Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1253: Cheeky【4】

"Haha...Since I discovered the secret between the two of you, I was naturally prepared for it. Do you think I would be so stupid to let you design?" Hao Xun sneered disdainfully.

"I'm afraid you don't know? The guard who is in charge of pouring the drinks has already taken refuge in me, so the drinks have been changed by me. You should now worry about your health. My newly refined love Confused, poisonous and overbearing, I don’t know if you can resist Yizhuxiang’s time..."

The fall of Hao Xun's words caused an uproar in the crowd.

The grand elder and others all changed their expressions, their expressions became extremely ugly, one by one covered the panic under his eyes, and quickly checked his body inside, only to find that he was really poisoned!

"Hao Xun, hurry up and get the antidote!" The elder had a sullen expression, his eyes filled with anger.

Hao Xun sneered disdainfully, "If you say you want me to take the antidote, I will take it? It's stupid not to pull it!"

"You..." The elder's expression changed with anger, and he felt the blood churning between his mouth and throat, obviously poisonous gas was slowly erupting, making his face slowly turn blue.

The faces of Pan Shuyi, Hao Kailin and others were also bruised and poisoned.

Hao Xun looked at him disappointedly, "Lin'er, I gave you a chance just now, but you didn't cherish it! I just made up my mind in my heart. If you are willing to stand by my side, I will explain it. The medicine is for you, but it's a pity... Your choice is very disappointing! You chose to die!"

Hearing this, Hao Kailin stared incredulously, with a regretful and painful expression on his face. He rushed to Hao Xun’s face, knelt down in front of Hao Xun, hugged his legs, and cried without spine. "Father, I don't want to betray you... I don't care who they are, you are my father in my heart... It was the elders who persecuted me, and I was helpless... Father, you forgive me. Me, give me an antidote, the child does not want to die..."

The great elder almost fainted when he saw this.

"It's too late!" Hao Xun was unmoved, with a very indifferent expression on his face. From the moment Hao Kailin chose the great elder, it proved that he recognized the great elder as his father in his heart.

Hao Xun felt extremely chilled when he thought that he had raised him for 22 years, but was not as good as the position of the elder in his heart.

Mu Qianyue sat in a position from beginning to end, sipping wine elegantly and leisurely, like an outsider, sitting in the highest position, condescending, like a fairy from above, watching this wonderful show with indifferent expression .

At this moment, Hao Kailin's face was full of despair.

"Hao Xun, I didn't expect you to have today. It's really a cycle of cause and effect. Retribution is unhappy!"

At this moment, a woman's clear and cold voice came from far away from the sky.

Indifferent like an immortal, elegant as a song, like the sound of the soul above the nine heavens, so familiar, so familiar that Hao Xun suddenly forgot to think.

Until a figure came into view and flew from above.

She wore a light blue dress, and the sky with a clear sky spread out behind her, like a quiet and elegant picture.

The clothes are light, the ink is flying, the beautiful face is shrouded in the faint sunlight, and it seems to be coated with a layer of brilliant light, setting off her face more white and beautiful...

As I first saw twenty years ago...

Hao Xun's figure was stunned, and he couldn't look away from the face of the woman in front of him. His face showed an expression of infinite excitement and joy, and he quickly greeted him, "Ling'er? Ling'er...really. It's you?!"

Pan Shuyi was also stunned when she looked at the wind chimes on Moshang in front of her. She was shocked and surprised. Wasn't she disfigured back then? It was she who ruined her face and made her ugly. Why is she still beautiful and beautiful now?

Moshang Wind Chime fell beside Mu Qianyue, looking at Hao Xun coldly.

"Ling'er, great, you're not dead, it's really great!" Hao Xun was about to step forward to shake her hand, and Mo Shang Feng Chime waved him away with a fierce force bombarding him. Above his chest, his internal organs shook for a while, his vitality was tumbling, and a trace of blood poured from the corner of his mouth.

"Hao Xun, don't touch me with your dirty hands, you are not worthy!" Mo Shang Fengling's eyes were calm and strange.

Hao Xun clutched his chest, looking at her with complicated and lost, sad and painful eyes, "Ling'er, I know you must still resent me for what happened back then...I was confused by Pan Shuyi back then, so I did it. Can you forgive me for such silly things?"

"Forgive you? Ha... Hao Xun, your face is so thick and endless!" Mo Shang Fengling sneered disdainfully.

This man is really shameless, trampling on her sincerity wantonly, killing her father, taking away the Poison Dance Gate, ruining her appearance, scrapping her legs, and fleeing with helpless injuries. Now she wants her to forgive him?

How could there be such a brazen man in the world!

"Ling'er, I know that I was wrong back then, and I was responsible for you. Back then I was really confused... It was Pan Shuyi who seduced me first. When I was asleep, I had a **** for me, I thought That's you, that's why something that shouldn't have happened to her... I wanted to leave, but she was pregnant. If it wasn't for you that caused her to miscarry, you would not let her get poisoned. Wumen, I won't do anything against your father, let alone you..." Hao Xun looked at her heartbrokenly.

If she agreed to Pan Shuyi's entrance into the Poison Dance Gate at that time, and Pan Shuyi was carrying his child at that time, then they would live a happy life and nothing else would happen!

"So I am to blame for all this?" Mo Shang Fengling sneered, "Hao Xun, Pan Shuyi must have never told you that she had deliberately caused the abortion to frame me."

Hearing this, Hao Xun's eyes widened incredibly, and he turned his head to look at Pan Shuyi aside.

Pan Shuyi stretched out her hand to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth, stood up, looked at Hao Xun with hatred and cold eyes, and then slowly said, "Yes! Back then, I did miscarry by myself and framed the wind chime of Moshang, just for separation. Your feelings."

Hao Xun's face turned pale, and he felt a muffled bang in his mind, as if a string had broken.

In fact, he has been living in pain and regret over the years. Whenever he regrets in his heart, he will tell himself that it is Ling'er's vicious mind, which has caused Yi'er to miscarry. All this is what she asked for...

At this moment, the reason for persisting for so many years suddenly failed, and my heart was naturally panicked and horrified, as well as deep regret and guilt.

He has no reason to exonerate himself, no reason to argue for himself on Moshang Fengling...

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