Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1243: Suspected【1】

As a ten-pin pill pharmacist and the apprentice of god-level pill pharmacist Yao Ziqiu, how could he not be a little arrogant? So of course Mu Qianyue had to do it.

Otherwise it will arouse their suspicion. The more arrogant she is, the more respect she will make them look forward to.

Hao Xun's face changed, he lowered his posture, and asked in a low voice, "Little brother, I don't know how you are willing to treat the poison on my son?"

Even if he can't cure it, if he can use medicine Ziqiu, then there is hope for Lin'er's poison!

"If you want me to save him, show your sincerity." Mu Qianyue raised her eyes proudly.

"Yes, yes." Hao Xun nodded very badly, with a flattering smile, turned his head to the sixth elder beside him, gritted his teeth and said, "Go and fetch the thousand-year-old ice lotus from the treasury."

Thousand-year ice lotus? Although snow lotus is rare, it is not very precious, but the thousand-year ice lotus is different.

The Sixth Elder was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately turned around to fetch it. After a while, he saw him walking over with a jade box carved from jadeite.

When you opened it, a refreshing breath came to your face, and the temperature in the whole room dropped a lot. The refreshing breath didn't make people feel cold.

Thousand-year ice lotus as a whole is carved out of ice. The petals of ice crystal color reflect charming brilliance under the dim light.

Pan Shuyi's eyes fell on the thousand-year-old ice lotus with a trace of reluctance in her eyes, but when she thought of Hao Kailin lying on the bed dying, she grabbed the trace of reluctance in her eyes. Nothing precious can compare to her son's life.

Hao Xun took the Thousand-Year Snow Lotus from the Sixth Elders and walked to Mu Qianyue with a pleasing smile on her face, "Little brother, this Thousand-Year Ice Lotus is looking forward to your acceptance."

"Thousand-year ice lotus? Well, I'll take it." Mu Qianyue unceremoniously reached out and took it, shaking her palm, and then she collected it into the space.

Then he looked up at Hao Xun and Pan Shuyi in front of him and said, "Take me over now."

Hao Xun quickly and respectfully took Mu Qianyue to Hao Kailin's residence.

The room was filled with a pungent smell, which was the smell of meat slowly decaying.

Hao Kailin was lying on the bed dying, but not dead, his eyes half-squinted and half-opened, and his brows frowned, looking very painful.

"Little brother, look..." Hao Xun looked at Mu Qianyue hopefully.

Pan Shuyi and the sixth elder also stood aside and looked at her quietly.

Mu Qianyue stepped forward, first took the pulse for Hao Xun, then looked at his eyelids and waited a little bit, then raised her head and said, "Master Ling's poison has penetrated the internal organs, and it is very difficult to heal it. However, it is not impossible..."

Hearing Mu Qianyue's words, the eyes of Hao Xun and others lit up, and Hao Xun said quickly, "Does the little brother need any medicinal materials? Just tell me, I will find them all."

Pan Shuyi's face was also happy, the Sixth Elder smiled, this time he finally found the wrong person! I was in the mood to give it a try, but I didn't expect to have such great hope...

Over the years, they have looked for many pill masters, and everyone who saw Hao Kailin shook his head and sighed, saying that there was no way.

Mu Qianyue was the first person to say that it was possible. Although only a glimmer of hope was seen, it still made them excited.

"Well, I will relieve his pain first, and then find a way to study the antidote." Mu Qianyue frowned.

Hao Xun and Pan Shuyi nodded when Mu Qianyue said it could relieve Hao Kailin's pain. In the past few years, they heard Hao Kailin's painful groan, making the last sound like a dying person.

Mu Qianyue flicked her palms, took out a few acupuncture, first detoxified the poison with flames, and then pierced Hao Kailin's body. After a while, she saw Hao Kailin opened his eyes and frowned slowly. The stretched out.

His eyes opened slowly, and a trace of clarity was restored, but the face was still extremely pale. Mu Qianyue found that he was a lot thinner than four years ago. Now it can be described as skinny.

The current Hao Kailin was tortured by the venomous disease and pain, lying in bed day and night, unable to eat, drink, and sleep well. He could only rely on the pill to continue his life and was naturally too thin.

But there was no sympathy in Mu Qianyue's eyes, and there must be something hateful about the poor.

Although the people who committed the mistakes were Hao Xun and Pan Shuyi, and had nothing to do with Hao Kailin, but in the City of Dreams, he poisoned Situ Mingrui and the others at a disagreement, and wanted to conspiracy against them, so Mu Qianyue was not Will save him.

She was not so kind to save a close friend's enemy.

But it's okay to ease his pain.

Seeing Hao Kailin sober, Hao Xun and Pan Shuyi were overjoyed, and they quickly greeted him with warmth and care.

Looking at Mu Qianyue, there was a hint of respect and joy in her eyes. It seemed that he was really Yaoziqiu's apprentice.

For Mu Qianyue's words, there was no doubt.

What Hao Xun was even more curious about was the acupuncture in Mu Qianyue's hands. This was the first time he saw such a thing. He couldn't help but asked curiously, "Little brother, what is this thing in your hand? It looks so delicate and small. Just putting a few sticks on my son's body can relieve my son's pain. It's really amazing..."

"This is a method of acupuncture and moxibustion that my master has researched. It is based on the acupuncture points of the human body." Mu Qianyue looked at him disdainfully, "Why? Do you want to learn?"

"No, no... How dare I learn." Hao Xun quickly laughed.

It turned out to have been researched by Yaoziqiu, no wonder he hadn't seen it before.

Even if he wanted to learn, he didn’t dare to show it on his face. What pill masters hate most is that others steal it. If the pill master in front of him knows what he wants to learn, he will be furious and won’t do it Take care of Lin'er.

Pan Shuyi stretched out her hand and gently stabbed him, indicating that he could write down secretly, and then practice in the room alone.

Hao Xun motioned to her and nodded, expressing his understanding.

"You take some of his flesh and blood, let me study what poison is in him." Mu Qianyue put away the acupuncture and said lightly.

Then hand over the acupuncture to the sixth elder, "Go and clean it, then disinfect it with fire."

The Sixth Elder quickly reached out and took it respectfully, and then went to clean and disinfect. He didn't dare to disobey Mu Qianyue's words for fear of offending her.

"Little brother, what are the human acupuncture points you just mentioned? Are they referring to those acupuncture points on the tendons?" Pan Shuyi asked with a smile.

"Ask so much what?" Mu Qianyue looked at her pretendingly, "I will take his flesh and blood and send it to my yard. By the way, where do I live?"

Pan Shuyi's face became stiff, and she smiled, "I will order you to stay."

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