Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1308: Gu Ling【4】

"We don't have any problems either." Yao Xin smiled faintly. She stepped up to Huo Xi's body and nodded to Huo Xi as a greeting.

However, Huo Xi just glanced at her coldly, then withdrew his gaze.

The look on his face is very cold.

Yao Xin didn't get angry because of it, but felt that it should be. After all, it is normal for a good person like him to be indifferent and cold. This is where his charm lies!

Which strong man and genius has no trace of arrogance?

"Since everyone has no opinion, let's start!" The expression on Bi Dongteng's face looked rather gentle and kind, just like the uncle next door.

However, Huo Xi, the Saint Master of Wanhua Island, Yao Xin and others are not fools, and they can see through it at a glance. This is just an illusion.

Bi Dongteng, Huo Xi and others stood up and gathered their strength together, preparing to attack the aperture together.

Mu Qianyue suddenly frowned, because she felt an unusual force coming from the space of Tongtian Tower, it was from the small iron block, it seemed to feel the call from the aperture, the constant tremor With...

Seeing that Bi Dongteng and the others hadn't noticed him at the moment, Mu Qianyue's figure flashed, and he directly displayed a stealth attack, flashing to the other side of the dense forest, the other side of the aperture.

The surrounding area is quiet, and even the sounds of insects and birds are very rare.

After Mu Qianyue confirmed that there was no one around, she carefully took out the small iron block. The hot temperature radiated from the small iron block, as if it was about to fly away from her hands next moment. Mu Qianyue couldn't help but grasp it tightly. .

A huge attraction came from the aperture, and it was sucked in along with Mu Qianyue and the small iron block.

There was a wave of fluctuations in the aperture, and the calm was restored instantly, as if nothing happened.

But Bi Dongteng, Yao Xin and the others didn’t even notice that Mu Qianyue disappeared. At this moment, their attention was on the aperture in front of them, and the true vitality bombarded out like no money, constantly attacking. Aperture...


The scorching temperature of the palm of her hand was so scorching that Mu Qianyue had to let go of her hand. The palm of her original white and tender palm was directly red, and a big bubble appeared. The treatment with the realm of life was actually invalid!

This made Mu Qianyue very surprised. It was the first time that such a situation had occurred. The Realm of Life couldn't heal a burn on her palm!

Although her heart was full of surprises and doubts at the moment, she didn't have time to think about it. She immediately moved her figure, and the Phantom Footwork unfolded, and quickly chased the little iron piece.

This aperture is extremely powerful, and even the power of the **** emperor can't be bombarded, but this small piece of iron can easily bring her in!

It seems that this little iron piece has a lot to do with the mysterious baby inside! Perhaps it is part of that mysterious baby!

A faint white light lingered in front of him, and there was a bronze token floating in the air ahead, but a corner was missing.

And that small iron piece was the incomplete part of the ancient order, and it quickly made up for it and became a complete piece. And the rust on the small iron block automatically disappeared at this moment, becoming glamorous and completely new!

Bright and dazzling light radiated from above, and a series of ancient and complicated inscription totems lingered on it, floating in the air.

At this moment, Mu Qianyue seemed to see countless pictures flashing away from the ancient order, a domineering and predominant aura radiating like a king over the world, making Mu Qianyue feel a great pressure!

"This seems to be a token?" Mu Qianyue murmured, her eyes filled with doubts.

"At the beginning of the chaos, all seas and wilds... God's blood, all things are born..."

A line of small golden characters slowly floated up from the ancient order and bumped into Mu Qianyue's eyes.

At the beginning of the chaos, all seas and wilds...God's blood, all things are born...

What does it mean?

"The beginning of chaos, all seas and wilds... God's blood, everything is born..." Baixue's whisper sounded in the space of the Tongtian Tower, and her voice suddenly became a little excited, "This is the order of heaven!"

"Tian Ling? What is it?" Mu Qianyue asked in surprise.

"I don't know. The word Tian Ling suddenly popped out of my mind just now, as if I should have seen it a long time ago..." Bai Xue's voice was full of confusion.

The light of the number rushed toward the ancient order like a tide, and instantly all the light was condensed and disappeared.

Gu Ling fell from the sky and landed in Mu Qianyue's palm.

Mu Qianyue couldn't help holding it with her hand, her eyes fell on Gu Ling, with a curious look in her eyes.

Suddenly, Mu Qianyue's face changed.

"not good!"

At this moment, the aperture disappeared without warning!

It must disappear with the disappearance of these lights...

And people like Bitongteng, Yaowangzong, Wanhuadao who are outside the aperture will surely rush in in the first place!

With a thought, Mu Qianyue quickly opened the Tongtian Tower space and hid in.

The next moment, several figures rushed over and landed where Mu Qianyue had stood before.

"This should be the center of the mysterious treasure, but why didn't you see the mysterious treasure?" Bi Dongteng frowned, and his turbid eyes were filled with an angry expression.

"It's weird. We have been outside, and no one has come in before. Why did the mysterious treasure suddenly disappear? Did someone take it before us?" Yao Xin's cold eyes slowly narrowed, and the depths of her eyes flashed. Sharp and terrifying edge.

The brows of the Holy Master of Wanhua Island frowned tightly.

"Impossible! Never! The aperture's defense is so strong that no one can break it! So it is impossible for anyone to rush in!" Bi Dongteng's face was a little gloomy.

"Then you explain what's going on? If someone took it away, why did the aperture suddenly disappear automatically?" Yao Xin sniffed disdainfully, a touch of sarcasm aroused on her beautiful face.

Bi Dongteng's face sank with a'swish', and it was extremely ugly, "If someone rushes in, it is bound to attack the aperture. It is impossible to be silent at all! It must be our last combined blow that opened the aperture just now. , And then someone ran in and stole it! Damn bastard! Which **** stole the mysterious treasure, it's best to hand it over to me obediently, otherwise, you must die!"

The mysterious treasure can be captured at a glance, but it suddenly disappears. Can you not be angry and anxious?

That might be a treasure from the ancient times! If it can be obtained, it will definitely increase his strength by a lot!

This time, he also came specifically for this heavy treasure!

It was Chi Guoguo who disappeared under his eyelids! This feeling of humiliation made him very angry!

"I see! It must be Mu Qianyue!"

Yang Qinchun's voice suddenly sounded, with a hint of happiness and viciousness.

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