Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1327: Meet and not recognize [2]

I don’t know why, when Hua Rong looks at Mu Qianyue, she always has a very familiar feeling, with a touch of long-lost kindness... This feeling is very warm, making her want to stay by Mu Qianyue’s side and protect she was.

Even Huarong herself was puzzled. She didn't know why she felt this way when she saw Mu Qianyue.

And Mu Qianyue personally cooks a table of hearty meals for her, plus a pot of fruit wine, the two talked happily.

Although they can't recognize each other, this does not prevent their feelings from sublimating.

It was not until late at night that Hua Rong returned to her house, and Huo Xi came to Mu Qianyue's house.

The dim light fell on the beautiful white face of the woman, as if it was surrounded by a halo of intoxication, and the corners of the woman’s mouth were slightly raised, evoking a graceful arc, like a crabapple in the dark night with a kind of Amazing beauty.

"Qianyue, is Huarong your mother?" He stepped forward, his eyes fell on Mu Qianyue's face, and asked softly.

Hearing that, Mu Qianyue turned around, Ruxing's beautiful eyes turned towards Huo Xi, and nodded lightly, "It seems you have guessed it."

Seeing Huo Xi's frowning brows and the doubts on her face, Mu Qianyue simply said the guess in her heart, "I can be sure that she is my mother!"

After a pause, she moved her mind to open the Tongtian Tower space, and then two figures appeared in the room, it was Mu Xueying and Jin Liye.

"Master, are you okay?" Mu Xueying looked at her nervously, and when she saw Huo Xi and the antique room in front of her, she couldn't help but feel relieved. She knew that the master had returned to Prince Mo Mansion.

With Huo Xi, no one can hurt the master.

"Mother, how did you escape from the pursuit of Bi Dongteng?" Jin Liye's heart was full of doubts, after all, Bi Dongteng is a middle-level god!

Because Mu Qianyue had closed the Tongtian Pagoda before, Mu Xueying and Jin Liye didn't know what happened later.

After Mu Qianyue briefly told the story, she looked up at Mu Xueying and said, "Xueying, you go find my father quickly, just say that I have found my mother, and you bring him to Prince Mo's Mansion."

"Li Ye, you go find Tian Shuo, Bing Yan, and Tian Ge, and let them come back." When the words fell, he looked at Jin Li Ye next to him and ordered.

"Yes." The two nodded, moved out of the window, and quickly disappeared into the night.

Three days later, Mu Yan Fengchen rushed to Prince Mo's Mansion. His handsome face was a little haggard, his hair was messy, and even cyan moustaches grew on his chin. Under the leadership of Mu Xueying, he walked quickly toward the courtyard. Go.

Two figures sitting under the plum tree in the courtyard are Mu Qianyue and Huarong.

Mu Yan's body trembled fiercely, standing outside the courtyard, looking at the face that was thinking day and night in the courtyard.

Shallow sunlight shone on the exquisite and picturesque face, like a fairy in a mural, with purple clothes flying, and ink hair like a waterfall scattered on the back, the beauty is breathtaking.

The cold wind is bitter, plum blossoms are falling, dancing gracefully, falling on the tip of the woman's hair, adding a touch of coldness to her.

Mu Yan stood there foolishly, his mind was blank, only the face of flowers in front of him...

After more than a year of separation, in the past two years, he finally found her!

A line of tears fell from the corners of his eyes, and Mu Yan's eyes were red. He suppressed the surging thoughts in his heart, and resisted not rushing to hug her!

At this moment, he really wanted to hug her tightly in his arms, take care of her, and no longer let her suffer a trace of harm... but he can't!

Lan'er no longer remembered herself, what if she rushed forward like this and frightened her?

Hua Rong felt a hot gaze looking at herself, she couldn't help but turned her head to look outside the courtyard, and saw the figure standing there like a sculpture. His expression was haggard, his eyes were red, and his face was filled with tears. The excitement made her heart hurt, and she felt choked and distressed...

Hua Rong was taken aback, she couldn't help standing up, her eyebrows frowned, her eyes quietly staring at Mu Yan.

But there was a shocking doubt in my heart. Why did I feel that the man in front of me felt familiar? Have a very familiar feeling? Why do I feel a trace of distress when I see the mist in his eyes?

Mu Yan took a deep breath and walked over, a kind and gentle smile appeared on his resolute face, "Hello, my name is Mu Yan."

On the way here, Mu Xueying had told him all about Lan'er's amnesia, as well as her identity as the saint master of Wanhua Island, and the strength of the mid-level **** emperor.

"Have we seen it before?" Hua Rong frowned, her gaze set on his face tightly, and she was puzzled.

Hearing this, there was a touch of joy in Mu Yan's eyes. Did Lan'er remember anything?

"Yes, we have seen it."

"But why don't I have you in my memory? My memory seems to be blank, and I don't have any impression of my past..." Hua Rong's face showed a touch of distress, this feeling of not knowing the past and not having a trace of memory. It's really helpless.

"Our relationship was...very good before. You can't remember this because you have lost your memory. Lan'er, I didn't protect you before, so you were hurt so much that you lost your memory." Mu Yan's voice is dull, magnetic and slightly charming.

He tried to suppress the excitement in his heart, staring at Hua Rong with star-like deep eyes, before he could say the rest.

He wanted to tell her that they are very loving couples, and they also have a pair of well-behaved and smart children...

He wanted to tell her that Mu Qianyue in front of her was their daughter...

But he was afraid of frightening her, so he could only temporarily suppress all of this in his heart.

"Lan'er?" Hua Rong frowned, "It's a familiar name, but I can't remember anything."


"My name is Hua Rong." Hua Rong said lightly.

"Lan'er..." Mu Yan exclaimed with some excitement.

"Father, you've been here all the way to the dust, so go and freshen up first." Mu Qianyue hurriedly shouted, she was naturally afraid that Dad would be too excited for a while, and it would be no good to scare the mother away.

Now Dad’s situation should be cleaned first, and calm down by the way.

Mu Yan understood Mu Qianyue's thoughts, so he did not object, concealing the disappointment and sadness under his eyes, and nodded softly, "En."

Turned out of the yard.

"Senior Huarong, my father was a little bit pretentious just now, don't worry about it, but you did know my father before..." Mu Qianyue looked at her with complicated eyes.

Hua Rong frowned, said nothing, as if thinking about something.

After a while, she raised her head and murmured, "Did I really forget something..."

Seeing Mu Yan's disappointed and sad eyes just now, her heart hurts tightly...

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