Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1333: Splash dirty water...

Yao Ziqiu's face gradually became cold, and there was a dignified eyebrow, "I am investigating this matter, but I suspect that it was the work of Biyu Palace."

"Biyu Palace?"

Yaozihe narrowed his eyes, but Xiner sent him a letter saying that Mu Qianyue had killed it.

"Yes! It's Biyu Palace!" Yao Ziqiu nodded, "In the Yanglong Mountains that day, Biyu Palace suspected that Yaoxin had stolen the mysterious treasure before him, and the people in Biyu Palace also Continue to explore the Yanglong Mountains and the surrounding areas."

In fact, he didn't know this at all, he just splashed dirty water on the head of Biyu Palace.

Who made Bitongteng that **** almost killed his precious apprentice!

If it weren't for Huarong, the consequences would be disastrous!

Yao Ziqiu didn't feel it was doing this at all, but showed shame, but instead looked calm.

"I will ask people to investigate this matter. It is best to have nothing to do with your apprentice. Otherwise, I will try my best to kill Wang Zong of Medicine!" Yaozi He Leng Leng threw a word and brought Yang Qin. Chun and others left.

It was originally to seek revenge, but in the end it was defeated. This made Yang Qinchun very upset, but he did not dare to refute it.

Even Yaozihe is helpless, let alone himself!

Yang Qinchun is quite self-aware of this.

"You two stay here to find out the cause of their four deaths and who did it." Yao Zihe said to the two behind him as he walked.

After returning to the palace, Yaozihe had to return to Yaowangzong with Yaoxin overnight. Xiner was injured too badly and must go back for treatment as soon as possible!

"Yang Qinchun, you can pack your things and go with us now."

Yang Qinchun was taken aback, unexpectedly so fast, he was overjoyed, nodded quickly, rushed to his yard, rushed to pack things, only had time to say goodbye to both Yang Tie and Queen Yun, and took the medicine. Zihe and others left together.

She originally thought that after joining the Medicine King Sect, she could be reused, and she could get countless pills and abundant cultivation resources, but she did not expect countless nightmares to wait for her!

She abandoned her position as a high-ranking princess, but did not hesitate to be Yaoxin's attendant, and ended up in a miserable end.

If she was given another chance to come back, she would never choose this way! It's a pity that everything is too late.

But all of this is a story.


After seeing Yao Zihe and the others leave, Yao Ziqiu's expression couldn't help but he turned to look at Mu Qianyue next to him, "Mu girl, would you like to wait for me to go to Yaowangzong later? You will leave tomorrow. I am afraid Yaozihe will embarrass you after you go."

He was worried about her being wronged and bullied, not about the life and death of those people and who killed them.

Those things matter to him?

"It's okay, I'll pay attention." Mu Qianyue's lips curled up with a smile, Yao Ziqiu may not return to Yao Wangzong for a month or two, she can't wait that long.

"En...There are three of your senior brothers, forgive them for not daring to bully you too blatantly! If you go to the Queen of Medicine, if you don’t understand anything, you can also find a medicine ruler. He is my medicine boy. "Yao Ziqiu thought for a while and said, anyway, in his heart Mu Qianyue is his apprentice, this is just a matter of time.

Mu Qianyue twitched her lips helplessly, she didn't even agree to worship him as a teacher, okay?

However, she did not refute Yao Ziqiu's kindness, and nodded in response.

Early the next morning, Mu Qianyue took the jade pendant given by Yao Ziqiu to the Medicine City.

And Hua Rong also left, and Mu Yan naturally followed behind every step of the way, which made Hua Rong very helpless and distressed.

"Mu Yan, don't follow me anymore. I came out too long and I am going to return to Wanhua Island." Hua Rong looked helplessly at the people behind her and said.

"It's okay, I'll take you back." Mu Yan smiled.

He has already made the decision to keep his face tight, even if she beats him or scolds him, he will not leave!

He is afraid of parting this time, and don't know when the next meeting will be, maybe one year, maybe two years, maybe ten years...

He didn't even want to separate for one day, no, every second!

I just want to be by her side forever!

In desperation, Hua Rong had to go with him, but it was a long way from Wanhua Island. Hua Rong decided to wait for him to **** him to Qinghai City before letting him leave.

As for Huo Xi, he took Mo Lin, Mo Yu and other confidant guards to the Flying Treasure Building of the Blue Wolf Kingdom. He promised Qian Yue to train a strong team for her, and he would naturally do it.

And this Yunying country, he didn't have the need to continue staying.

Huo Xi's departure naturally shocked Yang Tie. He hurriedly took someone out of the city to intercept him, but it was a pity that Huo Xi had been away for a long time, and he was still going to the Blue Wolf Nation, which made Yang Tie very sad and regretful!

He regretted that he had followed Yang Qinchun's words and targeted Mu Qianyue, so that Huoxi left, and Yunying Kingdom lost a **** emperor!

The reason why Yunying Nation has developed rapidly and has not been infringed by other nations in recent years is because of Huo Xi's presence.

Now that Huo Xi's departure, it is natural that Yunying Nation suffered heavy losses and its strength plummeted.

Yang Tie's face was exhausted, and he seemed to be ten years old instantly.

A touch of disdain appeared on Queen Yun's face, and she snorted contemptuously, "Your Majesty, King Mo is so arrogant and arrogant that he doesn't even put you in the eyes of Yunying Country. What would such a person want him to do? Besides, Chun'er went to Yao Wangzong, she is now the person whom the second elders of Yao Wangzong have fancy, and she is also the lifesaver of Yaoxin, she will definitely be reused there! We will have Yao Wangzong in Yunying country in the future. Backed by the powerful forces of, it is much stronger than King Mo!"

Yang Tie sighed helplessly, and had to nod his head, "I hope everything is fine for Chun'er there."

Now he can only pin all his hopes on Chun'er, and hope she will not disappoint them!

The news of Huo Xi's arrival in the Blue Wolf Nation reached the ears of the new emperor Canghao. He hurriedly took the civil and military officials out of the city to greet him. The show was extremely grand and grand. Almost all the people in the city also came and gathered on both sides of the street.

Cang Hao was dressed in an exquisite bright yellow dragon-patterned robe, neatly dressed and standing at the gate of the city, waiting, and he saw a group of people riding Baiju from a distance.

The leader wore a fiery red robe, flying under the bright sun, his ink hair dancing wildly with the wind, and his exquisite and cold face became soft and charming because of the evil peach eyes.

Recipe, Shining.

The country and the city are full of grace, and even this world is eclipsed.

Cang Hao was taken aback. He had only heard of Huo Xi's prestige before, and he reached the level of a **** emperor at a young age, but he didn't expect that Huo Xi still possessed such a stunning appearance, and he was dumbfounded for a while.

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