Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1252: Cheeky【3】

"Yaoyan is still smart! Yes, who is the master of the Poison Dance Sect, it is natural to follow the orders!" The corner of the elder's mouth evoked a sneer that he was determined to win.

Speaking, the great elder stood up and waved his palm, "Come on, take Hao Xun down for me!"

As his voice fell, a group of figures suddenly stood up from the seat, shaking their palms, each took out their weapons, and looked at Hao Xun in the first seat with cold eyes.

At the end of the day, during the entire banquet, half of the people suddenly took refuge in the great elder.

The elder's face was filled with a sneer, "Hao Xun, you didn't expect to have today, right?"

Hao Xun didn't show any panic or fear on his face, instead he took a sip from the wine glass without hurriedly, his expression on his face was so leisurely that people couldn't guess.

"Lin'er, come here for the father soon." The elder beckoned to Hao Kailin, and there is nothing to conceal until now. Now his people almost all know that Hao Kailin is the son of the elder, so at this moment After hearing the words of the great elder, his face did not show a surprised look, but a natural look.

"Yes, father." Hao Kailin immediately stood up in joy and shouted, with the help of Pan Shuyi, he walked to the side of the elder.

Mu Qianyue squinted her eyes. It was obvious that the two elders and Pan Shuyi had already told Hao Kailin about this matter.

There were three of them standing together, with smiles on their faces. On Hao Xun's side, there was a lone family, which was really pitiful, but he asked for all this.

A trace of anger surged in Hao Xun's eyes, and he looked at Hao Kailin with a little disbelief, "Lin'er, although I am not your biological father, I have loved you so much over the years and have always regarded you as my biological son. Treat me like this, I think I didn't treat you wrong, and now you want to betray me?"

"Husband, it seems that you already know it." Pan Shuyi looked at Hao Xun with complicated eyes. She thought he had been kept in the dark, but she didn't expect to know it.

"Pan Shuyi, you slut, you still have the face to call my husband? You and the elder have become a rape, and you are going to kill me. It's really good!" Hao Xun bit and cut, eyes filled with anger. , Can't wait to tear the woman in front of her alive.

"Lin'er, I'll give you another chance now. Do you want to follow them or follow me?" Hao Xun asked him coldly, looking at him.

Although Hao Kailin was not his biological son, he was the one he had been loving with his heart for 22 years. It was naturally impossible for him to kill Hao Kailin by himself.

"Father, I'm sorry... I died once, and I don't want to die again. The pain is really painful." Hao Kailin looked at him with some guilty eyes.

When he first heard the news, his heart was also full of shock and doubt, but Hao Xun is no longer able to do so, and he is about to fall. He naturally wants to recognize the elder as his father, not to mention that the elder is still his biological father... …

Hao Xun's face was full of heartache, and he stood up, his face was filled with anger, "Okay! Very good! Even if you raise a dog, you should raise it after more than 20 years! Unexpectedly, you are a white-eyed wolf. Just like your father, you are a white-eyed wolf! Great Elder, if I hadn't kindly put you into the Poison Dance Sect before, would you have today?"

"Huh! All this is the result of my own hard work! Hao Xun, the woman you sleep with me has slept for more than 20 years, shouldn't you pay a price?" the elder said coldly.

Hearing the words of the great elder, Mu Qianyue twitched the corners of her mouth speechlessly. What is cheeky? that's!

Look, I put a green hat on my head, and I was so impassioned and righteous!

This is the first time that Mu Qianyue has seen a person with a green hat on her head in front of everyone, and she is truly convinced!

Hmm... Among these people, if anyone else refuses to accept it, they will obey the Great Elder!

"Haha..." Hao Xun was angry, grinning in anger, with a sarcastically contemptuous smile, "Back then, she took the initiative to climb onto my bed and seduce me first! Elder, you are really mean, for Become the sect master of this Poison Dance Gate, and you will not hesitate to let your own woman seduce me and serve me. Only you can do such shameful things!"

As he said, he looked at Pan Shuyi again, "Pan Shuyi, you really disappoint me! Do you think he really loves you? A man who really loves you will not let you sell your body and seek benefits for yourself Yes! He is so selfish, I haven't seen how much he loves you! When you are worthless, he will naturally kick you away, so ruthless and unrighteous, you still follow him? Ha ha... "

I have to say that Hao Xun's remarks are reasonable, and even Mu Qianyue somewhat agrees.

Before in the 21st century, I have read a lot of news similar to this.

Some girls are new to the society and are too innocent by nature, bewildered by the rhetoric of some boys, and casually sacrificed their innocence. As a result, the male friendly is lazy, not working at home every day, spending the girl's money, there is no self-esteem and shame, but a natural look.

He didn't have enough money from the work of the girls later, so he used various reasons to coax the girls to make money.

The boy was even more unscrupulous, and he didn't have the gentleness of the past to the girl. The girl waited hard, thinking he would be nice to him, but he didn't know that after the boy got tired of playing, he patted his **** and left.

How can such a selfish, ruthless and unrighteous boy marry a *** woman?

If the boy really loves her, he will not make that request, let alone make her feel wronged...

All the rhetoric is just an illusion.

This is the case with Pan Shuyi.

If the elder really loves her, how can he be willing to let his beloved woman go to bed with another man and seek benefits for himself?

Pan Shuyi's face turned pale, half biting her lip, turned her head and looked at the great elder beside her.

The elder's face changed slightly, and he quickly snorted, "Yi'er, don't listen to his nonsense! He is provoking discord! Over the years, don't you understand my affection for you?"

Pan Shuyi sighed faintly and did not speak any more.

"Hao Xun, you want to provoke my feelings with Yi'er, that is impossible! In any case, you must be innocent today!" The elder said coldly, his eyes full of murderous aura.

"Haha...Really?" Hao Xun sneered, raising his hands, and the other half of the people at the banquet also stood up and protected Hao Xun.

Suddenly the people on both sides held a balanced state.

"Hao Xun, do you think I will be unprepared?" The elder didn't care, his eyes were filled with sinister light, and he sneered, "I have fallen into your drinking water a long time ago. When it's incense, you will be poisoned to death!"

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