Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1242: Mix into the Poison Dance Gate

The Poison Swamp was full of crises, but under their leadership, Mu Qianyue gradually figured out a pattern. As long as they walked along their route, they would not encounter traps.

Quietly wrote down this route in his heart.

After passing through the Poisonous Swamp, a forest path paved with bluestone slabs appeared in front of him. The green branches covered the scorching sun above nine days, and there was a trace of tranquility in the shade, and the air was fresh.

Unknown little flowers bloom on both sides of the road, purple and red, it looks really beautiful, butterflies flying, like a fairyland.

Mu Qianyue was taken aback, thinking that the Poison Dance Gate was a place of cold Dian people, but never thought that the environment was very elegant.

However, this Poison Dance Gate was originally founded by Moshang Fengling's father, which shows that his father spent a lot of thoughts at the time.

Crossing the bluestone road, a luxurious palace appeared in front of him.

The palace is built in a valley, surrounded by mountains, full of verdant, winding paths, it is a good place.

A tall bluestone archway stands in front of the hall, with the three characters of Poison Dance Gate, vigorous and powerful, dragons flying and phoenix dancing.

Elder Poison Dance Gate led Mu Qianyue all the way into the hall.

"Door, madam." The elder walked into the hall, reporting to the men and women in front of him.

Mu Qianyue raised her eyes and saw a man and a woman sitting in the hall, all frowning or looking angry.

The man touched about forty, with a hint of coldness in his eyes. The woman was about his age, dressed in gorgeous and exquisite robes. She looked graceful and dignified, and looked like a full-length lady. Although she was over forty, she still had the charm, but The look on her face looked a bit mean.

When the two heard this, they raised their heads and looked at the people who walked in from outside the temple. Hao Xun frowned, slightly displeased, "Sixth elders, didn't I let you go shopping? Why did you come back so soon? "

"Sect Master, I found a pill master to come back." The Sixth Elder replied, giving way to the side, revealing Mu Qianyue who was following behind him.

"Pill Pharmacist?" Hao Xun's gaze fell on Mu Qianyue's body, and he looked it up and smiled disdainfully, "Why did you find such a young person? Is he really a Pill Pharmacist? Even if he is a pill Pharmacist, I am afraid that the poison on Lin'er can't be cured either!"

Mu Qianyue's gaze was looking at the two people above, and they were Hao Xun and Pan Shuyi.

That is, the pair of dog men and women who killed Moshang Fengling's father and disfigured her.

Before coming, Mu Qianyue had seen the portraits of the two of them. Twenty years later, their appearance hasn't changed much. They are similar to those painted by Moshang Windbells, so Mu Qianyue can recognize them at a glance.

The Sixth Elder's expression was slightly stiff, "Well, let him try it, maybe it's really useful."

"Huh! I don't know how many medicine pill masters have been searched these years, but they are helpless. Even the people from the Medicine King Sect have been invited, and it has no effect. What can he do?" Hao Xun disdainfully hummed.

"It's really weird. Our Poison Dance Sect is known for its poison in the Profound Heaven Realm. It can be said to be a master of poison. There is no poison in this world that we can't solve. But the poison in Lin'er's body, we can't do anything... …" Pan Shuyi said with a haggard and tired expression, reaching out and rubbing her eyebrows.

"Lin'er has become like this since he came back from the City of Dreams. It must be the woman named Mu Qianyue! I heard that she killed even the eldest of the Xiao family!" Hao Xun said angrily, palming her hand. After making a heavy shot, it fell on the table, and the table under his hand fell to pieces immediately after hearing a crisp sound.

"It's a pity that we can't go to the Huanzhou Continent, nor can we get her revenge, otherwise I will have to tear her apart!" Pan Shuyi gritted her teeth bitterly, an angry look in her eyes.

Little did they know that Mu Qianyue was in front of them right now.

"Sect Master, today I saw her on the street to save people by refining alchemy. That person was dying, and he was saved by her... Now the young master is already like this, it doesn't hurt to let her see, maybe there is a glimmer of hope. "The Sixth Elder thought for a while and said.

Hao Xun and Pan Shuyi changed their expressions and looked at each other.

Pan Shuyi's eyes sank, and thought, "Since it's here, let him try it, and don't care if there is one more."

"Alright." Hao Xun waved weakly.

"Yes, ma'am, then I will take him over now." Sixth elder nodded.

"Wait!" Mu Qianyue shouted, her handsome face showed a touch of indignation, "I am a dignified pill pharmacist, but I am so despised by you, I will not be cured!"

The expressions of Hao Xun and Pan Shuyi suddenly sank.

The Sixth Elder was startled, and turned his head to look at her quickly, with a somewhat embarrassed expression, "Your Excellency, don't be angry, because my young master has been poisoned for four years, and my family master and wife broke it. Xin, almost all the pill masters who have been invited to the entire Xuantian realm are helpless, so seeing you so young, that's why...I hope you don't get offended."

Hao Xun kept his eyes cold, looking at Mu Qianyue with sullen eyes.

Pan Shuyi also looked at her sullenly, the two of them were like beasts hung in the dark.

"Huh! So what? I'm a ten-pin pill pharmacist, and my master's pill technique has reached the **** level. For so many years, I have never dared to look down upon me, but never let you little Poison Dance Sect despise you today? If you don't apologize, I will let my master come and level this place!" Mu Qianyue showed her passionate and indignant expression to the fullest.

"Who is your master?" Hao Xun's eyes changed, a look of excitement filled his eyes.

God-level pill pharmacist, that is an existence beyond the tenth rank realm!

"Humph! In the entire Xuantian realm, how many people can have the pill technique reach the **** level?" Mu Qianyue raised his chin proudly, a look of contempt in his eyes.

"Is your master Yaoziqiu senior?" Hao Xun asked quickly.

"Humph!" Mu Qianyue snorted coldly and did not answer, but in Hao Xun's eyes, he confirmed his guess. After changing his slack and contempt, he quickly walked down from above, "It turns out that Xiao My brother’s master is Yaoziqiu-senior, it’s really disrespectful. I wonder if Yaoziqiu-senior can be around here?"

"My master didn't come, but I have all the true biography of my master." Mu Qianyue snorted lightly.


Um, let's borrow his name first.

"Little brother, I'm really sorry for what happened just now. Please don't take it to heart. If you can cure my son's poison, you can talk about anything." Pan Shuyi also put on an amiable smile, looking just like Like the big sister next door.

The speed of this face change was so fast that even Mu Qianyue couldn't help but slap her tongue secretly.

Mu Qianyue still had a cold face, she walked straight to the next position and sat down, her legs were raised, her face was arrogant.

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