Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1345: Stuck medicine Xin【2】

The Ninth Elder Yaoziquan's complexion changed when he saw this, Yaozihe was planning to kill someone!

He quickly moved, blocking Mu Qianyue’s front, and looking at the opposite Yaozi to congratulate him, “Second elder, Mu Qianyue is indeed wrong for her to beat people, but the crime is not deadly! Let’s imprison her first. Let the Sect Master go down!"

After being held in custody, he might be able to wait until Yao Ziqiu comes back to get his life back.

But Yaozihe is really murderous now, I'm afraid Mu Qianyue can't escape!

Yaozihe stared at Yaoziquan with a cold and angrily look, "Elder Nine, you don't need to help if you see Xin'er being bullied by an outsider, and you still have to help an outsider to speak? What is your intention? Today I must Kill her! You stay away from me, otherwise don't blame me for killing you!"

"Second elder, the beginning of this matter was provoked by Yaoxin. If she is wrong, she is also wrong. If she didn't deliberately find Mu Qianyue's ballast, Mu Qianyue would not take action against her. So this matter is twofold. Fang is wrong." Yao Ziquan said with a deep expression.

"Huh! It's just a humble medicine boy, how can I compare it with my daughter? Xin'er finds her for the ballast, it is worthy of her! She should accept it with a humility, and not be so arrogant!"

What he meant was obvious. Yao Xin was looking for Mu Qianyue's ballast, and Mu Qianyue could only let her bully, beat and scold her, and let her vent her anger without the slightest resistance.

Mu Qianyue smiled because of such tyrannical dominance. She did chuckle slightly, a sneer of wanton evil evoked from the corner of her lips, and a touch of murderous intent surged deep in her eyes.

"It turns out that the second elder of Yaowangzong taught his daughters in this way. No wonder there are any kind of daughters for every father!"

In their eyes, is Yaotong a fate?

When Yang Qinchun heard Yaozihe's words, her heart was flustered and guilty, as well as anger. Isn't Yaoxin treating herself like this these days? She didn't even dare to put a fart.

Seeing Mu Qianyue's arrogant appearance at the moment, she was a little envious, and then more jealousy surged in her eyes. This time Mu Qianyue can't escape! Humph! The end of arrogance is the price of life!

Sometimes knowing current affairs is also an ability.

Yaozihe's expression suddenly changed when he heard the words, "You, a lowly drug boy, are not qualified to come and teach me!"

Yao Ziquan shook his head in disappointment. This Mu Qianyue really didn't know what was good or bad. She had intended to help her, but she was so arrogant, and now he didn't want to care about it anymore. So he took a step to the side and stepped aside.

The help he was talking about was to make Mu Qianyue obey the order, be detained, and then wait to be sent?

Is this possible?

If she really gave in like this, she wouldn't be Mu Qianyue!

Yaozihe coldly snorted and glanced at Yaoziquan coldly, and then refocused his gaze on Mu Qianyue, "As a lowly Yaozi, he committed the crime and challenged authority without knowing the rules. Beat the lord! Now I represent Yaozi Autumn Harvest for your life!"

When the words fell, the sword in his hand lifted up and slashed hard.

The sword qi hissed, making a sharp and piercing sound.

This sword Yaozihe used all his strength!

"Even if it's a medicine boy? What if Yaoxin is still trampled by me? If you want to kill me, then let go and see if you have that ability!" Mu Qianyue snorted coldly, her white face still Indifferent, she stood indifferently, disdain to speak out.

The beautiful face of the woman was arrogant, and the star-like eyes were filled with cold light.

Lifting his bare hand lightly, the Sword of Extinction slowly formed in his hand, just in time to take the medicine to try the power of Extinction Dao.

I had a confrontation with Yaozihe before, and let her test the strength of Yaozihe, she was a sixth-order **** king.

Yao Ziquan shook his head and sighed. To tell the truth, Mu Qianyue's talent is good. The twenty-four-year-old Tier 3 Divine King, with such strength, can be called a genius in the entire Yaowangzong. It's just that Yao Wangzong is mainly a pill pharmacist. She offends Yaozi He, and no matter how talented she is, she will fall!

If a genius is too arrogant and low-key, he can only fall!

Seeing that this sword was about to fall on Mu Qianyue's body, a figure suddenly shot out from a distance, and a palm figure slammed down from mid-air, and instantly bounced Yaozihe's sword light back.

The biting Jianmeng suddenly turned his head to Yaozi He!

Yao Zihe's expression changed drastically, and he wanted to take back the sword light, but suddenly found that the sword light he had shot out of control!

In desperation, he had to take his sword.

Because it was too late to do too much defense, the sword light bombarded him, blasting him away fiercely. Yaozihe turned his body in mid-air before slowly stabilizing his figure and landing.

At this moment, his face was extremely ugly, his paleness and iron blue were constantly changing. He raised his head and looked angrily at the figure falling in front of Mu Qianyue, his expression full of anger, "Yao Ziqiu, how dare you Hit me!"

"You are the one who beat you!" Yaoziqiu stared angrily, and yelled, "Yaozihe, it seems that you took my words into ears that day! How dare you bully my apprentice again! Do you really think that I am medicine? Is Ziqiu bullying?"

Looking at the figure in front of him, Mu Qianyue pursed her mouth helplessly, and a look of regret flashed in her eyes. Originally, she wanted to use Yaozi He to try the power of the Dao. This plan was so bad, it's such a good opportunity. ...

When Yang Qinchun saw Yaoziqiu, his face was gloomy, and the anger in his heart was burning. Ahhhhh! Why do so many people always rush out to help her every time she sees Mu Qianyue dying? ! Why is her luck always so good! !

Huo Xi helped her, even the medicine ruler he met for the first time also helped her, this time Yao Ziqiu suddenly appeared again!

Yaoziqiu frowned when she saw Mu Qianyue depressed, thinking she was angry about this, and could not help but comfort her softly: "Mu girl, sorry, I came back late to let you suffer from these scumbags. bully."

It was said that he would be back in two months, but it took him four months to return to the Yaowangzong after the delay. He didn't expect to see Yaozihe and the others bullying Mu girl once he came back! I knew they wouldn't do their jobs, I didn't expect to be so arrogant!

"I'm fine." Mu Qianyue said lightly.

Even if Yaoziqiu doesn't come back, Yaozihe can't bully her.

Yao Ziquan had already stayed, and looked at Yao Ziqiu in surprise, "Elder, isn't she your Yaotong? How come you became your apprentice?"

"Oh, that's it. I want to accept her as a disciple, but she said she has a master, and she refused to worship me as a teacher, saying that she must follow her master's advice. So I had to accept her as a medicine first. Tong." Yao Ziqiu said helplessly.

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