Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1328: Memory Flower【1】

"Senior Huarong, do you believe me?" Mu Qianyue stared at her earnestly.

The woman's serious and firm expression seemed to have a kind of convincing power, especially the black and clear eyes, as if they could speak, Hua couldn't bear it and nodded.

"Well, I believe you."

This is also the reason why she is willing to save Mu Qianyue, and she is also willing to come back to Yanglongcheng with her and stay here for a few days.

Otherwise she would have left.

"I will find a way to restore your memory!" Mu Qianyue said.

"Really?" Hua Rong's eyes lit up, and a touch of joy appeared on her face.

"En." Mu Qianyue nodded.

Back in the room, Mu Qianyue directly entered the Tongtian Tower space, searching for a way to restore his memory. After searching for a long time, there was still no gain.

Out of the space of the Tongtian Tower, Mu Qianyue frowned tightly. Although the Yin-Yang Divine Needle could bring back to life, it could not restore his memory.

Because Mu Qianyue was so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn't even know that she had run into someone, until there was an ouch in front of him, she pulled Mu Qianyue's mind back.

"Mu girl, what are you doing? Why don't you look at the road when you walk!" Yao Ziqiu rubbed the sore chest, looking at Mu Qianyue with a depressed expression.

"It's you who walks and doesn't look at the road, right?" Mu Qianyue raised her eyes and glanced at him lightly.

Yaoziqiu felt guilty, "I admit that I have, don't you?"

"Let's talk! What are you doing in my yard sneakingly?" Mu Qianyue's arms and chest gaze on him maliciously, "I heard that your taste is a bit unique!"

After returning from Yanglongcheng, she knew how pitiful Yao Fei was. When she walked back to the palace, her legs were trembling, her face was pale, her breath was weak, and she lived a little pitiful feeling.

Without knowing it, Yao Ziqiu was a pervert...

Yao Ziqiu was also very depressed by this. He just gave him a few more shots, but some places were not right. How could it become a beast in the eyes of others, and now the servants of the entire Prince Mo Mansion, The guard ran when he saw him, but he slipped faster than the rabbit!

Is he so scary?

There are also those maids hiding behind and pointing at him, their eyes full of shock and contempt, as if he is a heinous lewd!

Hey, he has to go out sneakily.

"Bah, baah! My taste has always been normal." Yao Ziqiu rolled his eyes depressed, "Mu girl, there are many things I don't understand about the acupuncture points of the human body, you can tell me more? "

"I am not free now." Mu Qianyue replied lightly.

"What can you do, just tell me..." Yao Ziqiu said spoiledly.

Mu Qianyue had a chill, "Senior Medicine, I really don't have time right now, I still have an urgent matter."

"What's your urgent matter, tell me, I'll do it for you!" Yaoziqiu stood in front of her, patted his chest, and looked righteous and awe-inspiring.

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue's eyes brightened, and his gaze fell on Yao Ziqiu's face. Yao Ziqiu, as a pill emperor, has a wide range of knowledge. Maybe he will know how to restore his memory!

"Senior Medicine, do you know if there is a way to restore memory?"

"Who has amnesia?" Yaoziqiu asked in surprise, squinting his eyes and thinking, "I can't help it. But I have heard that there is a medicinal herb called Memory Flower that can awaken people's lost memories. Just find this herb , You can completely restore your memory."

"Memory flower?" Mu Qianyue squinted in surprise, paused, and looked up at him, "Senior Yao, do you know where there is memory flower?"

"I heard that it appeared in the realm of medicine spirit." Yao Ziqiu said lightly, and then his gaze fell on Mu Qianyue's body, a sly flash in his eyes quickly.

Well, maybe we can take this opportunity to abduct her to the Medicine King Zong, hehe...

"Where is the medicine spirit realm?"

"Yaocheng, Yaowangzong."

Yao Ziqiu's voice fell, causing Mu Qianyue's frowning brows to gently stretch out.

Medicine King Zong?

Then go to Yaowangzong! As long as she can restore her memory for her mother, even if it is a sea of ​​fire, she will still go!

"I will set off to Yaowangzong early tomorrow morning." Mu Qianyue said with a fist.

"Silly girl, the realm of medicine spirit is not accessible to anyone. The realm of medicine spirit is an independent spatial world. It is only open to the core and elite disciples of the medicine king. If you want to go to the medicine spirit realm, You must become a disciple of Yaowangzong.” Yaozi Qiu said with a smile.

Must be a disciple of Yaowangzong to enter?

Mu Qianyue frowned slightly. Naturally, she would not suspect that Yao Ziqiu deceived herself. After all, there are some spaces that are really only open to the disciples of the clan, such as when they were in the mainland of Huanzhou, the White Tiger Secret Realm, etc. There is cooperation between the big families.

But without Dongfang Ao's permission, she would never worship others as a teacher!

This is not because she is afraid of Dongfang proud, but a kind of respect for Master!

Seeing her frowning, Yaoziqiu naturally saw her thoughts and smiled, "Mu girl, I won't take this opportunity to embarrass you to worship me as a teacher, although I really want you as an apprentice! Well, you will be my medicine boy temporarily, so that you belong to the medicine king sect, and you have the opportunity to enter the medicine spirit realm. But in this case, you will be wronged."

"it is good."

Mu Qianyue nodded, what about being his medicine boy?

She believed that Yao Ziqiu would not tell her to work, but she was just a nominal medicine boy.

"When are you going to Yaowangzong?" Yao Ziqiu asked.

"I will go tomorrow."

"So anxious?" Yaozi Qiu frowned, "I have something to do here, so let's go with my jade pendant first. When you get there, someone will pick you up. You will live in my yard temporarily. That's it. I'll find you in a few days."

Speaking, he flicked his palm, took out a piece of jade pendant, conveyed a piece of divine consciousness in, and then handed it to Mu Qianyue.

Mu Qianyue took it in her hand, "By the way, Senior Medicine, do you know what a memory flower looks like?"

I don't know what the memory flower looks like, even if I enter the realm of medicine spirit, I can't find it.

"The memory flower has seven petals, and each petal is a color, which is easier to recognize. It has a long rhizome and likes to grow in a sunny place." Yaoziqiu said.

Mu Qianyue nodded. In this way, memory flowers are indeed easier to recognize. She has not seen flowers with seven colors.

After confirming to go to Yaowangzong, Mu Qianyue decided to go find his father first and talk to him.

In the garden, Hualian walked aimlessly, and the distress of losing her memory filled her heart, making her very uncomfortable.

When she hadn’t met Mu Qianyue and Mu Yan before, she didn’t feel that way, nor did she feel that she had amnesia. Now that she has confirmed her amnesia, she always feels that she is empty in her heart. She wants to catch something, but she can’t catch anything. live……

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