Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1348: Pill Alchemy Test【1】

"Miss Xin, you really misunderstood me... The **** of Mu Qianyue deliberately provokes the relationship between us, the purpose is to use Miss Xin's hand to punish me... I really did not expect Mu Qianyue's guts It's so big, even in the Medicine King Sect, I dare to do something to you. I am afraid that she has the shelter of Yaoziqiu, and will become more lawless in the future, and I am afraid that she will climb to the head of the sovereign..." Yang Qinchun buried Head.

Unexpectedly, Yao Xin slapped her face again and landed on her face mercilessly. She saw that her other face also instantly became high and swollen.

Ten flushed finger prints appeared on the face, facing each other.

Yang Qinchun's heart was full of anger and hatred. The fingers under her sleeves were tightly twisted together. She pressed her lips tightly, her expression was extremely aggrieved, but she did not dare to get angry, so she could only put her hands on her hot cheeks.

"You don't need to talk about these, I know it naturally." Yaoxin's eyes were full of cold light, her chin was slightly raised, and her delicate face was full of triumphant expressions, "Yang Qinchun, you'd better not be clever in front of me. I'll be honest."

"Yes." Yang Qinchun answered.

"This is the wound healing ointment, you can take it. Now you can go down, and I will prepare for tomorrow's alchemy competition." Yao Xin coldly ordered.

"Yes." Yang Qinchun took the wound ointment.

"You'd better remove the scars on your face, I don't want others to see it, thinking I'm bullying you." Yao Xin snorted coldly.

"I will pay attention. If others see me, I will say that I accidentally fell." Yang Qinchun said in a low voice.

"En." Yaoxin raised her neck arrogantly.

Yang Qinchun turned around and walked out slowly.

Out of the room, Yang Qinchun clenched the medicine bottle in his hand, his eyes were red, and his eyes were full of anger and viciousness, "Damn Yaoxin! Ahhhh! One day I will kill you! I will torture you fiercely! You! Make you better than death!"

She put down her noble status as a princess and served her wholeheartedly. She didn't take herself seriously, let alone a medicine boy, but a lowly person who was beaten and scolded!

Through these days of contact, she has gradually understood that Dao Yaoxin is gentle, generous, kind and tolerant on the surface, but in fact the methods are cruel, arrogant and domineering. Those are just her disguise!

She really regrets coming here!

If she stayed in Yunying Country, she would still be the princess cared by her father and queen, instead of being angry everywhere!

"Yang Qinchun, what happened to your face?"

While walking halfway, Yang Qinchun ran into Yao Fei who was coming.

Yang Qinchun's eyes flushed, his eyes filled with infinite grievance, and he whimpered, "I accidentally fell by myself..."

"How is it possible? Ten fingerprints can be thrown out of a fall?" Yao Fei narrowed his eyes, "Miss Xin hit you? Miss Xin was wronged today and her temper is not very good. You should go and rest quickly. That's right. , I have a medicinal spirit spar that can improve my strength. I will give it to you."

The palm of his hand shook, and a light green spar appeared in the palm of his hand.

The spar is crystal clear, reflecting a light green light in the sun, and contains a trace of pure energy.

Yang Qinchun concealed the joy in her eyes, and when she raised her head to look at Yao Fei, her face was full of tender gratitude. She did not reach out to pick it up, but instead tactfully said, "Young Master Yao Fei, such Jing The stone must be precious, right? Chun'er can't take it! Chun'er is just a medicine boy..."

"You take it, you have to bear more of it in the future." Yao Fei glanced at Yang Qinchun sympathetically.

In the past, Yaoxin had two Yaoxins by his side. One was tortured to death, the other was unbearable and committed suicide.

I don't know how long Yang Qinchun can last.

Seeing Yang Qinchun holding the medicine spirit spar like a baby, Yao Fei sighed, it was just the lowest level medicine spirit spar.


Autumn courtyard

"Mu girl, do Yaozihe and the others come to embarrass you from time to time?" Yaoziqiu narrowed his eyes, his eyes filled with anger.

If he didn't happen to run into him today, Mu girl would definitely suffer! Unexpectedly, Yaozihe and the others are so arrogant, but you can imagine how Yaozihe bullies Mu girl when he is not in these days!

"No. I just left the customs today, and I have been in the Qiuyuan before, and there is a medicine ruler to protect me, no one can bully me." Mu Qianyue's lips pursed a smile.

Yao Ziqiu had a hint of relaxation in his eyes.

"My lord, didn't you send a letter saying that you will be back in two months? Why are you back now?" Yao Chi looked at him suspiciously.

"On the way back, I met a person who had reached the level of Pill Emperor, like me, so I sat and discussed it together. When we met each other late, we bowed to brothers on the spot! Haha... "When the matter was mentioned, Yao Ziqiu's face was full of pride, and said excitedly.

Seeing Yao Ziqiu's deceitful appearance, Yao Zhi muffled his mouth silently, but those who can be praised by adults and are willing to make friends, except for Emperor Dan, are certainly not bad in character! Otherwise, no matter how good the person is, the adults won't make friends with him.

He knows the temper of an adult the most. What adults dislike most is those who are above the top and self-righteous. Otherwise, Master Yaowangzong would not get along with Yaozihe and the others and live alone on this sunset peak.

"Let's discuss medical techniques and build discussions together. Hehe..." Suddenly Yao Ziqiu gave a sly smile, and his eyes fell on Mu Qianyue's body unkindly, "I made a bet with him."

Mu Qianyue's eyebrows jumped, and she looked up at him, "Would you not bet me against him?"

"How do you know?" Yao Ziqiu asked in surprise.

"You see, my eyes are clearly full of bad intentions, as long as people who are not stupid want to get it." Mu Qianyue rolled her eyes helplessly, but they were betting why they would mix with her?

"Hey..." Yao Ziqiu smiled embarrassedly, "It's like this, he said that he has an apprentice, no one can match either alchemy or medical skills among the younger generation! So I'm not convinced. Ah! I have seen your medical skills, and you can bring them back to life. I believe that by this alone you can slam his disciple under your feet. However, what rank is your alchemy now?"

Yao Zhi stared in horror when he heard Yao Ziqiu's words, what? Resurrected?

He turned his head to look at Mu Qianyue and his eyes were filled with shock. Can her medical skills reach such an amazing level of amazing world as her young age? But when this is said from my own adult, there will be absolutely no falsehood!

It's no wonder that the adults will fancy her and want to bring her into the school!

Even adults and suzerain can't do this kind of medical skills! Unless you can refine the pill to bring back the dead!

It's really hard to imagine how the dead can be brought back to life just by medical skills!

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