Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1339: Play as a pig and eat a tiger [1]

Just as the red nose was thinking about it, only a soft voice rang.

"Thank you for the kindness of the uncle and aunt, but the uncle said that my parents are in a restaurant not far away. I want to go and see, maybe they are really there." Nalan Xueling had **** eyes. There was a gleam of light in the middle, and his eyes were sincere and clear to Mu Yan and Huarong, and said.

Her original plan was to follow the red nose and then teach him a lesson.

If it is so easy to leave, wouldn't it be cheaper for this bad guy?

"Uncle and Auntie, you don't have to worry about us, we are fine. In case Daddy and Mother are not there, we can go home." Jiujiu's black and bright phoenix eyes are as clear as shiny black stones. Charming, said milky voice.

"Where is your home?" Mu Yan asked.

"Well... Our home is far, far away. It took us a month to get here." Jiujiu replied.

This further allowed Mu Yan to confirm the guess in her heart, that the red nose definitely wanted to harm the lovely brother and sister!

The words of the siblings made Red Nose happy, come from far away? Must be people from small places! Even the families of some powers will not be able to save the near fire!

So it also contributed to the red nose's arrogant arrogance.

"Have you heard? They voluntarily followed me to the restaurant to find their parents, but I didn't lie!" The red nose sneered. Just now he was afraid that there was no reason to abduct them. He didn't expect them to be sent to the door automatically.

Xu Shi was in a good mood. He smiled at Nalan Xueling and Ninety-Nine, pretending to be gentle, "Little brother, little sister, let's go."

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but shook their heads and sighed.

A child is a child. It's really too innocent and too cheating!

"The two of us happen to be fine, so it's better to accompany you to take a look." Mu Yan said uneasy.

So letting the two innocent and cute children go with this bad guy, he is a hundred worried.

Nalan Xueling and Jiujiu naturally knew that Mu Yan really cared about themselves, but the two of them couldn't tell the truth. Jiujiuwu's big eyes rolled and nodded, "Okay."

The red nose saw that Mu Yan and Huarong were going with him, a sorrow flashed quickly in his eyes, and it happened that they went together, and it happened to be solved together! When you get to your own territory, isn't it up to you?

So he nodded, and there was a sharp cold glow in the depths of his eyes, but his face was full of smiles, "Okay, then you two go together."

Under the leadership of Red Nose, Nalan Xueling and the nine or four people walked through the lively street market to the secluded alleys nearby. The more they went in, the more secluded they went, passing through the narrow alleys, and finally came to a courtyard. before.

"Go in, your parents are inside." Red Nose said to Nalan Xueling and Jiujiu.

Nalan Xueling and Jiujiu walked inside without thinking, Mu Yan wrinkled tightly, grabbed their two hands, raised their heads to look at the red nose coldly, and said coldly, "Before on the street. When you said that their parents were in the restaurant, why did you bring us to this secluded courtyard? This is not a restaurant!"

Hua Rong looked at the red nose lightly, her eyes flickering coldly, she did not put the red nose in her eyes at all.

"What is the noise? I'll know if I go in." The red nose sneered.

Nalan Xueling's eyes flashed, and a smile appeared on her white and cute little face, "Great! I will see my father and mother soon!"

After that, he quickly walked inside.

Jiujiu also followed in.

Mu Yan and Hua Rong also kept following behind them, for fear that their two little guys would be hurt.

Red Nose finally walked in, and then slammed the gate of the courtyard, and then he shouted, "Brothers copy guys!"

As his voice fell, a dozen figures suddenly rushed out from inside.

"Big brother, there are new prey?" One person looked at the Nalan Xueling in the yard with excited eyes and looked up at the red nose and asked.

"Yes! This time there are still four!" The red nose looked at Mu Yan coldly, as if poisoned, "If you two don't take care of your business, I can spare your lives! But you just die! It's against my master!"

As he said, his gaze fell on Hua Rong's body, and his eyes were full of lewd ~ evil light, "Beauty, don't worry, this master will pity Xiang Yuyu and save you for your life. As for that man, he is not so lucky. Now! He can only die!"

Then he looked at Mu Yan with contemptuous eyes and sneered, and said, "Don't resent me if you end up like this, remember that in the next life, don't just fight for others, so as not to accidentally lose your life!"

He is proud and proud, as if everything is under his control.

"Hahaha...Big brother is amazing! The prey this time seems to be better than the previous ones!" The others laughed and said, their eyes filled with licentious ~ evil and cold colors.

"Rong'er, you protect the two of them, and I will deal with this group of scum!" Mu Yan's narrow black phoenix eyes flashed with sharp cold light.

It turns out that this is not the first time these people have done these things!

I don't know how many innocent lives are buried in their hands!

Thinking of this, Mu Yan's murderous look even worse.

"En." Hua Rong nodded faintly, Mu Yan shot, it was enough.

These people are not Mu Yan's opponents at all.

Just when he was about to do it, Nalan Xueling's soft and pleasant voice sounded beside him, "Uncle, can we do it ourselves?"

Mu Yan was taken aback, as if she didn't understand what she was saying.

"You are ugly, and you want to hit our sister and brother's idea? Don't take a **** and take your own bear? Even if you look ugly, you even run out to scare people. Didn't your mother teach you? Really ugly There are so many people!" Nalan Xueling flexed her hands, staring coldly at the red nose and others on the opposite side.

Her pink face was filled with bloodthirsty coldness. After changing her cute and innocent appearance, she looked like a complete little witch at the moment!

These words immediately stunned Mu Yan and Huarong, and looked at her dumbfounded. Is this still the cute and well-behaved little girl before? This style of painting has also changed too fast, right? Let him almost think that she was transferred!

Only now did he realize that Nalan Xueling had already seen the red nose's mind.

"Uncle, aunt, sorry, we didn't tell the truth before, will you not be angry?" Nalan Xueling turned back to look at Mu Yan and Huarong, her lovely face showed a bright smile like a sunflower.

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