Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1332: Crappy excuse

Yao Zihe's face suddenly became cold, "Huo Xi, I forgive you that you reached the strength of a **** emperor at a young age. It is not easy, and you don't want to be an enemy. Do you really want to fight against our Yao Wangzong? If you hand over Mu Qianyue, we will not trouble you! As long as you want, you can enter our Medicine King Sect at any time. I can grant you the position of Elder Keqing!"

Mu Qianyue put her arms around her chest, looked at Yaozihe with interest, and a sneer arc appeared at the corner of her mouth. Is it really good for him to openly dig people in front of him like this?

If Huo Xi was dug away like this, it wouldn't be Suzaku!

She and Huo Xi had a friendship for thousands of years. How could this temptation be abducted?

"Heh..." Huo Xi sneered disdainfully, "Yao Wangzong, I still look down on it!"

The man's exquisite and picturesque face is full of evil charm and madness, and the eyebrows are also filled with cold and domineering, as if the king is over the earth.

Huo Xi's scornful and arrogant appearance made Yao Zihe's face blue, dark clouds filled his eyes, and his eyes were gloomy, "It seems that you are determined to be an enemy of King Yaozong!"

"So what? For her, even if it is against the whole world, I will not blink!" The red clothes lightly brushed, and the cold silver brilliance shone all over him, making his jade-like face look even more even A bit more domineering and majestic.

The man's words were like a heavy hammer hitting Yang Qinchun's heart, making the last glimmer of hope in her heart shattered!

Her eyes stared incredibly big, and she looked closely at the beautiful and cold face in front of her. He actually did not hesitate to fight the whole world for her...

Why, why is Mu Qianyue so lucky to have Huo Xi so devoted to protecting her! !

But he was reluctant to even look at himself...

There was a deep jealousy and hatred in Yang Qinchun's eyes, and the fingers under his sleeves were severely twisted together.

Yaozihe and the people behind him also had a sullen face with an angry look on their faces, but in the face of such a powerful existence as Huo Xi, they did not dare to show it too much. After all, the opponent was a **** emperor!

The most powerful among them is only a second-order **** emperor!

"Yaozihe, what kind of wild did you run here to sprinkle?" Yaoziqiu walked out of the yard after hearing the sound, staring at Yaozihe with unkind eyes, and said angrily, "Sure enough, there is such a thing as a father. Daughter! Yaoxin is so arrogant and spoiled, she was ruined by you!"

Yaozihe was furious when he heard this, "Yaoziqiu, your apprentice hurt my daughter, dare to be so rampant in front of me?"

"Fuck your mother~ dog, fart!" Yao Ziqiu was furious, and immediately uttered a swear word, with hands on his hips, like a full-fledged curse on the street, not at all like a respected Dan Huang.

His eyes were filled with disdainful coldness, "Which one of your eyes saw my apprentice hurt Yaoxin?"

Seeing Yaoziqiu's appearance, Mu Qianyue felt warmth in her heart. Yaoziqiu's appearance was somewhat similar to Master.

It seemed that there was nothing wrong with her now, with Huo Xi and Yao Ziqiu present, it was not her turn to take action.

Yaozihe's face was aggrieved, and he pointed to Yang Qinchun beside him, "She saw it!"

"Did you see it with your own eyes?" Yaoziqiu's eyes flickered, and a cold and terrifying aura radiated from his body, and moved toward Yang Qinchun's fierce oppression, his voice was also full of Thick threat.

Yang Qinchun shuddered spinelessly, his face turned pale in fright by his aura, and he almost knelt on the spot. If so, her legs are still trembling, and there is a look of fear in her eyes, her eyes are drooping, and she replied squeaky, "I...I..."

"Don't be afraid, just tell what you see. I am here to take charge of you, no one can hurt you." Yaozihe looked at Yang Qinchun and coaxed softly.

Yang Qinchun knows that he is in a difficult situation to ride a tiger. Anyway, the hatred with Mu Qianyue has been forged. Yao Ziqiu will not like herself and accept herself as a disciple. However, Yao Zihe can never offend him. , Otherwise she would not have the opportunity to enter the Medicine King Sect.

So he gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, I saw Mu Qianyue hurt Miss Yaoxin! Last night, I heard a call for help from Miss Yaoxin’s room, and rushed over and found the medicine. Xin was lying on the ground and not awake, her appearance was very miserable, and Mu Qianyue just jumped out the window!"

"And tonight, someone rushed into Miss Yaoxin's room and injured me. I recognize Mu Qianyue's figure. There will be no one else except her!"

I have to say that this Yang Qinchun made up a lie is also pretty, and there is no trace of it.

Huo Xi's eyes narrowed slightly, and a flash of cold light flashed through his eyes. He naturally knew that Yang Qinchun was telling lies. The person who took the medicine last night was obviously himself, but Qianyue did enter tonight. A trip to the palace...

But what about this?

With him, no one can hurt Qianyue!

"Yao Ziqiu, now that the evidence is here, do you have something to say?" Yao Zihe raised his head and looked at Yao Ziqiu with a cold snorted.

Yaoziqiu’s mouth evokes an arc of disdain, “Just find someone to talk nonsense, it’s a personal testimony? Then I said that Yaoxin doesn’t have long eyes when she walks, and she fell over and blamed others on the head! I was yesterday I saw her wrestling with my own eyes!"

" shameless!" Yao Zihebei's face was pale with anger, and his eyes looked at Yao Ziqiu angrily. How could there be such a shameless person in this world?

Will walking and falling cause serious injuries? Those traces were obviously beaten!

Yao Ziqiu put his hands around his chest, posing like you can do anything to me, so angry that Yao Zihe almost jumped his feet.

Everyone knew that this was just a crappy excuse Yao Ziqiu casually found!

However, he was helpless, so angry that Yaozihe almost gave birth to smoke.

"You are shameless! My face is here, how can I see people when I am shameless? You are shameless! I accidentally wrestled, but I wanted to pour dirty water on someone else's head!" Yaoziqiu disdain Cold snort.

"Furthermore, I have been teaching Mu girl alchemy for the past few days, but she hasn't even taken a step from Prince Mo's mansion! If you wrong my apprentice again, don't blame me for being polite!"

When the words fall, roll up your sleeves and have the urge to do a big job.

Yao Zihe's face changed constantly. He thought that Yao Ziqiu alone was not enough to be afraid, so Mu Qianyue had to peel off her skin! But he never thought that there is still a Tier 1 God Emperor here!

In this way, he couldn't do anything at all, unless it was looking for death!

Taking a deep breath, he tried hard to suppress the anger in his heart, raised his eyes to Yao Ziqiu, and asked coldly, "Then four members of King Yaozong died here for no reason. How do you explain this? "

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