Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1324: Flowers appear 【3】

Bi Dongteng's figure swept over the woods, and the entire verdant ancient forest was caught in his eyes for time. Together with his divine sense, he scanned the surrounding area within a kilometer inch by inch, except for the occasional sound. The sound of insects and beasts disappeared at all.

Bi Dongteng's face was blue, and his eyes were filled with anger. With a move, he fell from the sky above the woods and landed at the previous position. The corners of his lips curled up with a sneer, and his hands were raised, facing the person in front of him. The air blew up.


The majestic and terrifying force directly caused the air to violently shake and twist.

But Mu Qianyue's face changed in the space of the Tongtian Tower, and she felt that the entire space of the Tongtian Tower was shaking violently.

The long, narrow black eyes narrowed slightly, and a quick surprise flashed across Mu Qianyue's eyes, and he actually realized that he was hiding here! The Intermediate Divine Emperor is really terrifying, both in terms of power and divine consciousness are much stronger than the Divine King!

"Mu Qianyue! You don't have to hide anymore, I know you are hiding here! Hmph, it doesn't matter if you don't come out, I will hit you until you come out!" Bi Dongteng's mouth made a smirk, and his hands kept on The surrounding air was bombarding.

The fierce power trembled Mu Qianyue's blood.

Can’t go on like this!

"Master, what are you going to do?" Seeing Mu Qianyue was about to go out, Mu Xueying quickly took her hand, revealing a trace of worry and tension in her silver eyes like moonlight.

"I have to go out!" Mu Qianyue's eyes filled with determination.

"Mother, you can't go out. If you go out now, you will definitely die!" Jin Liye also said.

"Although the space of the Tongtian Tower can carry life, it is not unbreakable. Now I can only unlock the seventh floor of the Tongtian Tower, so the defense of the Tongtian Tower space is not high. If Bi Dongteng continues to attack like this, it will It will have a great impact on the Tongtian Tower, and it will also affect Tianshuo!" Mu Qianyue's face showed a firm color.

Bi Dongteng frantically attacked the Tongtian Tower, which is equivalent to frantically attacking Tian Shuo.

Now that Tian Shuo is not by her side, she doesn't know how Tian Shuo is at this time.

"Master, I'll go out and lead him away!" Mu Xueying's beautiful face floated up with a touch of determination.

"As a man, let me protect the two of you! Sakura Sakura, you are here to take care of the mistress!" Jin Liye held Mu Xueying's hand, staring at her eyes seriously like a star The woman’s beautiful and moving face, her voice is different from the past, with a touch of nostalgia, "Sakura Sakura, if I don’t stop in the future, you must remember to take care of yourself, smile more, and don’t always be cold. A face, I like to see the way you smile, you look good when you smile..."

She is his beloved woman, how could he be willing to send her to death?

When I saw that Bi Dongteng seriously injured her and almost killed her, his whole heart trembled. He hated that he didn't protect her, so that she would be hurt...

Fortunately, the mistress has the Golden Lotus Resurrection Pill, otherwise he would never forgive himself in this life!

Now that Sakura Sakura is all right, he is relieved!


Hearing his words, Mu Xueying only felt that her mind was blank, and she stared at him in a daze, only to feel that something broke through the ice in her heart, quietly coming out.

"You two don't have to fight, I'll go out! You will stay here honestly for me!" Mu Qianyue's eyebrows contained a trace of coldness and domineering, and she faintly dropped a word, not giving them a chance to refute, thoughts With a move, he went directly out of the space of Tongtian Tower and closed the connection with the space of Tongtian Tower.

"Master, you let us out! Let us get him away!" Mu Xueying's face changed drastically, and she shouted anxiously into the air.

"Mother! Hurry up and open the Tongtian Pagoda! Mistress! Mistress!!" Jin Liye's face also showed infinite panic and anxiety.

"Master! Hurry up and let us go out! I don't want you to take risks for us..." A line of tears slipped from Mu Xueying's face. Whenever he encountered danger, the master always took it alone, using her The slender body propped up a shelter for them.

But she doesn't want it!

She is the master's pet beast, a contract beast, and shouldn't she go desperately in danger?

"Mistress, mistress, I am Jin Yan holy lion, my speed is fast, let me go out to entice him!" Jin Liye kept shouting.

He has promised the master to protect the mistress, if something happens to the mistress, he will never escape the blame!

Besides, the mistress treats him very well, like this kind of love and righteous mistress, it is worth his whole life to follow Jin Liye, this is also the reason why the master loves the mistress so much! Even in reincarnation, she still loves her deeply, this obsession, this love has long been carved into the bone marrow and embedded in the soul!

But no matter how they shouted, Mu Qianyue didn't mean to open the space of Tongtian Tower.

Now that you have decided to take this risk yourself, why drag them?

As soon as she exited the Sky Tower space, the stealth attack and the phantom footwork started at the same time, and her figure disappeared into the air instantly. The stealth attack could be invisible for five seconds, enough for her to run 500 meters away!

Bi Dongteng was taken aback, only to feel a breeze drifting past him quickly, carrying a faint fragrance unique to women.

There was a smirk at the corner of his mouth, "Want to run? No way!"

With a force at his feet, he chased him instantly, extremely fast, and the distance of five hundred meters was instantly shortened, and after five seconds passed, Mu Qianyue's figure was also revealed in the air.

"Mu Qianyue, if you honestly hand over the thousand-year ice silk soft armor and the resurgent pill, I will let you go! Otherwise, die!" Bi Dongteng stopped in front of Mu Qianyue, Blocked the way.

The blue-gray robes were lightly raised, and his body exuded a cold and terrifying killing intent. He looked at Mu Qianyue with a ferocious look and coldly threatened.

"No matter which one it is, it is absolutely impossible!" Mu Qianyue paused, staring at him coldly in her star-like eyes, and her eyebrows were full of coldness and madness.

Even in the face of Bitongteng's threat, she still didn't change her face.

"Huh! Spine! It's a pity that you have spine at this time, which is obviously not a good thing. Sometimes people who know the current affairs are handsome!" Bitongteng snorted coldly, his face became more murderous, "Since you refuse to hand it over. , Then I can only do it myself! After killing you, all this naturally belongs to me!"

"Really? It also depends on whether you have the ability to get it!" Mu Qianyue's dark pupils contained a trace of determination to see death at home.

She can be regarded as a person who has died once, but relying on the power of the stars, she has come back to life again, her body is reshaped, and the big deal is to die again! As long as there is a drop of her blood in this world, she will never die!

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