Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1338: Wonderful encounter [2]

"Two little friends, are you lost with your parents?"

At this moment, a tall figure blocked the path of the two of them.

Nalan Xueling raised her head, only to see a big man with a tiger-waisted bear standing in the way. The man was full of stench and his face was full of flesh. A pair of small squinted eyes showed a trace of suffocation, as if he was full. The big bad wolf, the funny thing is that his nose is very red, it looks very funny.

Nalan Xueling's brows were almost unrecognizable, and a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

"Two little friends, I know where your parents are. I have seen them before. You can go with me and you will find them!" The big man said with a friendly smile on his face deliberately.

Jiujiu raised his head with an innocent and cute smile, "Really? Do you really know where my mother and father are?"

"Of course it's true! Let me go. They are in a restaurant not far away. It seems that they are also looking for you." The big man smiled.

The movement here attracted the attention of passers-by. Many people stopped and watched, looking at Nalan Xueling and Jiujiu with sympathy in their eyes, and they secretly prayed that they would not agree.

After all, it would be a shame if such two lovely children were brutally attacked by the red noses!

Red Nose is a tyrant in Qinghai City. Relying on his strength, he will do whatever he wants, bully good tyrants, and do no evil.

Although everyone sympathized and sighed, they did not dare to speak out for fear of causing trouble.

"That's great! Sister, let's go!" Jiujiu said with a look of joy and excitement, hiding the killing intent under his eyes.

Hmph, the big guy in front of him is obviously a bad guy. From his eyes, he can see that his purpose is impure, he is obviously making bad ideas, and he just happens to be bored. It's better to play with him.

Nalan Xueling nodded, "Okay."

She is as smart as her, how can she not see it?

Seeing that the two of them agreed so easily, Red Nose couldn't help but be overjoyed. The child is so cheating! His wretched gaze looked at Nalan Xueling wantonly, this was the first time he had seen such a beautiful little girl! When you get to a place with no one, you must enjoy it!

As for the little boy next to him who sold him to the brothel to be a man, he will surely be able to sell him at a good price!

The appearance of these two siblings is truly dazzling. I didn't expect that I was so lucky today!

Just when Nalan Xueling and Jiujiu were about to leave with Red Nose, a cold shout rang out, "Hold on!"

I saw two figures coming out of the crowd, a man and a woman, the man in a black robe, with a handsome and cold face. The woman wore a dark purple dress, covered with a light veil, walking slowly, her hands and feet exuding an elegant and noble atmosphere. .

Mu Yan stepped forward, and when his eyes turned to Nalan Xueling and Jiujiu, the expression in his eyes couldn't help but soften, "My kid, he doesn't even know where your parents are. His eyes are cloudy and cunning. , Obviously the purpose is not pure. You must not trust him lightly to avoid being deceived."

Nalan Xueling and Jiujiu both turned their heads and looked at Mu Yan in amazement. So many people were watching, but no one dared to speak up. They were obviously afraid of this red nose.

But this uncle dared to stand up and tell the truth.

"Where did you come from? How dare I defile Lao Tzu here? Does Lao Tzu look like a bad person?" The red nose suddenly became angry, and his face suddenly became savage.

Everyone looked at him with contempt. Not only does he look like a bad guy, but he is also a complete bully, okay? But everyone only dared to slander in their hearts, but no one dared to say it.

"You don't look like a bad person..." Huarong said lightly, standing behind Mu Yan.

The woman's cold voice suddenly sounded in the crowd, and it attracted everyone's attention in an instant. Although she was covered with a veil, she could tell from her slender and slender figure that her appearance would never be bad!

The red nose's gaze fell on Hua Rong's body, her eyes lit up, and an evil smile appeared in her eyes, "This girl is still smart..."

It’s just that Huarong interrupted him before he finished speaking. Huarong stepped forward and walked in front of Nalan Xueling and Jiujiu, "He is just a scumbag, with a smile on his face. In fact, you hide your knife in your smile, maybe you don’t know when to stabb you in the back. This kind of person is the most hateful, like a mouse hiding in the dark, it is disgusting! Don’t walk with strangers casually in the future, or your parents will worried."

Hua Rong’s words changed the face of Red Nose, and only then knew that she was being teased. She looked terrifying and stared at Mu Yan and Hua Rong with gritted teeth, “I do know their parents, and they are still good friends with their parents. You two have insulted me so much, I want you to kneel down and apologize to me and offer a gift! Otherwise, this matter will never end so easily!"

The corner of Hua Rong's mouth raised a sarcasm, "Do you think we'll believe it based on your one-sided words?"

As long as you are not blind, you can see that this is obviously nonsense, trying to deceive the two children.

"Do you believe me? If you agree, you can take you to find your parents." Hua Rong turned her head back and looked at Nalan Xueling and Jiujiu in front of her with gentle affection.

"Yes, we can accompany you to find your parents." Mu Yan also squatted down in front of the two of them, looking at them with a gentle expression.

The two little children with pink jade carvings in front of them are so cute and beautiful, like exquisite enamel dolls, and they can't help but want to take good care of them in the palm of their hands.

I really don’t know how the parents of these two children took care of the children, and they lost them. Are you afraid of encountering bad people?

Red Nose was furious when he heard this, and looked fiercely at Mu Yan and Huarong, "I think you two are like bad guys! You want to abduct my friend's child, do you have any ulterior motives? "

He first liked these two little babies, especially this little girl. He was ready to stay by his side and enjoy them at any time. The little boy would definitely get a lot of money when he sold them to the brothel.

Seeing the baby in his hand is about to fly, why is he not in a hurry?

"Huh! I don't care what you are thinking about, as long as I am here, you will never want to hit the two of them!" Mu Yan's slender and cold body burst out with a terrifying breath, and his clothes follow the wind. Flying and dancing, like a king over the earth.

Feeling that horrifying aura, the red nose and face suddenly changed, and this aura seemed to be stronger!

And there are so many people around here, in case you move your hands, it's still yourself! It's hateful that he didn't bring a helper when he went out today!

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