Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1343: Beat you [2]

"Mu Qianyue, you are just a medicine boy, and you are not qualified to participate in this kind of alchemy competition. Hehe...I advise you not to sign up to avoid embarrassing yourself." Yaoxin sneered at the corner of her mouth.

"Yaotong? Miss Xin, did you make a mistake? When in Yanglongcheng, didn't Yao Ziqiu say to accept her as a closed disciple? How come here is just a small medicine boy!" Yang Qinchun had a happy smile on her face, and her eyes were full of triumphant prey when she looked at Mu Qianyue.

"Oh, I see! Yao Ziqiu must have discovered that her talent is really bad, so she was demoted to Yaotong in anger!" Yang Qinchun hooked her lips triumphantly and continued to laugh. .

When she heard that Yao Ziqiu wanted to accept Mu Qianyue as a disciple of the closed door, her heart was filled with jealousy and anger, and she never understood why Yao Ziqiu would accept Mu Qianyue as the disciple of the closed door!

If she hadn't left the dog~shit~ and had saved Yaoziqiu, Yaoziqiu wouldn't have looked at her at all!

Mu Qianyue must have entangled Yaozi Qiu Shou as a closed disciple, but Yaozi Qiuqiu agreed with her, but later found out that her talent for alchemy was really bad, so she turned her into Yaotong. That must be the case!

Thinking of this, Yang Qinchun's pride and ridicule in his eyes became even more intense.

Other people looked at Mu Qianyue's gazes were also full of ridicule and ridicule. There was such an opportunity to belittle Mu Qianyue and please Miss Xin, they would naturally not miss it, and they all agreed and laughed.

"That's right! If you don't have the talent for alchemy to participate in any alchemy competition, it is better to be a medicine boy honestly, all kinds of medicinal materials, and weeding."

"As a person, you must recognize your identity, and don't think about things that Xiao shouldn't think about."

Elder Nine's face was a little dark, how could he not understand that it was Yao Xin deliberately looking for Mu Qianyue's ballast?

It’s just that Miss Yaoxin has always been gentle, generous, noble and dignified? How can you be so pretentious about having trouble with a drug boy?

"Miss Xin, her time is not up, so her registration is still valid." Elder Ninth thought for a while, and wanted to take the information form from Yao Xin's hand, but Yao Xin raised her hand and raised the information high. At the beginning, a trace of displeasure appeared on her delicate face, "Elder Nine, it is obvious that she is late by herself, but you want to protect her?"

"Elder Nine, the registration time is over now, you can't open the back door to her because of the relationship of the elder, otherwise it will be very unfair to others, and it will also make the rule of Medicine King Zong seem to be false." Yang Qin Chun said quickly.

"Miss Xin, you'd better return the information sheet to me now, otherwise if you cause any loss, it's not something you can afford!" A trace of displeasure rose in the eyes of the nine elders.

Mu Qianyue looked at the nine elders with a hint of surprise, as if she did not expect that the nine elders did not contract medicine to hit him, but stood on the side of justice and fairness.

Yao Xin's eyes flashed coldly, "Are you threatening me?"

"You are threatening me?" Elder Ninth snorted coldly, "If this matter is known to the Sect Master, what do you think will happen to you?"

Yao Xin sneered when she heard the words, with a hint of sarcasm in her eyes, "Obviously she missed the registration time, but you want to open the back door for her, and you want to threaten us? So many people here have seen it with their own eyes. It's my witness!"

"Yes! We all saw you open the back door for Mu Qianyue."

"Yes! What benefit has Mu Qianyue given you?"

Yang Qinchun and others echoed the way.

The face of the nine elders changed drastically with anger, and there was a trace of gloom and anger in his eyes, and these people even wanted to beat him! If they really get together, it would be really hard to tell who the Sect Master believes at that time!

Suddenly, Yao Xin let go of her hand, and the information sheet in her hand suddenly fell into Mu Qianyue's hands.

"Bold! Mu Qianyue, what crime should you take for stealing the competition list privately?" Yao Xin snorted.

Mu Qianyue had a cold glow in her eyes, and a wicked and arrogant smile appeared at the corners of Mu Qianyue's white mouth, "I will not only take away the competition list, but also beat you fiercely!"

When the words fell, she lifted her foot out, and instantly kicked Yaoxin into the lower abdomen, and immediately kicked Yaoxin out, and fell into the yard fiercely, making her face pale with pain.

Yao Xin is just a seventh-order emperor martial artist, who is completely vulnerable in front of Mu Qianyue.

She also did not expect that Mu Qianyue was so bold that Wang Zong would dare to do something to herself in this medicine, so she didn't take any precautions.

The others were also stunned and didn't expect it.

The nine elders also stared in horror, and there was a trace of admiration and astonishment in the gaze looking at Mu Qianyue. This little girl was indeed too courageous. A medicine boy beat the second elder’s daughter. Serious!

"Okay, well, Mu Qianyue, you can go back. You are late and the registration is over. You should wait three years before you come." The Ninth Elder thought for a while and said, he gave Mu Qianyue a look and gestured. She left quickly.

Back in the Qiuyuan, there was a medicine ruler, and Yao Xin didn't rush to openly trouble her.

But it's hard to say here.

How could Mu Qianyue leave so easily? She came to Medicine Wangzong for the memory of flowers! Therefore, in this alchemy competition, she will participate in anyway!

"Come here, catch her for me!" Yao Xin roared as she got up from the ground embarrassedly, her face covered with frost.

Yang Qinchun, Yao Fei and others rushed towards Mu Qianyue, but before she could touch the corner of Mu Qianyue's clothes, they were flew out by the cold breath that burst out from her body.

In the sun, Mu Qianyue's white lips pursed with a bloodthirsty sneer, her narrow black eyes filled with an evil and arrogant smile, and she walked towards Yaoxin.

In the light breeze, purple clothes were lightly raised, ink hair was flying, and the beauty of the woman was thrilling, but she was also astonishing, like a demon god.

Yao Xin's face turned pale from fright a long time ago, her eyes were horrified at the slowly walking woman, and she kept backing away, "Mu Qianyue, what do you want to do? I tell you, this is the King of Medicine Sect, if you dare Do it to me, my father won't let you go..."

"Heh...then I won't let you go, so I can count as a back cushion." Mu Qianyue sneered, and a powerful and unparalleled aura radiated from her, and it was suppressed on Yao Xin's body, and Yao Xin suddenly I was shocked to find that I couldn't move!

Then he watched Mu Qianyue continue to kick her, kicked her out again, and fell fiercely into the flowers, her delicate makeup and hair buns were blurred and confused.

Yao Xin's heart was filled with endless anger, her eyes looked at Mu Qianyue with hatred, and she cursed in an innocent mouth, "Ah! Mu Qianyue, you bitch, I'm going to kill you! !"

Since childhood, no one has ever dared to treat her like this!

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