Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1349: Pill Alchemy Test【2】

"Well... the alchemy should be tenth rank, it seems that there are not all alchemy." Mu Qianyue thought for a while.

"What?! Ten-Rank?!" Yaoziqiu jumped up excitedly after hearing the words, and looked at her with bright eyes, as if he had seen a piece of shiny gold.

"Hahaha... that girl Yaoxin claims to have excellent alchemy, she is twenty-seven years old, but she is an eighth-order alchemist! This time in the alchemy test, you have to slap her in the face! Let her know what it is. A true genius!" Yao Ziqiu smiled triumphantly, his face full of joy.

"My lord, no matter how good Girl Mu is, she is not your apprentice now, so it's useless for you to be proud." The medicine ruler slammed in a timely manner.

Yaoziqiu smiled suddenly, staring displeasedly, "What do you know? Mu Girl's master will definitely agree to her worshiping me as a teacher. After all, if she has one more master, one more person will love her!"

Having said that, in fact, he is very guilty, and he doesn't know whether that guy agrees or not. What if he is a stingy?

And he also made a bet with his brother who just became a worshiper, if Mu Girl is not his apprentice in the future, that would be a shame!

The medicine ruler smiled silently.

Mu Qianyue also smiled.

Although Yaoziqiu bet on her, she didn't mean to be angry.

In the early morning, the sun slowly rises from the east, and the golden sun shines on Lingshan, covering the foothills, as if coated with a layer of gorgeous gold yarn.

Yaowangzong's martial arts field was full of people at this time, crowded, one by one dressed up and dressed up, the show was also very grand.

When Mu Qianyue, Yao Ziqiu, and Yao Chi arrived, they were almost there.

Yao Xin wore an exquisite and beautiful rouge-colored dress, and she stood out in the crowd. Her delicate face showed a confident smile, white and beautiful, with a good complexion.

After a night of recuperation, it seems that all her injuries have recovered.

Yang Qinchun beside her was a little pale. At this moment, she hung her head slightly, and two strands of hair hanging from her ears covered her cheeks, but she could still see the red marks on her cheeks. It's fingerprints.

Mu Qianyue guessed it at a glance. Needless to say, Yaoxin must have slapped Yang Qinchun twice when she returned. She wouldn't feel distressed for Yang Qinchun, she asked for all this.

After a while, the Sect Master of Medicine King Sect came, wearing a cloud-white robe, his face was elegant and handsome, his whole body was calm and introverted, with a breath of immortality.

It is said that the Sect Master of Medicine King is one hundred and sixty years old, but at this moment he does not seem to be around forty years old.

Dozens of elders followed behind him.

Sect Master Yao and others walked to the chairs on the stands and sat down, then smiled and looked at everyone, "Today is a three-year alchemy competition. Please stand on the competition platform."

There were sixty-five pill masters including Mu Qianyue who participated in the competition. They were basically between 20 and 30. A group of young men and women were beautifully dressed, with a confident look on their faces.

Mu Qianyue stepped onto the competition platform.

Sixty-five jade tables were placed on the huge competition table with paper and pen on them.

"Although this is an alchemy test, medical skills are equally important! Therefore, in the first level of the test, who can correctly write the detoxification method of the currant weed is considered passed."

Poison arrow?

There was a faint smile between Mu Qianyue's eyebrows, and she didn't expect this to be the first level of the alchemy contest! It's really too simple! As a poison master, she used to refining poison from poison arrow, so she wrote the detoxification method naturally.

Poison dart is a kind of herb that can seal the throat with blood. It is extremely poisonous. Once you eat a little bit of sap of Poison dart, you will quickly fall into a coma and die in a quarter of an hour!

He picked up his pen and wrote on the paper ‘swish’, fingertips fluttered, and the graceful and elegant fonts leaped onto the paper.

After two pieces of Yaoxin, seeing that Mu Qianyue started writing so quickly, a cold light appeared in her eyes. After thinking about it, she quickly wrote on the paper.

Some looked at the paper and frowned in a daze, and some quickly picked up the pen to write the answer.

After a while, Yao Xin first put down the pen in her hand and passed the answer up.

Sect Master Yao nodded appreciatively after reading Yao Xin's paper, and the other elders also looked at Yao Xin's eyes with admiration.

Yao Xin's answer is very thorough.

Then everyone else handed in the papers, but Mu Qianyue was still struggling to write.

Yao Xin couldn't help but feel a hint of sarcasm in her eyes, "No matter how much you write, it will be in vain."

"Haha, I guess she must not know the answer, so she wants to write casually, write more words, so as to add points." Yao Fei could not help but sneered.

"A medicine boy dared to participate in the alchemy competition, I really don't know where her courage comes from!"

The others also followed up with laughter, looking at Mu Qianyue with contempt.

Yaoziqiu's eyes on the high platform became cold, and he couldn't help but snorted. This group of superficial people, wait to be beaten in the face! But he is full of confidence in Mu girl, a few silver needles can bring back to life, will he not solve a poison arrow? What a joke!

Mu Qianyue hadn't heard it before, and her beautiful face was always indifferent, as if those words were not talking about her, but she was still writing in her own mind.

Sect Master Yao's gaze fell on Mu Qianyue's body, looking recklessly, this is the Yaotong who is said to have taken Yaoxin? Is Yaoziqiu's new medicine boy? This woman's temperament is indeed calm enough, so many people laugh at her, she is still calm.

As the Sovereign of the Medicine King Sect, he naturally knew what happened in the Dantang place yesterday. It's just that this is a dispute between juniors, and he won't interfere.

Finally Mu Qianyue stopped writing, and the paper on the jade table was full of pages.

After blowing the handwriting on the paper, he picked up the paper and walked onto the high platform, and handed it to the hands of the Nine Elder Yaoziquan.

Yaoziquan turned around and presented the medicine master.

Sect Master Yao's gaze fell on Mu Qianyue's paper, and her gaze couldn't help changing. Not only did she write out the method to understand the poisonous arrowroot, but also very detailed, even the detoxification pill! As well as the medicinal materials and properties of the detoxification pill, the things to pay attention to when refining the pill.

Although the answers written by other people can also detoxify the poison of arrow grass, the effect is not as good as Mu Qianyue's, and the writing is relatively ambiguous.

However, Yaoxin's answer was also written in great detail, and the pill for relieving arrow poison grass was also written, but it did not include the medicinal properties of some medicinal materials, as well as the precautions and order of alchemy.

Yao Ziquan, Yao Zihe and others saw the constantly changing expressions on Sect Master Yao’s face, and their eyes flashed with surprise, and they were very curious about what Mu Qianyue's paper had written...

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