Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1292: Fengcheng【1】

As for going to Yunying Guofeng City to find her mother, Mu Qianyue decided that Xiao Xuan'er and Chu Tiange would go first. Besides, when Dad received the news from Long Ting, he would immediately rush to look for it, so now she was not in a hurry, because she had to deal with some matters of the Qin family before she could leave.

Especially to divert Bi Dongteng's attention.

Apart from Jin Liye, Mu Xueying and Bai Xue in the soul are the ones who stay with him now, but Bai Xue's soul is a little weak and can only stay in the space of Tongtian Tower.

After Qin Xiang returned to Qin's house, he reported to Bi Dongteng that the mysterious person who bought the mysterious map seemed to be from a big sect. Which sect was called and what was the name of it, I couldn’t find out, not even Feibaolou. details.

Bi Dongteng didn't have the slightest doubt about Qin Xiang's words, frowned slightly, thinking, "Are they from the other five sects? They also know about the mysterious graveyard?"

It is very possible!

Except for the five major sects, other family royals who can spend such a large sum of money to buy a mysterious map do not have this ability.

Thinking about this, Bi Dongteng could only temporarily dispel this idea, and first returned to Biyu Palace before making plans.

And Qin Xiang will go to Biyu Palace with Bi Dongteng to practice, Mu Qianyue gave Qin Xiang some pills and medicinal materials for this purpose.

As for the two mysterious maps, Mu Qianyue was not worried. There was Qin Xiang there. If Biyu Palace made any movements, it would be enough to receive some wind noises, and then pass the news to her.


"Mother, where are we going now?" In the city, Jin Liye walked on the street and asked when he looked at the woman beside him.

"Go to Fengcheng." Mu Qianyue went straight to a grocery store and bought a map to go to the map of Yunying Country Fengcheng. After choosing the shortest route, Mu Qianyue decided to set off immediately. .

After leaving the city, Jin Liye turned into a golden holy lion, "Mother, come on my back, I will take you there, much faster."

Mu Qianyue nodded, moved her body, swept over his back and sat down, her eyes fell on the golden hair that exudes flames, her brows were lightly frowned, "You are so conspicuous, can you keep a low profile? "

"People are naturally beautiful!" Jin Liye was very wronged.

Mu Qianyue twitched her mouth, "Is it so shameless? Besides, natural beauty is used to describe women. You are a big man using this idiom..."

"Mother!" Jin Liye called out depressed, condensing the flame aura on his body, and the appearance of his characteristics seemed to have slightly changed, not as majestic and majestic as before, but the golden hair is still very conspicuous. .

At this moment, he looks like a gorgeous golden flame lion.

Jin Liye's speed is very fast. It can be said that he travels thousands of miles a day, leaving only a shadow on the official road. Some people walking on the official road, even before they can see clearly, saw a golden shadow flashing past like a gust of wind. , Disappeared before my eyes in a flash, the speed was extremely fast...

Everyone was sighing what it was, but it was so fast.

At night, there were dense forests all around, no village in front of him, no shop behind, Mu Qianyue decided to find a place to rest in the forest. Anyway, there is an artifact like the Tongtian Pagoda by your side, you can go in and rest at any time, and you don't have to worry about eating and sleeping.

After Jin Liye hurried for a day without rest, he had already left the realm of Liuhuo Nation and came to the border of Yunying Nation.

After driving more than 10,000 miles in a day, even if Jin Liye was the king of beasts, he was a bit tired.

The setting sun hangs in the sky, and the sunset glow is irradiated with red, gorgeous, like a fairy ribbon, magnificent.

Mu Qianyue walked to the water stream, bent over and picked up a handful of clear stream water to wash her face, washing away the exhaustion from her body, Jin Liye's figure shook, transformed into a human form, walked to the stream, and washed with water as well. Behind his face, a satisfied smile appeared, "It's so cool! I ran for a day, but I didn't die of thirst!"

"Lieye, thank you very much." Mu Qianyue looked at him sideways.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on Jin Liye's handsome and evil face, making him look more gentle and friendly.

"Mother, why do you need to say thanks to me? I promised the master to protect you and take care of you, and if you don't take good care of you, Sakura Sakura will not pay attention to me." Jin Liye laughed.

"Wow! That beautiful golden flame lion can actually be transformed into a divine beast! Second elder, I want that divine beast!" Suddenly, a girl's excited voice rang.

Mu Qianyue frowned, turned her head and looked, she saw a group of people walking up from the upper reaches. The head was a beautiful young girl, who seemed to be about twenty years old, and several people dressed as guards followed. Behind her, beside her, was an old man with a childlike face and hefare, dressed in a dark blue robe, looking extraordinary.

"Princess, that divine beast should be that woman's contract beast. It already has a master." The old man's gaze fell on Mu Qianyue's body, surprise and sharpness flashed in his eyes.

It seemed that I didn't expect to encounter a divine beast that can transform.

There are many sacred beasts on the mainland, but not many are contracted as pet beasts. Most of the beasts would rather die than succumb to humans. This also led to the scarcity of pet beasts on the mainland.

"I don't care! Anyway, I just fell in love with the golden flame lion! Second elder, you can go over and tell her now, let her give me the golden flame lion, she can satisfy her whatever conditions she wants!" The girl’s face was displeased, "Huh! Didn’t you say that all monsters are proud? I used to ask you to grab the head of the beast and be my pet beast, but I couldn’t do it one by one, but now I have encountered a head of the beast. The contract beast? I don't care, I want it! You go over and discuss with her now!"

The old man sighed helplessly, with a touch of doting in his eyes, "Well, princess, then I will go and discuss with her."

After speaking, he walked towards Mu Qianyue and Jin Liye.

"This girl, I wonder if you can cut your love and give this contracted beast to the fifth princess? We will give it a generous gift."

"Since you have said that it's cut love, then why should I exchange the contract beast with you, is it your style to win the love?" Mu Qianyue looked at the old man indifferently.

Slowly stood up from the side of the stream, a light purple dress enveloped in the golden afterglow and rendered a layer of gorgeous golden light, cool and elegant, noble like a lotus.

The old man squinted his eyes and said, "This girl, I am the second elder of Yunyin Kingdom. This is my fifth princess of Yunying Kingdom. If you are willing to exchange contract beasts with the fifth princess, what conditions do you want? , You can drive."


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