Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1344: Stuck medicine Xin【1】

In Yaowangzong, she is not only the third young lady envied by everyone, but also a rare eight-pin pill pharmacist, an existence that has attracted much attention! Collection of thousands of graces and love in one! When have you been so wronged?

Mu Qianyue actually beat her in front of so many people, so she lost her face, and her hatred would be hard to dispel if she didn't kill her!

The nine elders looked embarrassed. If Mu Qianyue had left before, this matter might still be covered up. Now that Yaoxin looks so angry and hated, I'm afraid it's not that simple...

Yao Xin was so humiliated, how could she not easily overwhelm the incident, not to mention that she still has a father who is extremely short-sighted and must report it?

But before Yao Xin got up, Mu Qianyue stepped on her foot again, "Yao Xin, I don’t know where I offended you, so that you are against me everywhere? Or is it because you listened to what Yang Qinchun said? It seems you are nothing more than that. But I still want to tell you one thing, even if you are the third lady of Yao Wangzong, I am not afraid of you."

The woman's windy tone was full of disdain and contempt, and Qingfeng-like eyebrows were full of arrogance and domineering.

The purple dress is lightly raised, and the whole body is strong, coming like a king, which should not be ignored.

The woman's words also slammed into Yaoxin's heart, especially the phrase'because you listened to Yang Qinchun's words', which awakened Yaoxin suddenly, and there was a touch of anger in her heart, the hateful Yang Qinchun , Actually treat yourself as a gunman! !

Yes, she didn't have any hatred with Mu Qianyue at first, because she liked Huo Xi. After Yang Qinchun learned of this, she always consciously or unconsciously told her how Mu Qianyue seduce the fire Xi, so much so that she hated Mu Qianyue to the extreme...

As a result, the contradiction between her and Mu Qianyue is getting bigger and bigger. Every time she comes to Mu Qianyue, the trouble seems to be because Yang Qinchun is fanning the wind in her ears...

Yang Qinchun was shocked, a flash of panic flashed in his eyes, and hurriedly said angrily, "Mu Qianyue, obviously you don’t put Miss Yaoxin in your eyes! Relying on your own Yaoziqiu and Huoxi’s work With the backing, there is lawlessness, even Miss Yaoxin doesn't even bother! Miss Yaoxin's status is so noble, how can you compare with a barbarian woman like you?"

Yao Xin glared at Yang Qinchun, then turned to look at Mu Qianyue and roared, "Let go of me!!"

No matter how Mu Qianyue stepped on her, she couldn't even move even a bit.

Damn Yang Qinchun, and **** Mu Qianyue!

She has beaten herself many times and lost her face. She will not let her go!

"Mu Qianyue, you quickly release Miss Yaoxin! By stepping on an eight-pin pill pharmacist like this, you are insulting the eminent identity of the pill pharmacist! You will get retribution!" Yang Qinchun said angrily, but And dare not come forward.

Hearing Yang Qinchun's words, Yaoxin's heart felt very aggrieved.

"Which **** dares to hurt my daughter!"

Suddenly, a roar came from a distance, and a figure turned into a black shadow and flashed towards this side quickly. Before the sound fell completely, his figure was already standing in front of the crowd.

The Ninth Elder was shocked when he saw this, Yaozi He is here!

Mu Qianyue can't leave this time! Although this was Yaoxin’s fault, she started to fight against Yaoxin, so rampant, even if she was afraid, she couldn’t protect her unless Yaoziqiu came back...

But as soon as that guy went out, there was no sound and disappeared without a trace.

Yaoxin saw that Yaozi's congratulations were coming, her eyes filled with joy, "Father, save me..."

The reason why Yaozihe came so quickly was naturally someone whispered.

"Mu Qianyue, it's you again!!"

Yaozihe looked at Mu Qianyue angrily, almost gritted his teeth and said, his face was covered with frost, looking hideous and sinister. Especially when Mu Qianyue stomped her daughter, who she was holding in her palm, and she trembled with anger.

He roared, and Mu Qianyue rushed over as soon as he moved, "Bitch, this time you are looking for your own death!"

The corners of Mu Qianyue’s lips were cold, and she kicked Yaoxin away with one kick, and fell to Yaozihe who was rushing in. Yaozihe's expression changed and she had to put away the offensive and quickly caught the fall. The medicine Xin.

After being kicked several times in a row, Yaoxin couldn't stop vomiting blood, her delicate face was pale at this moment, and her tenderness was a pear blossom that would wither at any time, which made her heart distressing.

When Yaozihe saw this, the anger in his heart was gushing more like magma.

This Mu Qianyue is too much! Seeing that I came, I even dared to kick Xin'er! Sins cannot be forgiven!

He quickly took out a peculiar healing pill and fed Yaoxin and took it. He raised his head and swept towards Mu Qianyue with a stern look, his voice was cold and bloodthirsty, and the cage was filled with a cold chill, and he saw his figure move. , His figure suddenly disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he suddenly arrived in front of Mu Qianyue, and raised his hand and blasted out fiercely.

The majestic and mighty power made this piece of air vibrate severely.

Mu Qianyue's face changed slightly, her hands lightly lifted under her light purple sleeves, and she greeted her forward.

When Yaozihe saw this, a trace of disdain and coldness appeared in his eyes. He was the strength of a sixth-order **** king. This palm was enough to crush Mu Qianyue's internal organs, causing her to die on the spot! Even if you don't die, you have to be disabled!


The two forces collided, making an earth-shaking noise.

The next moment, the smile on Yaozihe's lips suddenly condensed.

Mu Qianyue only took ten steps back and stabilized her figure. Her face was slightly pale, and there was a faint trace of blood on the corners of her lips, and she did not seem to have suffered much injury.

Ninth Elder Yaoziquan saw this scene, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, but she did not expect that she would be able to take a blow from Yaozihe! It seems that her strength is not weak, it is no wonder that Yao Ziqiu's family can be harvested as a medicine boy.

You need to know that not just anyone can become Yao Ziqiu's medicine boy. In these years, Yao Ziqiu's medicine boy has only been a medicine ruler from beginning to end.

However, the medicine ruler has followed Yao Ziqiu with all his heart, and has reached the level of the fifth-order **** emperor. Although there are reasons for the painstaking practice of the medicine ruler, a large part of it is the merit of Yao Ziqiu. The pill resources, Yaoziqiu, basically gave me the ruler.

Only then can the medicine ruler quickly become the fifth-order **** emperor, which is why many people want to become the medicine child Qiu Yaotong.

Therefore, in Yaowangzong, many people have to respect the medicine ruler a little, after all, he is a rare fifth-order **** emperor, the second elder Yaozi Hecai is just an eighth-order **** king.

Yaozihe's gaze was even more gloomy, and the killing intent in his eyes was unconcealed, "Mu Qianyue, you wouldn't die if you hide in the autumn courtyard, but you should never step out of there!"

When the words fell, his palm flicked, and a natal soldier slowly condensed in his palm, the cold sword light, the mighty sword energy surged in the air.

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