Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1340: Play as a pig and eat a tiger [2]

Mu Yan came back to his senses, with a helpless smile on his face, "No."

These two little guys, even he was deceived.

The shock in Hua Rong’s eyes is also not small. It seems that these two cute little ones are as simple and stupid as they seem to be on the surface, but no matter how smart they are, they are just children. Opponent!

"I'll subdue them, you two little ones, you can vent your anger at will, how about?"

Hua Rong looked at the two little dolls carved in pink jade with affection and love. She really liked these two cute elves, and she loved them when she first saw them.

Jiujiu raised a delicate and lovely face and smiled, "Thank you, auntie, but we can solve it by ourselves. You two can just stand by the side. After we solve these scumbags, we will invite you two to dinner."

Red Nose and others laughed in disdain.

"Haha...Big brother, did you hear that? This little one said to solve us!" A man standing beside his red nose laughed disdainfully, his face was full of contempt, as if he heard something funny The joke is average.

Isn't it funny that this little boy is only three years old, but says to solve them?

He can pinch him to death with one hand!

"Hahaha...this is definitely the funniest joke I have ever heard! It really laughs at me!" the other person laughed.

"Smelly boy, you dare to say such a big thing before your hair grows out? But it is, it's not against the law to brag!" The red nose sneered, eyes filled with ferociousness, "You two little things are like good-hearted You can suffer less if you obey the Lord! If you are not obedient, you will have to suffer!"

The others stared at Nalan Xueling and Ninety-Nine Two with malicious intent.

Jiujiu puts his hands around his chest, his small body exudes a cold and arrogant breath, his chin is lightly raised, and a bloodthirsty glow rises in his black and star-like eyes, and he stares coldly at the surrounding red noses. People, "Really? I'm afraid you won't be able to laugh after a while."

I saw black shadows flashing in the air, extremely fast, as fast as a gust of wind.

And Jiujiu in front of him had already disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had been behind Red Nose and the others.


With a muffled noise, the red nose was beaten and flew out immediately, and a dog gnawed in the mud, embarrassed.

He spit out the sand in his mouth with a ‘bah’, and groaned in pain. He got up from the ground and looked at the small figure behind him in horror. How could he have such a powerful force that he could beat himself up!

The others were already stunned, standing stupidly on the spot, without regaining consciousness for a long time.

Are they dazzled?

Big brother was beaten up by a three-year-old boy? Who will believe this?

You know their eldest brother is an eighth-order emperor warrior!


Jiujiu didn't give the red nose a chance to react at all, and before the red nose got up, he kicked his chest directly.


The red nose vomited a bit of blood, and the place where his chest was stepped on instantly sank a piece, showing that a lot of effort was used on that foot.

"What are you doing in a daze? Quickly kill him! Damn! This is a **** freak!" The red nose roared, and blood poured out again.

The other people finally came across, roared, raised the knife in their hands and rushed towards Jiujiu.

It's just that they didn't even touch the corners of Jiujiu's clothes, and they were all beaten up by Nalan Xueling!

One by one lay on the ground and groaned in pain, but couldn't get up for a long time!

Nalan Xueling wounded more than a dozen people in an instant, and these people were basically paladins and emperors!

Under the golden sun, Nalan Xueling, dressed in a pink skirt, and her clear black phoenix eyes coldly glanced at the people lying on the ground, her delicate and beautiful face showed a cold and frightening chill.

The dress is flying, and the ink hair is lightly dancing. Although she is not very old, her small body exudes a domineering and arrogant kingly.

You have such an aura at a young age, and you can imagine how rich it is when you grow up?

Hua Rong and Mu Yan also had expressions of astonishment, and their gazes towards Jiujiu and Nalan Xueling were full of complexity.

Children as young as nine or three have such strength!

Two little perverts from which family?

Ahhh! I'm so envious!

Mu Yan suddenly thought of the two grandchildren he had never seen before, and he didn't know how those two little guys looked like, were they as smart and cute as the two little ones in front of him?

I really miss those two little guys who have never met before!

I don't know when we can meet... Hey...

He turned his head and looked at the face of the flower beside him, the light in his eyes became a little softer. After Lan'er recovered his memory, he immediately took Lan'er back to the Huanzhou Continent to see his two little grandchildren, and Father, father-in-law...

"Nine-nine, do you think we are going to punish this group of scumbags?" Nalan Xueling turned her head and looked at the little people beside her.

Jiujiu's black slag-like eyes were filled with gloomy cold, and the feet with the red nose stepped hard for a few minutes, and the painful howling of the red nose came from under the feet.

"He tried to beat you in vain, then I will abolish him! Let him never be a man!"

He snorted, kicked out, and kicked hard at the lower body of the red nose.

Hearing a muffled sound of ‘pop’, the lower body of the red nose was suddenly bloody, and the howling like a pig spread throughout the entire yard, extremely miserable.

The red nose is cracked, his eyes are red, and he roars, "Little bunny, I'm going to kill you! Ah ah ah!!!"

"Huh! I'm afraid you don't have that chance." Jiujiu kicked out again and kicked his dantian with the red nose, instantly kicking his dantian to pieces, and the red nose suddenly became a useless person.

This scene stunned the little brothers with red noses, and their eyes were full of panic, looking at Jiujiu like a monster.

Who can think of a three-year-old child with such a strong strength and such a cruel method?

Don’t children who are innocent and cute are best bullied?

But why is this kid in front of him obviously different from other children? !

Huarong's cold beautiful eyes are also full of surprise.

But she didn't think Jiujiu was wrong in doing this! On the contrary, she agrees very much. At the beginning, the red nose did look at Nalan Xueling with impure eyes, obviously with lewdness ~ evil intentions, such a scum should punish him like this!

There was no other expression on Mu Yan's face except shock. He looked at this scene with great interest, with a helpless smile on the corner of his lips, and looked at Hua Rong, "It seems that the two of us are really worried. These two little guys hide the deepest."

"Yes, we just need to watch the show." Hua Rong smiled lightly.

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