Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1249: Divorce【4】

Hao Xun's face was full of horror. When did half of the people in the door turn to him? He didn't notice it at all!

He was a little grateful that he didn't rush out just now, otherwise he wouldn't know if he was alive.

Hao Xun suppressed the anger and hatred in his heart and left quietly...

After returning to his room, his heart was still angered and his face was very sullen.

Hao Xun sat down at the table with a cold face, frowned his sword eyebrows tightly, recalling the first time he met the Great Elder. It was exactly 25 years ago when he went out to practice and met the bear king's Attack, it was the great elder who happened to pass by at that time and saved him.

The great elder came here alone for the experience, Hao Xun saw that he was strong and righteous, so he let him enter the Poison Dance Gate and sealed a Ninth Elder.

Over the years, the great elder has repeatedly made extraordinary achievements, and Pan Shuyi kept blowing pillow breeze in her ears, saying how powerful the great elder is.

It happened that the original great elder died when he was on the mission, so he was promoted to the great elder.

Now it seems that all this is planned first, otherwise everything will not be so coincidental!

Thinking of all this makes Hao Xun angry and hateful. He treats him like a brother, but they deceived and betrayed himself. What a damn!

Had it not been for fear of half of his strength, Hao Xun would have liked to kill them now and convulse them...

Suddenly he remembered the woman who loved him so much. She had an alluring face and loved him to the bone. However, he betrayed her, killed her father with his own hands, took away the Poison Dance Gate, and even made her face. Destroy...

"Ling'er, I don't know how you are all these years. When you were injured and ran away, there was no more news. I didn't know if I was alive or dead..." Hao Xun looked at the bright moon outside the window and let out a sound The sad sigh, with a trace of regret.

"Did I hurt you by betraying you back then, so today I deserve all this?"

If he was not confused and confused by Pan Shuyi, would he and Ling'er have loved each other for a lifetime? Will life be happy now?

However, all this was destroyed by himself!

Thinking about it now, Hao Xun felt that the encounter with Pan Shuyi back then was full of coincidences and calculations.

It's a pity that time will never give people a chance to regret.


With a soft sound, the door was pushed open.

Pan Shuyi walked in gently, and when she saw Hao Xun with a gloomy face by the window, her face changed, and a flash of horror flashed in her heart quickly. She forcibly calmed down and raised her lips with a gentle smile, "Husband , Why did you leave the customs so soon?"

"Cultivation has encountered a bottleneck." Hao Xun narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice.

"It's not anxious about cultivation, husband, it's getting late, so let's rest early." Pan Shuyi smiled. After hearing that he was worrying about cultivation, Pan Shuyi's horror was a bit less, and she stepped forward. Reached out to help Hao Xun undress.

Looking up and seeing her stretched out hand, Hao Xun frowned almost invisible, and evaded without a trace, and began to undress by himself, "No, I can do it myself."

As long as he thinks of these two decades of betrayal, as long as he thinks of the scene where she and the elder are entangled together, he feels that her whole body is full of disgusting smell and dirty.

This woman looks beautiful and kind, but she is actually poisonous like a snake!

Fortunately, he found out. Otherwise, death is waiting for him.

Pan Shuyi was taken aback, and Hao Xun was afraid that she would doubt it, so he changed the subject, and while taking off his coat, he asked casually, "It's so late, have you gone out?"

"Well, I went to Lin'er's room to see how his condition is." Pan Shuyi said lightly, with a flattering smile on her face. "Lin'er's complexion has improved a lot recently, and most of the poison has been relieved. It seems that The medicine master of Yaoyan is really amazing."

Fearing that Hao Xun would continue to interrogate, she quickly carried Hao Kailin out.

In the past, every time he was a little jealous of guesswork, as soon as she moved out of Hao Kailin, he immediately forgot, and his eyes and attention were on Hao Kailin. He was always proud of Hao Kailin.

Now that most of Lin'er's poison has been detoxified, Hao Xun will definitely be happy too.

But this time Pan Shuyi did not see much excitement on his face, but a very indifferent appearance, which seemed very perfunctory, "Oh, that's good."

Pan Shuyi was taken aback, her eyes fell on Hao Xun’s face. When Lin’er was dying, Hao Xun was worried day and night. Later, the pharmacist Yaoyan Pill came. He also cared about Lin’er’s condition day and night, but now there is no reaction at all. Up?

Seeing the suspicion and suspicion on her face, Hao Xun quickly changed his words, "Little Brother Yaoyan already told me during the day."

"Oh." Pan Shuyi nodded suddenly, and the suspicion in her heart was completely let go, but she still felt a little uneasy.


During this period of time, Hao Xun was also secretly deploying something, and she tried her best to win over Mu Qianyue, and promised a lot of profit. If she helped Hao Xun eradicate Pan Shuyi, the elder and others, she would be willing to hand over half of the Poison Dance Gate property to she was.

Mu Qianyue knew that he had completely trusted herself.

Time passed in a hurry, and a month has passed.

The next day, Mu Qianyue went to Hao Kailin's room as usual to treat him with poison and regulate his body.

Pan Shuyi asked nervously, "Yaoyan, what's the situation with Lin'er? Can the poison be cured?"

"This poison can be resolved, but because he has been poisoned for too long, he needs to be detoxified slowly. Don't rush for a while. In addition, his body is weak and needs to be taken care of." Mu Qianyue took out a pill and handed it to Pan Shuyi. With a look of excitement on her face, she quickly took over and fed Hao Kailin to take it down.

"Lin'er, what do you think?" Pan Shuyi's eyes fell on him, full of care and tenderness.

"Mother, I feel better." Hao Kailin was lying on the bed, his face was still a little pale, but it was much better than his previous face.

"Yaoyan really thank you so much! Thank you for curing my young master's poison and finally saving him from torture." There was a smile on the face of the elder, and his expression was sincere and moved.

"It's easy to talk." Mu Qianyue smiled.

"Lin'er, hurry up and thank Master Yaoyan." Pan Shuyi said.

Hao Kailin raised his head and looked at Mu Qianyue's face, frowning, as if thinking about something. Pan Shuyi was stunned when he saw him, and couldn't help but whispered, "Lin'er, what are you in a daze?"

"No, I just thought that Master Yaoyan was a bit familiar, as if I had seen it before, but I couldn't remember it for a while." Hao Kailin shook his head and continued, "Thank you, Master Yaoyan.

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