Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1310: Huarong【2】

"This is a soft armor made like a thousand years of ice silk, which can carry a fatal blow from a middle-level **** emperor. I think you are just a **** king. This thing should be more important to you, right? You Thousand-year ice silk soft armor, still satisfied?"

Although the Thousand-Year Ice Silk Soft Armor is precious, it seems to be a bit inferior to the snow grass. After all, this is a herb that can be used as a pill!

If you become a pill pharmacist, your status in Biyu Palace will be improved again. Do you want anything by then?

Mu Qianyue's eyes showed hesitation, as if he was very entangled whether to exchange with Bitongteng or to give the Yanxuecao to Huoxi...

"Qianyue, it doesn't matter whether I become a pill doctor or not. With you, that's enough. You go and exchange the thousand-year ice silk soft armor with him." Huo Xi said with a gentle expression.

"Huo Xi, I'm sorry..." Mu Qianyue looked at him apologetically.

Yang Qinchun's eyes were filled with unwillingness and anger, and he couldn't help but sarcastically said, "The King Losing Mo was so good to her, he actually gave Snow Grass to others for a piece of soft armor!"

Her voice was full of acrimoniousness, as well as intense jealousy.

God knows how much she wants that snow grass, but she can't bring out any good things to exchange with Mu Qianyue...

Last time I offered to exchange other things for Mu Qianyue for that monster, but she rejected it!

But now Mu Qianyue exchanged snow grass for a thousand-year-old ice silk soft armor. Damn woman, really hateful!

Afterwards, Mu Qianyue used Yanxuecao and Bitongteng to exchange the thousand-year-old ice silk soft armor, but did not check the person who took the opportunity to steal the mysterious treasure for a while.

"Huo Xi, let's go take a look." Mu Qianyue raised her head and glanced at the direction where Mu Xueying and others disappeared, a trace of worry appeared in her eyes.

"You can't go!"

Yang Qinchun's angry shout sounded behind him.

Huo Xi frowned and turned back to look at her as cold as a knife.

Feeling the appalling pressure, Yang Qinchun's face turned pale, bit her lip, and looked at Huo Xi, "Mo King, I didn't target you, I just made Mu Qianyue unable to leave!"

Mu Qianyue raised her brows lightly, "I can't go? Why?"

"Because the mysterious treasure is lost! It must have something to do with you! Who made you disappear for a while! But when the treasure was lost, you were not there!" Yang Qinchun bit the handle firmly.

The gazes of Bi Dongteng and the Saint Master of Wanhua Island turned to Mu Qianyue again.

"It's you guys, it's very suspicious!" Mu Qianyue puts her hands around her chest, a madness on her beautiful face, and a faint sneer at the corners of her mouth.

"Everyone has gone to chase the treasure, but none of you are chasing it, which is really strange! Or do you know where the treasure is, so there is no need to chase it?"

The girl's faint voice fell, but with a deterrent force, it instantly attracted the attention of Bi Dongteng and the Saint Master of Wanhua Island, and fell on Yaoxin and the others.

"She's right, you guys are more suspicious." The voice of the holy master of Wanhua Island fell as cold and beautiful as a yellow oriole, and his narrow black phoenix eyes looked at Yaoxin and the others, with a cold light in them.

When the woman spoke, Mu Qianyue was shocked, this voice...

So familiar...

The floodgates of memory were opened, and the gentle words of so many years lingered in my ears, and they were very familiar.

A flash of shock flashed across Mu Qianyue's eyes, mother...her voice was a bit like mother...

Also, when I saw her for the first time, although she was covered with a veil, the eyes under that veil were very similar to those of my mother.

Mu Qianyue stared at her blankly, and countless thoughts flashed in her mind...

Here, Yao Xin glared Yang Qinchun angrily, the guy who did not succeed, and failed! Not only did she not blame Mu Qianyue on her body, but instead caused the dirty water to her body...

Yang Qinchun shut up immediately, hiding behind Yaoxin, not daring to speak any more.

"The strongest person on my side is only the Tier 4 God Emperor. Compared to your senior God Emperors, it is far behind. If we do anything, I think you will know everything clearly. This aperture can't even be broken by the God Emperor. , My Medicine King Zong doesn't have this ability." Yao Xin said lightly.

Bi Dongteng narrowed his eyes, indeed.

Before, he had been paying attention to the movement here, no one could get in under his eyelids...

Mu Qianyue's gaze fell on the sage master of Wanhua Island from beginning to end, and her scorching, slightly excited and suspicious gaze attracted the attention of the sage master of Wanhua Island. She frowned and looked at the same puzzled. Xiang Mu Qianyue, "This girl, why are you staring at me? Is there anything wrong with me?"

Mu Qianyue walked over to her involuntarily, raising her plain white wrist lightly, and couldn't help but stretch it towards the person in front of her.

Mu Qianyue's sudden move made Huo Xi stunned. What happened to Qianyue?

"Holy Lord, hello. My name is Mu Qianyue, from the Mu's family in Fengying City..." Mu Qianyue's palm fell, and her gesture changed to a gesture of shaking hands and making friends.

Originally, she wanted to lift the veil on her face, but after all, reason suppressed the curiosity and doubts in her heart.

"Huh! I thought I could climb Wanhua Island like this? What a joke!" Yang Qinchun snorted coldly.

Wanhua Island is one of the six major sects, and the woman in front of her is obviously the Holy Master of Wanhua Island. Just now, she heard those ordinary disciples calling her like this.

As the Holy Lord, it occupies a very important position in Wanhua Island, and its status is extremely noble!

It is ridiculous that this woman Mu Qianyue wants to climb to Wanhua Island with this!

What kind of existence is the Saint Lord of Wanhua Island?

Since she is arrogant and cold, how can she like Mu Qianyue?

However, the next moment the move of the Saint Master of Wanhua Island made Yang Qinchun's face completely frozen.

"Miss Mu, hello, my name is Huarong." With a slight smile in the eyes of the Wanhua Island Holy Master, he held Mu Qianyue's stretched hand. Although she wears a veil, anyone can see It came out that her face under the veil had a gentle smile.


Mu Qianyue was startled, the light in her eyes gradually dimmed. She is not a mother, but someone who is somewhat similar to her...

If she is a mother-in-law, she will recognize herself when she hears her own family.

Besides, the mother was disfigured, her voice dumbed, and her strength abolished?

I was too excited just now, but I forgot about it.

However, Hua Rong's friendly attitude made Mu Qianyue feel good about her, and she was not angry because of her rudeness just now.

Upon seeing this, Yang Qinchun's eyes showed deep jealousy and anger. Why can Mu Qianyue get Huarong's favor? The fingers under the sleeve were secretly twisted together.

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