Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1311: Human looks like a dog...【1】

"Miss Mu, I have something to do, so I'll leave first, and see you later." Hua Rong said lightly, her voice fell, and she turned and left.

With Huarong's departure, Mu Qianyue and Huo Xi also found a reason and left.

Bi Dongteng didn't delay himself, and hurriedly searched for the person who stole the mysterious treasure, but he never thought that the person who took the mysterious treasure was Mu Qianyue who was excluded by him.


"Qianyue, I'm afraid that flame snow grass is not that simple, right?" Huo Xi walked slowly among the verdant jungle, looking sideways at the woman beside him, with a smile on his beautiful lips.

"You guessed it! Although that snow grass can make an ordinary person have the physique to become a pill master, its sequelae are also very serious. The strength of the eater will stagnate for life, and..." Female Black There was a touch of cunning in the bright eyes.

"And what?" Huo Xi asked curiously.

Seeing the master's sly look like a fox, it doesn't seem to be a good thing...

"And she will never lift it for life." Mu Qianyue smiled lightly, then paused and said, "If a woman takes it, she will be infertile for life."

Huo Xi's face went dark.

It seems that the consequences are quite serious...

"Um... I don't know if this snow grass Bidongteng wants to take it by himself or for others to take it." Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes suspiciously and murmured, "but look at his excited appearance He will probably take it by himself. But he is a lot of age, he shouldn't always worry about finding a woman? Even if he doesn't raise it, it shouldn't have any effect on him. Maybe he will face trouble..."

Hearing Mu Qianyue's whisper, the smile in Huo Xi's eyes was deep, and there was a hint of gentleness in his looking eyes, and he said, "No, it will have a great impact on him."

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue's eyes filled with doubts, and she turned her head to look at him.

The smile on Huo Xi's lips widened, and he continued, "I see his face, there are still a lot of boudoir matters."


Mu Qianyue almost didn't smile and looked at him with surprise, "You still look at the picture?"

"I saw him look haggard, his deity is old, and his bottom line is unstable. This should be caused by too much sex. Normal martial artists who have reached the realm of the emperor should be full of energy and face glowing." Huo Xi's eyes Stained with contempt.

Mu Qianyue nodded in agreement, "The analysis is extremely reasonable. Hehe... I hope that snow grass will let him completely quit this bad habit!"

The woman's beautiful face carried a serious and serious look.

Huo Xi shook his head amusingly, quit this bad habit? It is estimated that Bi Dongteng will be furious when he knows it, and he has a murderous heart!

Mu Qianyue wouldn't care about Bi Dongteng's thoughts. From Bi Dongteng's desire to send someone to the Feibao Tower to investigate him, it can be seen that Bi Dongteng is a person who does nothing to achieve his goals.

For that mysterious map, he asked Qin Xiang to investigate himself in Feibaolou, and then sent someone to find Nalanye's whereabouts.

If he finds his own Nalan Ye, he vowed to shoot her and Nalan Ye for two maps.

So why should she show mercy to his men?

So Mu Qianyue didn't think she had done anything wrong.

People don't offend me, I don't offend people, it has always been her principle of dealing with things.

"Why haven't Xueying and Mo Lin come back?" Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes lightly, and raised her head to look at Huo Xi. "We will find them separately, and we will meet here in an hour."

"Good." Huo Xi nodded.

This is the depths of the Yanglong Mountains, full of dangers.

Mu Qianyue moved her body and swept towards the east. From the feeling between her and Xue Ying, it seemed that she was in this position...

After walking fast for a quarter of an hour, Mu Qianyue faintly heard the sound of fighting in front of him. Mu Qianyue's eyes changed, her figure moved, and she quickly swept forward.

I saw two elders of the middle-level **** king violently attacking Jin Liye, while Yaoxin and Yang Qinchun and others were watching.

"Miss Yaoxin, this one named Jin Liye is a golden flame lion. I have seen him transform into a human form before." Yang Qinchun stood beside Yaoxin with a flattering smile on his face, "Yaoxin The young lady has a distinguished status and excellent talent. She has reached the realm of an eight-pin pill pharmacist at a young age, and only such a beast capable of transforming can be worthy of your identity as Miss Yaoxin.

Doesn't Mu Qianyue care about this pet beast?

Humph! Now she let her lose this pet beast! This is the price for her against herself!

Yao Xin's mouth was filled with a faint smile, she raised her head, her light and graceful gaze fell on Jin Liye's body, "If you didn't say anything, I hadn't noticed that he turned out to be a monster-level monster... Yang Qinchun, this time you are considered to be meritorious. I reward you for this Emperor Yuan Ling Pill."

The palm of his hand shook, he took out a pill and threw it at Yang Qinchun.

Yang Qinchun was overjoyed when he saw this, and quickly reached out to take it, "Miss Xie Yaoxin."

Emperor Yuan Ling Pill! It turned out to be the Diyuan Spirit Pill!

The Emperor Yuan Ling Pill can promote an emperor martial artist to the first rank, which is very precious. Even if she is the fifth princess of the Yunying Kingdom, she has no chance to obtain such a precious pill.

Unexpectedly, it was so easy to obtain an Emperor Ling Yuan Pill from Yao Xin's hands, which is really good! It's no wonder that so many people want to follow the medicine master's side, even if it is a medicine boy, there are really too many benefits!

Yao Xin saw Yang Qinchun's overjoyed expression, and a scorn appeared in her eyes, "After I go back, I will reward you with some pills."

"Thank you Miss Yaoxin, Miss Yaoxin, you are not only beautiful, but also generous. I will definitely follow Yaoxin with all my heart in the future, being a competent medicine boy, and never disappoint Miss Yaoxin's expectations!" Yang Qinchun flattered.

A young man standing next to Yao Xin, named Yao Fei.

Upon seeing this, Yao Fei couldn't help but sneered at the corners of her lips. Heh, did she really think she was in Miss Xin's eyes? Want to be Miss Xin's medicine boy? Miss Xin kept her by her side, but she was a medicine man who lacked an emperor martial artist!

Now that Yang Qinchun has brought it to the door by himself, how can there be any reason not to accept it?

There were also many medicine people around Miss Xin before, but the strength of those people was too weak, they didn't have a few tossing madness, or exploded to death.

And Yang Qinchun is also a seventh-order emperor martial artist, and if he can reach the realm of a **** king, he can try more pills for Miss Xin.

After all, Miss Xin is studying the pill. The effect of the pill that has just been researched is not clear whether it is good or bad. At this time, a pharmacist must come to taste the medicine to know the result.

Miss Xin is so noble and flawless, it is impossible to test the medicine personally, and the medicine people must play their role at this time!

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