Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1291: Where is the mother? 【2】

As long as she thinks of the kind of inhuman torture her mother might be subjected to, Mu Qianyue's heart is full of anger and distress! It made her whole heart tremble...

How arrogant and cold is your mother? How could one be willing to be humiliated like that?

The character of taking a mother's love as a jade fragment and not a tile is sure to choose to end himself in order to keep his innocence.

But the mother's life card is still...

Mu Xueying, Xiao Xuan'er, Chu Tiange, Bing Yan, and others, heard Qin Xiang's words, their eyes were full of horrible killing intent, and they wished to rush to kill Qin Xiang now.

But the master did not speak, they were just able to suppress the anger in their hearts.

Qin Xiang also felt the anger and hatred in Mu Qianyue's heart. He raised his head and fell on Mu Qianyue's gloomy and angry face, and cautiously asked, "Your Excellency, what is your relationship with Feibaolou?"

"Heh...Jin Yilan is my mother and Mu Yan is my father. What do you think is the relationship?" Mu Qianyue's eyes were filled with ferociousness, and the slanted eyebrows were filled with cold murderous aura, wanton and mad and cold. Extremely.

Hearing this, Qin Xiang's face suddenly turned pale!

"What? You are the daughter of Mu Yan and Jin Yilan? Impossible! They obviously have no children! Their only righteous daughter is Liu Ruyan..."

"Say, where is my mother now?" Mu Qianyue's eyes were gloomy, and her eyes fell on him coldly.

Qin Xiang couldn't help but shivered, "I can tell you, but you must let me go!"

Mu Qianyue lifted her footsteps lightly, walked to him, stepped on his chest fiercely, and instantly heard the sound of cracking bones, making his face pale and sweating.

"You have no room for bargaining right now! If you don't say anything, I will delay you now!"

The girl's cold voice contained a terrifying murderous aura. The purple dress was lightly raised, and a cold and gloomy aura radiated from her body, like a devil.

"I said, I said... Originally we were planning to sell her to the Demon Flower Pavilion in Yunying Country Fengcheng, but she escaped in the middle of the road... So the strategy behind was not displayed." Qin Xiang stretched out his hand and wiped it. Wiping the sweat off his face, he said quickly.

In the middle of the road, Jin Yilan took advantage of the drunkenness of the two and escaped quietly.

Yunying Country, Fengcheng?

Mu Qianyue's eyes slowly narrowed, and her tight heart couldn't help but relax when she heard Qin Xiang's words. Fortunately, her mother fled, and she was not subjected to that inhuman torture...otherwise she would not dare to imagine that. As a result, I can't even imagine how heartache my father felt after hearing the news...

That's the case. As long as the thought of her mother being disfigured, her voice dumbed, and her strength lost, her heart still couldn't help but twitch...

No wonder that for more than a year, no matter how much Dad looked for, he couldn't find the whereabouts of his mother, who turned out to be taken away from Liuhuo Nation and Blue Wolf Nation.

Yunying Country is 20,000 miles away from Canglang City. Yiniang is penniless, unable to speak, and without strength. It is really difficult to come back, and it is already difficult to survive.

"Long Ting, you rush to Feibao Tower now and tell my dad to let him go to Yunying Guofeng City to find my mother's whereabouts. There may be clues there." Mu Qianyue restrained her anger and ordered Tao.

"Yes." Long Ting's figure shook and turned into a dragon eagle directly in front of Qin Xiang. The huge wings spread out, swept the sky, and quickly turned into a black spot, disappearing from the sight of Mu Qianyue and others.

Long Ting, as a dragon eagle beast, a flying beast in the sky, is fast.

The next moment, Mu Qianyue's gaze fell on Qin Xiang. Qin Xiang couldn't help but shudder, and flinched back in fear, "I have said everything I know, don't kill me, don't kill me... …"

"What strength is Elder Teng?" Mu Qianyue asked.

"I don't know, I only know that he is a **** emperor, and he is not weak in strength." Qin Xiang said.


Mu Qianyue pondered for a moment. Even if she and Xue Ying joined forces, they were not Bi Dongteng's opponents. A **** emperor could not be killed by them together. The gap between them was too big.

Since Bi Dongteng knew that one of the maps was bought by a mysterious man in Feibao Building half a year ago, he would definitely continue to send people to investigate Feibao Building. If she kills Qin Xiang now, then Bi Dongteng will definitely go out in person, or send someone with stronger strength, Feibaolou will be in danger by then, and it will be easy to find herself.

So Mu Qianyue didn't intend to kill Qin Xiang right now, but if he didn't kill him, he would go to Bi Dongteng to inform him, so there was only one way, and that was to refine him into a puppet.

For Qin Xiang, she was disgusted, but there was no way out.

However, if Qin Xiang entered the Biyu Palace, he could also find out more about Biyu Palace for himself.

Therefore, it goes without saying that Qin Xiang's fate is the same as Qin Shu's, both being refined into puppets.

The Blood Deed of God can only refine 20 puppets in total, and now with Qin Xiang, there are already six puppets.

Every remaining puppet refining needs to think carefully. It's not enough to refine a puppet casually. Such a quota can't be wasted.

Thinking of the 108 ghost generals in Jing's Nether Realm, Mu Qianyue frowned. It would be great if the Blood Deed of God could be upgraded and expanded...

Forget it, think about this issue later.

At present, what Mu Qianyue wants to do is how to **** the other two maps from Bi Dongteng's hands, and also to go to Fengcheng of Yunying Country to find the whereabouts of her mother.

"Qin Shu, Qin Xiang, the two of you are still going to the Canglang Country Feibao Building and walk around. You should know how to report to Bi Dongteng after you come back?" Mu Qianyue raised her eyes, her gaze falling as light as water. On both of them.

Qin Xiang nodded and said respectfully, "Master, don't worry, I know how to say it, I will never let him doubt the master."

"Well, you go." Mu Qianyue waved.

Qin Shu and Qin Xiang again sat on Yun Ju and galloped away.

Mu Qianyue sent Xiao Xuan'er, Mu Xueying and others into the space of the Tongtian Tower with a move. With a move, she swept to the distance and disappeared on this official road...

Bi Dongteng's strength is not something she can move now, and the method of poisoning is self-defeating. After all, Bi Dongteng casually took out a pill and solved the shadow of Qin Xiang's body.

But she and Biyu Palace have no grudges, and Mu Qianyue will not take the initiative to provoke Biyu Palace.

People don’t offend me, I don’t offend people.

Then Mu Qianyue and Jin Liye returned to Yanglong City. Three days later, Qin Shu and Qin Xiang also returned. After reporting to her, they returned to Qin's house.

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