Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1312: Human looks like a dog...【2】

What is ridiculous is that Yang Qinchun mistakenly thought that Miss Xin accepted her as a medicine boy... Ha ha...

However, Miss Xin only told herself about this matter, and now all of this cannot be told to Yang Qinchun, otherwise it would be no good for her to be rebellious.

Poor Yang Qinchun didn't know all of this at all. He thought he could enter the Medicine King Sect, and from then on he would have a relationship with the Medicine King Sect!

"Golden Flame Lion, you still don't want to be stubborn anymore. Why don't you follow Miss Xin! She is an eight-pin pill pharmacist! If you automatically contract with her, you will take the pill in the future!" Said as he attacked Jin Liye.

"Yes! Ms. Xin is not only a pill pharmacist, but she has a gentle personality, and she is also the third young lady of Yaowangzong. Her status is very noble. If you follow her, your status and status will also increase, comparable to that of Mu Qianyue. Much stronger. How?" The other person also kept attacking, while persuading.

Eight Pin Pill Pharmacist?

A sneer overflowed from the corners of Jin Liye's lips, and even an eight-pin pill pharmacist would dare to show off? The mistress is a ten-pin pill pharmacist, much better than this kind of medicine! Moreover, the medicinal pill made by the master mother is very effective, and he never treats his subordinates harshly.

And this one called Yaoxin was gentle and elegant on the outside, but the contempt and arrogance that flashed through her eyes betrayed her, and she knew all this was just the appearance of a woman!

From the fact that she wants to grab herself and become her pet, it can be seen that this woman is very bad!

"I, Jin Liye, will only have a master! She is not worthy!" Jin Liye's eyes flashed coldly, he roared, his hands pinched the tactics, the red golden flames surged from his body, and the hot breath quickly made the air The temperature rises in the middle, and it seems that even the cold has disappeared.

Although the temperature of the flame was very high, it temporarily forced the two of them back, but one of them was the fourth-order **** king and the other was the fifth-order **** king, and they entangled in an instant.

"Bang!" He kicked Jin Liye's chest fiercely.

Jin Liye's body flew upside down in the air, and a mouthful of blood spurted out in a thrilling arc in the air.

Just when Jin Liye thought that he would fall and make his **** bloom, he suddenly felt a wave of strength from his shoulders, and his soft palms covered his shoulders. He looked sideways and saw the beautiful picture. I couldn't help but be overjoyed, "Mother!"

The next moment, Mu Qianyue brought Jin Liye to the ground.

Looking up, the long, narrow black eyes were filled with cold light and murderous intent, "You dare to hurt him!"

"Whether it is a baby or a pet beast, only strong people are eligible! And the weak are not worthy of having these things." Yao Xin raised a smile on the corner of her lips, and said lightly, looking at Mu Qianyue, her eyes clearly hidden ridicule.

Hearing that, Mu Qianyue's long and narrow black eyes could not help but be stained with a trace of evil charm and irony, "Heh...should be robbed and arrogant, and you have to say so grandiosely, today is really a long experience! But you want to take it away Li Ye, have you ever asked my opinion?"

"Your name is Mu Qianyue? I advise you not to oppose my Medicine King Zong. After all, it will not do you any good! If you are willing to give me this pet beast, I can allow you to enter Medicine King. Zong, become the inner disciple of my Medicine King Zong." Yao Xin's beautiful face was filled with arrogance, as if it were a great gift.

Yang Qinchun's eyes widened unexpectedly when he heard this, what? Miss Yao Xin wants Mu Qianyue to enter Yao Wangzong, or is she an inner disciple? ! And he was just a little medicine boy who followed Yaoxin to please! Thinking of this, Yang Qinchun's heart is full of anger and unwillingness!

Damn Yaoxin, treat herself like this, if one day she becomes stronger, she must be stamped under her feet fiercely! Torture her to your heart's content! Let her dare to look down upon herself!

"Is Yao Wangzong very powerful?" Mu Qianyue's mouth was pouting with contempt.

"Of course! The Medicine King Sect is one of the six major sects of the Profound Sky Realm. If you are willing to give me this golden flame lion, I will let you enter the Medicine King Sect and the Medicine King Sect cultivation, not only can you gain a lot of cultivation. Resources, I can also give you many elixirs to make your cultivation path smoother!" Yao Xin thought that Mu Qianyue had never heard of Yao Wangzong, and could not help but explain.

Her face showed a proud and arrogant color, a look of loftyness.

This kind of benefit, in exchange, anyone will agree.

And Mu Qianyue is bound to agree that he can enter Yaowangzong, but how many people can't get in with his head broken!

Yang Qinchun on the side was shocked when he heard the words, and could not help whispering anxiously, "Miss Yaoxin, you must not let Mu Qianyue enter the Yaowangzong, she persecuted my mother and queen into such a situation, you But I promised to avenge my mother..."

If Mu Qianyue entered the Medicine King Sect, she would definitely bully her head, which she absolutely couldn't bear!

Yao Xin glanced at her coldly, and secretly said, "Don't worry, I promise you, I will do it. After all, this is my father's life owed to your mother. When Mu Qianyue enters the Yao Wangzong, Isn't it better to deal with under my nose?"

Hearing this, the fear and panic in Yang Qinchun's eyes immediately disappeared, and she put on a cold smile, "Miss Yaoxin is still smart!"

"Mu Qianyue, how are you thinking about it?" Yao Xin asked Mu Qianyue again, looking at Mu Qianyue.

Jin Liye raised her eyes lightly, and there was a deep contempt and irony in her eyes looking at Yaoxin, what a self-righteous woman! Will the mistress lack her pill? The mistress's medicine is much better than hers!

Humph! Even if the mistress does not know how to practice alchemy, she will not betray her friends for a little profit!

"I'm really sorry, Yao Wangzong...I still don't look down on it!" The woman's light voice was arrogant and arrogant, and there was a hint of madness and evil charm between the green-peak-like eyebrows.

Yao Xin's face suddenly became cold, "Mu Qianyue, you are going to be too rampant! You are just a beast, do you need to be like this? Against my Yao Wangzong, there is no good end!"

"Although Li Ye is a Warcraft, it is love and righteousness. In my eyes, he is my friend, not a beast." Mu Qianyue's eyes were cold, and her slender figure exuded a rolling chill.

The brows were raised lightly, the evil gaze fell on the opposite Yaoxin, and the corners of her beautiful lips raised a mocking smile, "And some people dressed like dogs still can't change the fact that she is a beast in her bones."

"You..." Yao Xin's face changed suddenly, the elegance and arrogance on her face could no longer be maintained, and there was a sullen expression in her eyes.

"Looking for death!" Yao Fei roared, staring at Mu Qianyue gloomily, with murderous intent in her eyes, "Miss Xin kindly gave you the opportunity, but you don't cherish it! If so, then you can't blame us!"

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