Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1307: Gu Ling【3】

Qin Shu and Qin Xiang both shuddered involuntarily. When they turned their heads to look at Huo Xi next to Mu Qianyue, there was a trace of jealousy in their eyes. Just now they felt an inexplicable coercion from him. And murderous...

Looks like they didn't offend him, did they?

But he is so close to the master, it seems that he is the one who plots the wrongdoing!

Qin Shu and Qin Xiang then unanimously cast hostile eyes towards Huoxi...

"Elder Teng, the defense of this aperture is very strong!" A disciple of the Biyu Palace walked to the periphery of the light circle, took a careful survey, then walked back to Bi Dongteng's side, and said softly.

"The stronger the defense of the aperture, the stronger the thing inside!" A smile appeared at the corner of Bi Dongteng's mouth, with a sense of triumph in his eyes, "Wait, you will instill all the power into me!"

"Yes." The disciples of Biyu Palace nodded together.

Qin Shu and Qin Xiang also nodded in response.

"Formation." The holy master of Wanhua Island raised his eyes and glanced lightly at Bi Dongteng and the others, flipping his palm, and a magical instrument like a prayer wheel appeared in her palm, with a faint light radiating from above. Come out, with bursts of charming floral fragrance.

"Yes." The eight female disciples behind her moved and quickly formed their formations, showing the Eight Diagrams of the Universe, standing in eight directions, and enclosing the Holy Master of Wanhua Island in the center.

One after another, the true energy shot out from their palms, rushing towards the Saint Lord of Wanhua Island.

The holy lord rose in the air, purple clothes flying, ink hair light, slender and slender figure shrouded in the golden sunlight, like a nine-day fairy!


I saw the magical instrument in the hands of the holy master blooming with dazzling light, like a long rainbow circling the sun, and the flowers condensed from the true vitality gush out from the magical instrument, flying all over the sky, the scene is extremely magnificent , Like a beautiful picture scroll.

Seeing the figure of the Saint Master of Wanhua Island, Mu Qianyue's eyes narrowed involuntarily, why is she familiar with her figure?

"Yue, we have to hurry up." Huo Xi's voice rang in his ears, pulling Mu Qianyue's thoughts back.

"Master, the people on Wanhua Island and Biyu Palace are very strong. If we don't speed up the time, I'm afraid it will be too late." Mu Xueying also reminded her silver eyes to reflect the cold light.

As for the people of Yaowangzong, although their strength is good, they are far behind Wanhua Island and Biyu Palace.

"En! Let's go over there." Mu Qianyue nodded and walked towards the side.

Huo Xi's aura spread out all over his body, his red dress was flying, and he stood in the air. A red fire sword of the natal genius soldier shot in the palm of his hand, and the majestic and mighty momentum was ups and downs around him, which was extremely shocking.

Everyone felt a great pressure, pressing in their hearts like a mountain of 100,000, making them difficult to breathe, extremely uncomfortable, and sweating.

Rao Shi Mu Qianyue was greatly shocked, her cold beautiful eyes couldn't help but stare wide, this breath seemed to surpass the average **** emperor...

Could it be...

As if thinking of something, Mu Qianyue's long, narrow black eyes quickly flashed a shocking expression, God Emperor? !

Huo Xi turned out to be a **** emperor!

"I'll rub it! Huo Xi, you shameless bag! When did you become so strong!" Jin Liye stared in surprise, his eyes full of consternation.

"So strong!" Mu Xueying's eyes narrowed slightly, it seems that Huo Xi's strength has recovered well...

The people in the surrounding Wanhua Island, Biyu Palace and Yaowangzong also felt this terrifying power, and their eyes were involuntarily shocked.

"Divine Emperor? This is the power of the Divine Emperor?!" Bi Dongteng's eyes widened, his eyes were full of sharp spirits, like a goshawk as fierce and terrifying.

"En? Such a young God Emperor is really surprising!" The Holy Master of Wanhua Island murmured, urging the sutra tube in his hand even more quickly.

Yaoxin’s beautiful eyes opened wide, and her eyes were full of shock, infatuation, and surprise. This is the one who can be worthy of her Yaoxin! Such a young **** emperor, such a peerless talent, is probably enough to crush the geniuses of the six major sects!

From this moment on, she identified this man, called Huo Xi, right?

Only he is worthy of himself, worthy of his own love!

Only oneself can stand by his side and watch the prosperity of this world with him...


A powerful sword light swept from Huo Xi's Scarlet Fire Sword, and slammed it **** the aperture, but only caused the aperture to oscillate, and then disappeared. There was no wave or trace, and there was no reaction to the aperture!

Huo Xi narrowed his eyes.

"Huh! What about the God Emperor? It's not the same as the power that can't break the aperture!" Bi Dongteng snorted disdainfully, and the disciples of the Biyu Palace behind shouted, "Hurry up and pass the power from you to me!"

The disciples behind him heard this and transferred their power to Bi Dongteng one after another.

Bi Dongteng's body was vigorous, soaring like a violent wind, and suddenly soared from the ninth-level **** emperor to the middle-level **** emperor!

He raised his hands and patted the aperture in front of him hard.


There was a loud noise, and the dazzling rays of light shook all around. Everyone felt that the whole earth was trembling violently, but the light on the aperture still only shook, and there were no scars!

A brilliant and boundless light burst out from the sutra tube in the hands of the Saint Master of Wanhua Island. At the same time, it was also fiercely bombarded on the aperture, which also had no effect.

Everyone's eyes narrowed slightly. The aperture in front of them was extremely powerful and isolated everything. It seemed that they had no way to break it!

"Everyone listens to me, the defense of this aperture is too strong, and it is difficult to break it with our strength! How about we break this aperture together?" Bi Dongteng smiled at the corner of his mouth and looked up at Wanhua Island. The Holy Lord, Huo Xi, Yao Xin and others said.

There was a sneer flashing in the eyes of the Saint Lord of Wanhua Island exposed outside the veil, "Who is the thing in there?"

"After breaking this aperture, we will play fair again. Whoever has the strongest strength will win it. How about?" Bitong Teng said lightly, but there was a light of confidence and pride in his eyes.

He had been observing a circle just now, except that the man in red was a Tier 1 Divine Emperor in the field, the strength of the others was not as good as himself.

Besides, what if the man in red is a **** emperor? There are several emperors on his side, as long as he can hold him temporarily, he can take the opportunity to grab the treasure!

Obviously, he has planned all this.

"En, it's okay." The Saint Master of Wanhua Island nodded.

"It doesn't matter." Huo Xi Xiemei's eyes flashed indifferently, but the curled eyelashes covered the fleeting light of his eyes.

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