Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1248: Divorce【3】

"Oh, I will find out what poison is in me!" Hao Xun's eyes flashed, looking cold and unfeeling.

Leaving this sentence aside, Hao Xun left.

A few days later, Hao Xun came to Mu Qianyue's yard again, saying that he had found the poison, it was Juezisan, and told Mu Qianyue all the toxic ingredients.

In order for Hao Xun to trust herself, Mu Qianyue naturally had to formulate a real antidote for Juezisan, but the antidote was slow and needed to be cured and adjusted slowly.

Hao Xun was convinced of this, and even valued Mu Qianyue during this period of time. He came over to ask her anything about it, which surprised Mu Qianyue.

"Master Hao, now your physical problem has been resolved. It won't be long before the young master's poison will be cured. This is really a double happiness." Mu Qianyue said.

"Huh! What a double happiness! He is not my son at all!" Hao Xun's eyes filled with a fierce light.

"Lin'er is only twenty-two years old now. I was hit by Juezisan twenty-four years ago. This shows that he is not my son at all." Hao Xun said angrily.

"Is it sure?" Mu Qianyue deliberately showed shock and surprise in her eyes.

"Of course it is!" Hao Xun gritted his teeth bitterly.

Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes, "Then Madam Hao..."

The latter words are not said, the meaning is obvious.

"That adulterer is definitely in this poisonous dance gate, if I catch them two, they must be better than dead!" Hao Xun said angrily.

Mu Qianyue shook her head and sighed, her expression very pitiful, "Master Hao, handsome and handsome, Yushu Linfeng, and the master of a family, I really don't understand why Madam Hao wants to... Hey, I saw you and your wife have a deep love before , I am quite envious, but I didn't expect it to be...the human heart is really unpredictable."

Hao Xun's face became gloomy again. Mu Qianyue praised him in front, and a smile appeared on his face, but when he thought of Pan Shuyi's betrayal, his face became extremely cold.

Over the years, he asked himself to be very good to her, because her jealousy prevented him from marrying a concubine, so he also followed her.

Unexpectedly, she betrayed herself! I also gave myself a son-in-law with that adulterer. I cannot forgive him!

"I have been busy checking the affairs of Juezisan these days. I have no time to find out who the adulterer is." Hao Xun's eyes were gloomy.

"If Master Hao is okay, you can go to the back mountain more in the middle of the night to walk around." Mu Qianyue kindly reminded.

Hao Xun's expression changed, "Did you see something?"

"I didn't see anything, I just heard the voice of love between men and women. That was still half a month ago. Maybe it was the maid and some guard in the door..." Mu Qianyue said lightly.

Hearing these words in Hao Xun's ears, it was naturally different. Obviously, he didn't believe anything about maids and guards.

After squinting his eyes and thinking for a while, Hao Xun arched his hand to Mu Qianyue with a sincere and thankful look, "Little brother Yaoyan, thank you so much! If you didn't come to my Poison Dance Gate, I'm afraid I will always be The **** is fooled in the dark!"

"Master Hao, what I hate most is deceit and betrayal! Especially for a good person like Master Hao. Although the Poison Dance School is a poisonous man, Master Hao is just and generous, which I admire very much." Mu Qianyue flattered.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t wear any flattery. It doesn’t matter if you flatter yourself when necessary. In this way, they can kill each other without a fight. Why not?

After a while, Hao Xun secretly stared at the small woods in the back mountain, and there was no movement at all for several days.

It was pitch black all around, only a few ray of moonlight sprinkled from the sky, and fell through the branches, and the surroundings were still dim.

Under the dimly lit tree, a man was faintly visible standing, and the pale silver brilliance fell on his back, causing Hao Xun's figure to shock, the elder? Why is he here? Is that adulterer him?

Just as Hao Xun was thinking this way, a faint sound of footsteps came from the bluestone road next to him.

The woman wore a graceful and luxurious brocade gown with exquisite make-up. She looked very glamorous and swayed step by step.

Hao Xun's complexion changed, Pan Shuyi! She really came here to privately meet men, and now he can almost conclude that the adulterer is the elder!

If otherwise, why did these two people sneak over here in the middle of the night?

"Yi'er, you are finally here." The great elder heard the footsteps coming from behind, with a happy expression on his face, he turned around and held her hands quickly, looking at her with fiery eyes.

"Why do you always make appointments with me these days? It's not good if you get caught." Pan Shuyi frowned worriedly.

The great elder reached out his arm around her waist, moved his hands up and down, with a scornful look in his eyes, "Are you afraid he will find out? Haha... Hao Xun's stupid pig will never find out, otherwise we will be in love. In a few years, if he had been smart, he would have discovered it a long time ago, and he would not wait until today."

"But... he's been a little weird lately, so he doesn't care about me." Pan Shuyi's eyes were full of worry.

"Are you thinking about him?" The elder squinted his eyes and looked very unhappy.

"That's not the case. He used to cling to me and suddenly didn't like to pay attention to me, so I felt a little weird. Recently, he was either in the library or practicing in retreat..." Pan Shuyi said lightly.

"Isn't that just convenient for us?" The elder sneered, his eyes fell on Pan Shuyi's flat abdomen in the dim, and he reached out and touched it, "How about? Is there any movement recently?"

Pan Shuyi gave a low laugh, stretched out her hand to wrap his neck, smiled flatteringly, "How can it be so fast, it will take at least a month to know if she is pregnant."

" seems I have to work hard to get you pregnant as soon as possible. Anyway, my stupid Hao Xun~ forced us to raise a son." The elder sneered.

Hao Xun, who was hiding in the grass, turned blue with anger, his eyes filled with raging anger, and he wished to rush to kill the dog and the man and woman!

In the next moment, the dialogue between the Great Elder and Pan Shuyi immediately dispelled his concerns.

"Although he will raise our son for us, don't you want your son to call you daddy?" Pan Shuyi looked at him faintly.

The elder's eyes flashed, "Of course I hope! Every time I see Lin'er called Father Hao Xun, isn't my heart full of jealousy and anger? Yi'er, it won't take long before I can completely kill Hao Xun. , Took the position of the master of the door from him, and now half of the people in this door are ours, wait for me to secretly win over and plan well."

While talking, she began to take off her clothes, and soon the clothes faded away, and the two of them were hot and lingering, rolling on the grass...

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