Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1303: Yaoziqiu【1】

Her eyes were as clear as a black stone, as if she could see the bottom of her eyes at a glance, and could see the light in her eyes.

Huo Xi was startled, yeah, Yue is the kind of person who doesn't like to explain, there is no need to explain these, if it is explained, it will make people more and more suspicious...

Mu Qianyue and Huo Xi finished their lunch and left the box.

One purple and one red appeared in everyone's eyes in an instant.

When everyone in the restaurant saw Mu Qianyue and Huo Xi, their eyes flashed deeply and they couldn't help sighing, "The King Mo and the Princess Mo really match!"

"Yeah, yeah! This is the first time I have the honor to see the future Princess Mo, who is not worse than King Mo in appearance and vibe..."

"That is, can the woman that King Mo fancy is worse?"

"It's really like a pair of wall men made in heaven. No one can match it better!"

"King Mo, Princess Mo!"

Everyone shouted loudly.

Mu Qianyue showed a friendly smile to everyone and walked out of the restaurant, Huo Xi slowly following her.

The two Mo Lin and Mo Yu who followed at the end were depressed. Hey, their father is unrequited love! Unrequited love! ! They wanted to shout, but they didn't dare.

It's so heartbreaking that their handsome and domineering master would be unrequited love!

So the two of them became more and more curious about what the person Mu Qianyue liked was like...

After leaving the restaurant, Mu Qianyue strolled on the street. The street was crowded, bustling, and very lively. Watching the constant flow of people, Mu Qianyue's beautiful brows lightly frowned, and the depths of her eyes flashed quickly. After a touch of doubt.

"There seems to be a lot of people in Yanglongcheng recently."

Huo Xi raised his head and glanced at the crowd, and said lightly, "You two will go find out what's going on."

His words were naturally addressed to Mo Lin and Mo Yu behind him.

"Yes." The two nodded, turned and left, and their figures quickly disappeared into the crowd.

Suddenly, Mu Qianyue paused, and his eyes fell on the figure walking opposite.

The woman wore a dark purple robe, covered with light veil, and only revealed a pair of dark and bright eyes like black scorpion. Behind her was eight female disciples in all tight pink shirts, with a cold expression Strong killing air.

The five-person team attracted Mu Qianyue's attention, especially the head of the woman. The eyes exposed out of the veil were very familiar and somewhat familiar.

"Holy Lord, the Palace Lord has confessed that we must complete the task this time."

"En." The purple-clothed woman covered with veil coldly snorted and walked from Mu Qianyue's side.

"These people should be from Wanhua Island." Huo Xi's side rang in his ears, pulling back Mu Qianyue's thoughts.

"Ten Thousand Flower Island?"

Mu Qianyue's eyes narrowed slightly, no wonder this team were all women. When I heard the name of Wanhuadao, I knew that they were all women.

Back to Prince Mo Mansion, I ran into Yang Qinchun who had been wandering in front of Prince Mo Mansion.

"King Mo, why did you treat my mother empress like this? My mother's empress just made a decree, and you threatened my father to abolish her!" Yang Qinchun stared at Huo Xi angrily, looking at the side When Mu Qianyue, his eyes were full of undisguised anger and ferociousness.

It's all this vixen! If it were not for her, none of this would have happened!

"It seems that the fifth princesses still don't understand that you are wrong." Huo Xi's eyes flashed coldly.

"King Mo, you go now to let my father take his life back, and I won't fight her again, okay?" Yang Qinchun bit his lip, eyes filled with unwillingness and humiliation.

"Do you think you are qualified to be right with Yue? Your selfish and willful end is ruining your mother's future." Huo Xi's slanted eyebrows were filled with coldness and domineering.

Yang Qinchun's face turned pale, her delicate body trembled fiercely, her face was full of guilt and regret, but it only lasted for a short second, her eyes gloomy and coldly glanced at Mu Qianyue, her fists under her sleeves were tight. Hold tightly.

"What's so good about this woman that is worthy of your maintaining her? She is just a fox that can only seduce people!"

Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes, her eyes flashed coldly, and the corners of her lips evoked a touch of disdain and looked at Yang Qinchun, "What about I am a vixen? It seems that you don't even have the qualifications to be a vixen. Brainless."

The muddy ones are still somewhat temperamental.

This Yang Qinchun has troubled her several times, if she bears it any longer, she probably thinks she is easy to bully!

So she didn't want to bear it anymore.

"You..." Yang Qinchun choked, and then there was a burst of anger on her face. Is this woman mocking her for being ugly? Her appearance is so beautiful and dignified. I don't know that there are young men in the city who admire her. She even satirizes herself for being ugly!

Her gaze fell on Mu Qianyue's impeccably beautiful face, with a trace of jealousy in the depths of her eyes, "Mu Qianyue, I want to tear up this face of you, and see how you seduce it again~ king!"

With a roar, she rushed towards Mu Qianyue, and her sharp nails quickly grabbed Mu Qianyue's face without hesitation.

Mu Qianyue's eyes were cold, but before she could take action, Yang Qinchun's body immediately flew upside down and slammed on it, her right cheek knocked on the majestic and tall stone lion in front of the house, and suddenly knocked out. A deep and long trace.

The blood flowed down his right cheek, Yang Qinchun touched, the blood on one hand was shocked and Huarong was pale and screamed loudly, "My face is ruined..."

Huo Xi then stopped paying attention to her, and moved towards the mansion with Mu Qianyue.

Yang Qinchun covered his face with one hand, and looked up at the backs of Huo Xi and Mu Qianyue, his eyes full of anger and hatred.

She won't just let it go! !


In the secluded Leng Palace, Queen Yun's hair was scattered, and she sat on the threshold with her eyes blankly, leaning on the door panel, her face was a despair and sadness like dead gray.

The man who has slept with her for so many years is so ruthless!

"Mother Queen! Mother Queen!"

Yang Qinchun sneaked into the cold palace, saw Queen Yun who looked embarrassed and lonely, and couldn't help crying.

Queen Yun slowly raised her head, her eyes fell on the scar on Yang Qinchun's right face, her brow furrowed, "Chun'er, what's the matter with your face?"

"The queen mother is the **** of Mu Qianyue, she ruined my face!" Yang Qinchun threw herself into her arms, crying bitterly, "The queen mother, I am not good, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't He was abolished by his father, and detained here..."

"Chun'er, all this is not your fault! It is the fault of that **** Mu Qianyue! And King Mo!" Queen Yun's eyes showed a fierce and ferocious light, and the corners of her lips pursed with sadness, "I didn't expect Your father is so timid and fearful, for the sake of King Mo, he will not hesitate to abolish me!"

"Mother, what do you do now? Do you want to watch Mu Qianyue and King Mo get away from the law? Chun'er is not reconciled!" Yang Qinchun said angrily.

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