Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1304: Yaoziqiu【2】

A bloodthirsty cold light flashed in Queen Yun's eyes, "Huh! Is King Mo really lawless if he thinks he is a **** emperor? There are more people in this world than him! Chun'er, don't worry, I absolutely Mu Qianyue and King Mo will pay the price!"

Yang Qinchun was surprised when he heard that, King Mo turned out to be a **** emperor?

A deep fear floated in her heart. He turned out to be a **** emperor, so outstanding, so amazing and stunning...

Unfortunately, he is not the one he loves.

"Mother Queen, King Mo is very powerful and is also a **** emperor. Even the father is afraid of him. We have nothing to do..."

"Chun'er, you take this to find Elder Yao Ning of Yao Wangzong, he will help us!" Queen Yun took out a green wooden sign from the storage bag in her arms and handed it to Yang Qinchun's hand .

"The King of Medicine?"

Yang Qinchun had a shocked look in her eyes, and she didn't seem to have thought that the queen might have a relationship with the people in the Medicine King Sect. Why didn't she know?

"Yes, there was one time when I was practicing in the mountains and forests, and I accidentally met Yao Ning who was seriously injured. I saved him. To thank me, he gave me some medicine pills and gave me a token, saying When I am in trouble in the future, I can use this token to go to Yaowangzong to find him, and he will help me once!" As if recalling the past, a smile appeared on Queen Yun's face.

This token was hidden by her for more than 20 years. She had never taken out so many crises before, because she knew that all the dangers could be resolved!

Unexpectedly, this time I had to take it out!

"Is Yaoning also a pill master?" Yang Qinchun suppressed the curiosity in his heart and asked.

"Yao Ning is the second elder of Yao Wangzong's direct line and is also a pill saint. However, 23 years have passed, and his power status should be higher than before. Chun'er, in short, if you go to Yao Wangzong When you see Master Yao Ning speaking, you must be careful!"

"I know this." Yang Qinchun curled his lips, raised his eyes to Empress Yun, and asked with some dissatisfaction, "Mother, you saved Yao Ning back then, why didn't you let him marry you? Even as his concubine. It’s better than marrying his father!"

Such a good opportunity was missed by the queen!

Yao Ning is the second elder of Yao Wangzong, and even a pill saint. His status and identity are much stronger than Yang Tie! At that time, I was the young lady of Yaowangzong, do you want any medicine?

But the queen mother gave up such a good opportunity that she is now just a princess from Yunying Kingdom, or a princess who is bullied...

The corner of Queen Yun's mouth evoked a helpless, bitter smile, as if thinking of the handsome man like a god, with a gentle color in her eyes, as if thinking of something, the light in her eyes gradually dimmed, "I'm just a secular woman, why? Maybe he was in the eyes of Yao Ning? Surrounded by women, which one is not better than me? Although he was grateful for my life-saving grace, he didn't like me at all. I made this request back then, but he rejected it..."

In fact, there was one thing she didn't say, and that was because she was only interested in Yao Ning, and there was nothing to use, so Yao Ning would naturally not choose her. Moreover, Yao Ning had a wife and children, and his son was in his twenties!

"Later, I was helpless when I came to Yunying Nation and met your father. The reason why I can become the queen of Yunying Nation is because I have Zhuduo's medicine in my hand that will make your father look at me with admiration! Otherwise! , Based on my background, it is impossible to be his queen!"

When Yang Qinchun heard the words, a touch of unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

"Chun'er, you go to the Medicine King Sect now. I have a teleportation talisman here that can make you reach the Medicine King Sect quickly." Queen Yun took out a teleportation talisman to Yang Qinchun's hand, "You go now Go and come back soon!"

"Yes, mother, you are here waiting for me! I will definitely bring Yao Wangzong's people to rescue you!"

Yang Qinchun urged the teleportation charm with his true energy, and saw her disappear into the yard in an instant.

Seeing Yang Qinchun's disappearing figure, the corner of Queen Yun's mouth curled up with a cold smile, Mu Qianyue, King Mo, this time I will want you to look good! If you offend me, life is better than death!


"Master, we have already made inquiries. It seems that someone has appeared in the Yanglong Mountain Range related to the Primordial Age, which has attracted some people to come." Mo Lin whispered.

Archaic period?

A look of surprise flashed through Mu Qianyue's eyes.

Huo Xi Xiemei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he turned his head to look at the woman beside him, with a slight smile in his eyes, "Yue, are you interested? Would you like to see it?"

"Well, naturally I want to go." Mu Qianyue nodded.

She is still very interested in things from the ancient times.

Early the next morning, Mu Qianyue and Huo Xi went to the Yanglong Mountains. Mu Xueying, Jin Liye, Mo Lin, and Mo Yu were naturally with them.

Although there are more people in Yanglong Mountain than usual, there are not many people. After all, clues like this can not be inquired by anyone. Except for some powerful clans of Yiyi and some large sects who inquired about the news, others knew nothing.

When Mu Qianyue and Huo Xi and his group arrived at the Yanglong Mountain Range, many people could be seen heading towards the inside of the mountain range. These people were restrained in strength and profound, apparently all in search of that mysterious Archaic period. thing.

Mu Qianyue and Huo Xi quickly moved towards the depths of the Yanglong Mountain Range, and the deeper they went, the number of people suddenly became much less. Without strong strength, ordinary people would not dare to enter it easily.

Suddenly, Mu Qianyue felt a slight throbbing coming from the Tongtian Tower, she couldn't help frowning, and communicated with the Tongtian Tower through her mind, only to find that the slight throbbing came from one she bought from the booth a while ago. I gave birth to a small piece of embroidered iron!

Mu Qianyue concealed her curiosity, and Huo Xi and the others continued to walk towards the interior of the mountain range.

"Master, there seems to be an injured old man in front!" Mo Lin shouted.

Mu Qianyue and Huo Xi walked over quickly, and saw an old man covered in blood and ragged clothes lying in the grass. His gray hair arbitrarily scattered on his face, making it look weaker and dying.

"It looks like he has a serious injury." Mu Qianyue stepped forward, looking at the clothes on the old man's chest, among the mottled blood, it was vaguely arguable that the word'medicine' was embroidered on the clothes on his chest.

The palm of the hand flicked, a set of cloth bag appeared in the palm of the hand, slowly opened, revealing a slender silver needle, Mu Qianyue squatted down beside the old man.

"Miss Mu, this old man's vitality is cut off and he can't live at all. Are you going to waste your energy to save him?" Mo Yu asked puzzled.

When he stepped forward to investigate the injury of this old man, he found that his vitality was almost cut off, and there was absolutely no possibility of coming back to life!

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