Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1346: Stuck medicine Xin【3】

Yao Ziquan's eyes were a little bit more surprised. The Great Elder wanted to accept disciples, but she would not? Really arrogant enough! This was the first time he saw someone who refused to worship Yaoziqiu as a teacher! I don't know how many people squeeze their heads and want to worship Yaoziqiu's door!

The other members of Yaowangzong all showed envy and jealousy in their eyes.

"Yaozihe, although Mu Qianyue is not my official apprentice now, she is more important to me than the three of my apprentices! How dare you bully her! You still say she is a lowly Yaotong?!" Yao Ziqiu once again turned his gaze to Yao Zihe, and said angrily.

The angry cold eyes fell on him, as if Yaozihe was a heinous villain.

"Obviously she hurt my daughter first, and now you dare to trouble me?" Yaozihe turned blue with anger, he took a deep breath, "Yaoziqiu, now Mu Qianyue is injured Xiner, how are you going to deal with this matter?"

Yao Xin stood aside with a pale and weak face, supported by several members of Yao Wangzong, her beautiful eyes filled with anger and grievance.

"Handling? How do you want me to deal with it? If it weren’t for you to bully her, would she fight back? I know Mu Girl’s temperament. If others don’t provoke her, she never provokes others. If you didn’t bully her too much, she would I won’t beat anyone in anger! Yaoxin asked for all this!” Yaoziqiu said angrily, with hands on his hips, full of momentum, “My treatment is that you quickly apologize to my precious apprentice!”

"You..." Yaozihe's face changed drastically, his face was blue, and his chest was violently up and down with anger. He gritted his teeth and said, "You are just a strong word!"

"Are you apologizing?" Yao Ziqiu's voice was full of threats.

"Huh! It is impossible for us to apologize to a Yaotong!" Yaozi said angrily. It was his daughter who was obviously injured. Why should they apologize in the end?

"What's wrong with Yaotong? Is Yaotong not a human anymore? Does Yaotong deserve to be bullied? Is this what you should do as a second elder? Look at you, don't you teach you what is good? Yes, the pillars of my Yaowangzong were broken by you!" Yao Ziqiu pointed to Yaozihe's nose and cursed.

Yao Zihe looked ugly, but faced Yao Ziqiu, he didn't dare to attack.

Who made Yaoziqiu a generation of pill emperor, even the suzerain would be polite to see him! And he was just a ten-grade pill saint, so the lord would naturally favor Yaoziqiu.

Above the Pill Sage is the Pill King and the Pill Emperor.

Yao Ziqiu's alchemy talent is very high, his alchemy is second only to the ancestor of Yao Wangzong thousands of years ago!

The ancestor of Medicine King Zong reached the realm of Danzun, only one step away from the Danshen!

Therefore, the sovereign had high hopes for Yaoziqiu.

"You don't apologize, do you? You don't have to apologize, so I can only ask the Sect Master to be the master, let him see how your second elder leads by example! Humph!" Yao Ziqiu snorted coldly, looking up at the medicine aside. Ziquan said, "Fill in the name of my apprentice."

"Oh." Yao Ziquan nodded, quickly picked up the information form and filled it out.

"Elder, now the time has passed, Mu Qianyue can't sign up again, you are a fake public benefit!" Yao Xin bit her lips, her eyes filled with unwillingness.

"Fart! If it weren't for you to find the ballast to delay the time, Mu girl's registration would have been over! Even if I want to fake public interest, what can you do to me?" Yao Ziqiu's eyes showed arrogant scorn.

Hearing this, Yaoxin almost vomited blood with anger. Yao Ziqiu said before that Yaozihe should lead by example and not teach his younger generations to be bad. Now he himself is so virtuous!

"Go, Mu girl, I will take you to the Sect Master now, and let the Sect Master judge and judge." Yao Ziqiu snorted, no longer seeing Yao Zihe and others, and moved forward to leave.


Yaozihe's gloomy voice came from behind.

Yao Ziqiu stopped and looked back at Yao Zihe, with a sneer on the corners of his lips, "What? I want to understand?"

Yao Zihe's expression kept changing gloomy, and finally looked at Yao Xin and said, "Xin'er, apologize to Mu Qianyue."


Yao Xin's eyes were incredibly wide, and her eyes were full of shock. She couldn't believe that Dad actually asked her to apologize to Mu Qianyue! She was obviously the one hurt!

"Apologize!" Yaozihe said with a gloomy face, adding to his tone.

There were tears of grievance in Yao Xin's eyes. She bit her lips tightly, and her Jiao body trembled. Her face was full of humiliation. She raised her head to look at Mu Qianyue, her somber gaze seemed to Eat Mu Qianyue in general.


It took a long time to utter three words, and the voice was as small as a mosquito.

She has never bowed her head to others since she was young, this is the first time! Mu Qianyue, I remember you! I will repay this hatred to you twice!

The people nearby did not dare to say anything, one by one bowed their heads, and did not dare to make one.

Unexpectedly, Mu Qianyue was backed by the elder, no wonder she was not afraid of Miss Yaoxin at first, and even dared to go against the second elder!

Mu Qianyue put her hands around her chest, a wicked smile on the corners of her lips, and her ears with one hand, "What did you say? I didn't hear it."


Yao Xin's face turned pale again.

Everyone's complexion is constantly changing, extremely exciting, this Mu Qianyue is really bold! Miss Yao Xin apologized to her, even if she stepped down the stairs, she deliberately said that she didn't hear it! Obviously deliberate, it is too bad!

"Your voice is so small, the ghost can hear what you are talking about, speak louder." Yaoziqiu said coldly.

"Sorry!" Yao Xin almost roared this time.

"So loud, there is no sincerity at all!" Mu Qianyue sighed helplessly.

Anyway, Liangzi with Yaoxin and Yaozihe has long been formed, and it is impossible for one day to resolve. If this is the case, why not take this opportunity to bully them?

This kind of deceiving feeling is really good!

"Apologizing without sincerity, no!" Yao Ziqiu continued coldly.

"You..." Yaoxin's beautiful eyes were full of humiliation and tears. At this moment, she looked so pitiful and extremely distressing. She turned her head and glanced at her father, and saw him frowning and sinking. Without speaking, my heart sank bit by bit.


Yaoxin calmed down this time, her tone was still calm, and after she threw a sentence coldly, she ran away crying.

In the blink of an eye, the white figure disappeared into everyone's eyes.

Yao Zihe looked at Yao Xin's leaving figure, heart full of distress, but helpless, his eyes turned to Yao Ziqiu, "I hope you don't regret today's things in the future!"

Throw a word coldly, wanting to walk away.

But Yaoziqiu was drunk, "Stop!"

Yaozihe's face became cold, "I want to apologize, what else do you want to do?"

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