leaving only Liu Ruyan and Qin Shu.

A look of fear and panic appeared on Qin Shu's face, and he kept begging for mercy, "Don't kill me, please don't kill me..."

If he were given another chance to come back, he would never seek revenge from Mu Qianyue, let alone follow the words of the Xiao family and trouble Mu Qianyue!

I thought that Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing were only two people, but they didn't expect that they had such a powerful killer move, which was beyond their imagination...

"Don't kill you? Do you think it is possible?" Mu Qianyue looked at him coldly.

"You can also refine me into a puppet, as long as you don't kill me... please... I am the young master of the Qin family, I can help you..." Qin Shu kept begging for mercy.

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue's eyes narrowed slightly, well, he didn't expect that he was the young master of the Qin family. If that's the case, just keep him.

The blood contract of the gods was played, and Qin Shu was refined into a puppet in an instant. With Qin Shu and Qinling, it would be much easier to break into the Qin family.

Then Mu Qianyue used the realm of life to restore Qin Shu's arm. After becoming a puppet, Qin Shu had only absolute loyalty to Mu Qianyue.

Looking at his new arm, his eyes were filled with gratitude and loyalty, "Thank you, Master!"

When Liu Ruyan saw that even Qin Shu had surrendered and became Mu Qianyue's puppet, the shock and anger in her heart were even more unspeakable. One was unsettled and was hit by Tong Ling's sword.

"Puff!" She spouted a mouthful of blood, raised her head and looked at Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing with mixed resentment.

In the blink of an eye, she was the only one on her side.

"Liu Ruyan, it seems that I can't die today, but you, it seems to be in danger." Mu Qianyue raised her head to look at the person opposite with a faint smile on her mouth.

Liu Ruyan's expression changed slightly, her eyes drooping slightly, making it difficult to see the light in her eyes.

After a long while, she raised her head, her beautiful face showed a sad and pitiful expression, "Sister Yue'er, why can't we get along peacefully? I admit that I did like my foster father at the beginning, but I didn't make a right to take off. The problem about the building... Stealing the Qiongqi Bloodline Pill at the auction was a momentary confusion for me, but I was punished by you. Why are you aggressive?

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue couldn't help but smile, what is inverted black and white? What is cheeky? This is it!

"You colluded with the Qin family and disclosed to them the whereabouts of my father and mother in the Valley of Fire, which caused them to be attacked by the Qin family. Later, you caused my mother to disappear. You dare to say that you didn't do anything about taking off from the Baolou. My mother kindly takes you in and treats you like your own daughter, but you lie to them that you are an orphan with nothing, but secretly steal the money from Feibaolou to your gambler's father, ha ha... Liu Ruyan , Your face is really thicker than the city wall!"

Mu Qianyue's tone was plain, her mouth seemed to have a faint smile, but the cold and terrifying killing intent in her eyes couldn't hide it.

Hearing this, Liu Ruyan's face paled, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. The sadness and loss on his face quickly converged, and replaced by viciousness, "How did you know? I think it's perfect. Even the foster father didn’t find out!"

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