Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1325: Flower appearance 【4】

This is the benefit of the Nine Changes of Tai Chi!

Nine changes in Tai Chi, immortality, heaven and earth coexist!

It’s just that death doesn’t feel good. People who have experienced death will understand that that kind of fear pervades their hearts and destroys the will and soul of people! It will also have a great impact on the path of cultivation!

Death, this is the last resort, there is no solution.

When the words fell, Bi Dongteng's figure turned into a ray of blue light, and rushed towards Mu Qianyue. Under the blue-gray sleeves, both palms were slowly raised, and the majestic true energy quickly condensed in the palm of the hand, fierce. The mighty force distorted this space, rubbed the air, and made a chuckle.

"Mu Qianyue, I'll give you one last chance, can you hand it over?"

"Even if I die, I won't give you these things!" Mu Qianyue's brows were cold, and she clenched the Extinction Sword in her hand.

The wind blew Mu Qianyue’s clothes hunting and hunting, her slender figure stood in the wind, as if it would be blown away at any time, just like that flat boat ups and downs in the wind and sea, but the woman’s eyes are A firm, decisive!

"Very well, then you go to die!" Bi Dongteng snorted coldly, and his palm blasted forward without hesitation.

There was a smirk at the corner of Bi Dongteng's mouth. It didn't take much effort to deal with a **** king like Mu Mu Qianyue, and it didn't even need to use any tricks, just the most primitive power.

It's just a **** king!

These two palm shadows were enough to severely wound her, even if she was in the realm of life, there was no time to recover.

Just when the two palm shadows were about to fall on Mu Qianyue's body, a purple ray of light suddenly flew from a distance, and in an instant fell in front of Mu Qianyue.

The woman is dressed in a purple robe, with long hair like a waterfall draped on her back, flying with the wind, like a cold and independent purple lotus!

Under the purple sleeve robes, two slender palms were gently lifted, and Hao did not hesitate to blast towards the opposite side.

Just hearing a loud bang, the two forces collided in mid-air.

There was a shocking sound, and in that moment, Bi Dongteng's power was invisible and disappeared into the air.

And the woman stood in place, her slender figure standing still, at this moment her body seemed to have the power of everything.

Mu Qianyue looked at the figure in front of her with surprise, it was her, Huarong!

"Ten Thousand Flower Island?"

Bi Dongteng squinted his eyes and looked at the flower face that suddenly appeared in front of him, with an unpleasant expression in his eyes. He threatened coldly, "This is between my Biyu Palace and Mu Qianyue. You'd better not interfere. , So as not to cause trouble to the upper body!"

Under the veil, the corners of Hua Rong's mouth curled up slightly, and a trace of disdain appeared in her cold beautiful eyes, "Bi Dongteng, you are the elder of Biyu Palace at any rate, and you are the middle-level emperor. You are embarrassed here. Girl, don’t you be afraid of other people’s jokes?"

"Huh! She deliberately deceived me with a plant of snow grass, which caused my strength to stagnate for life, and even lost important things! She is the damn!" Bi Dongteng said angrily in his eyes, "Hua Rong, let me know if you know! Otherwise, don't blame me for killing you!"

In front of Hua Rong, he said that he had lost something important, and he didn't say that his function was gone. Otherwise, if this matter was spread, where would his face go? Don't let the world laugh?

He dared to say in front of Mu Qianyue before, but he was ready to kill Mu Qianyue.

The dead cannot speak, so he is not afraid!

It's just that he didn't expect Hua Rong to appear suddenly now, which he didn't expect.

Haven't all the people on Wanhua Island gone back? Why does Huarong appear here?

"I clearly saw that you wanted to grab something from others. If they didn't give it to you, you started to kill. It seems that Biyu Palace is not as bright and upright as it seems! Moreover, the Yanxuecao is your voluntarily. In exchange, Yue'er didn't force you. You make a mistake in taking it now, but it's on the little girl? Tsk tsk, your face is really thick!" The sarcasm in Hua Rong's eyes deepened.

There was a flash of anger on Bi Dongteng's face, his gaze resembling a venomous snake of prey, horrifying, "So you are determined to go against me?"

"Yue'er is my friend, so I'll take care of this matter!" Facing his threat, Hua Rong's eyes remained unchanged, still with a slight smile.

Bi Dongteng's complexion changed from blue to purple. After thinking about it for a while, there was a sly and cold glow in his eyes, "Hua Rong, this little Nizi has many treasures on her body, and there are also medicines that can bring back death. It is better for us to share it together. Up?"

After all, the pill for reviving the dead is too bad, and the temptation is also very big, he believes that Hua Rong can't not be moved!

And Hua Rong and Mu Qianyue didn't have any friendship, it was only the first time they met in the Yanglong Mountains that day!

Mu Qianyue was shocked when she heard this, he really did not expect Bitongteng to be so cunning!

If Hua Rong is really affected by him and takes action against herself, then she really has no chance to escape...

Thinking like this, she couldn't help but raised her head, her cold eyes fell on Huarong's veiled face, the woman's face was blocked, only a pair of bright and moving cold star-like eyes were exposed.

Hua Rong's gaze was calm, and she didn't have the slightest heartbeat because of his words, "Bi Dongteng, it's not yours, don't think about it. Killing people and selling goods, I won't do this kind of activity! Of course, I am here. , I will not allow you to do this!"

Hearing that, Mu Qianyue looked at her with complicated eyes, why did Hua Rong help herself like this? Is it just because of friends?

"Hua Rong, shouldn't it be that you want to wait for me to kill her and swallow her?" Bi Dongteng sneered, obviously not believing Hua Rong's words.

"Believe it or not, in short, I won't be as despicable and shameless as you!" Hua Rong chuckled lightly, exuding a cold and arrogant aura.

Bi Dongteng knew that he would never have another chance to start, and his eyes were like eagles, "Wanhua Island, Huarong! I remember you! I hope you will not fall into my hands in the future!"

Throwing a word coldly, Bi Dongteng moved his body and quickly turned and left, disappearing into the dense forest in the blink of an eye.

"Yue'er, are you okay?" Hua Rong turned around and looked at Mu Qianyue with a smile on her brows, with a concerned expression in her eyes. Mu Qianyue's tender eyes were lost for a moment.

Why is the look in her caring eyes so like a mother?

"I'm fine." Mu Qianyue came back to her senses, let out a sigh of relief, and said lightly.

"It's not safe here. If you're okay, go back quickly, or you will be in trouble if you meet Bi Dongteng again." Hua Rong said in a pause, frowning, "Forget it, I'll take you back. Yanglong City is still some distance away, I'm afraid he will ambush you on the road."

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