Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1357: Hongmeng Ding[2]

Taking a deep breath, Mu Qianyue adjusted her mentality and locked her eyes tightly on Hongmeng Ding Hongmeng Ding's body. At this moment, all the powerful mental power was radiated, and she was shrouded in Hongmengding Hongmeng Ding.

But what is strange is that all the spiritual power she exudes is like sinking into the sea, falling on the body of the prehistoric Hongmeng Ding, and it can't make any waves!

This scene caused Yaozihe's lips to be contemptuous, and he wanted to use his mental power to subdue it?

This trick has been tried by many ancestors before, and none of them succeeded.

If she can do it with mental power alone, it won't be her turn!


The palm of her hand flickered, and a hot and enchanting flame spouted from the palm of her hand, and wrapped it towards the Magnificent Ding.

At this moment Mu Qianyue also raised the temperature of Qinglong Underworld Fire to its highest point!

Honghuang Hongmeng Ding shook, making a disdainful contempt, as if to say that Mu Qianyue wanted to conquer it with flames, this is absolutely impossible!

Yaozihe and the others were cold and mocking in their eyes. They thought Mu Qianyue had a lot of patience, but they used the same methods used by the predecessors. Haha, if only in this way, she would never be able to subdue Hongmeng. Ding's!

The flames of Qinglong Underworld Fire continued to rise, and the temperature in the air also rose abruptly, and everyone around was dripping with sweat.

And Honghuang Hongmengding jumped around and dodged, and this scene made Mu Qianyue a quick flash of surprise in her eyes.

Seeing Honghuang Hongmeng Ding ascending into the air, Ding Gai flew up automatically, sucking in Mu Qianyue's Qinglong Netherfire, and instantly disappeared completely.

"En?" Mu Qianyue frowned in surprise.

It seems that this prehistoric Hongmeng Ding has really grown in wisdom, and it is no wonder that it will become the sacred object of the Medicine King Sect.

Mu Qianyue bit her silver teeth and quickly bit her index finger. A drop of pure Azure Dragon blood flowed out, and once again summoned the Azure Dragon Underworld Fire, and merged the Azure Dragon Bloodline into the Azure Dragon Underworld Fire. At this moment, the temperature of the Azure Dragon Underworld Fire changed. It became even hotter, and the entire martial arts field suddenly seemed to be in the heater.

Everyone felt a great pressure. I don’t know if it came from Qinglong Underfire, but at this moment, everyone had only one feeling, that is, I hope that Mu Qianyue will quickly put away the flames. If this goes on, they are about to die. !

But Sect Master Yao was staring at the pale purple figure with bright and excited eyes, and his eyes were full of excitement. Is this the blood of the king?

Gosh! Unexpectedly, Mu Qianyue's bloodline reached the king level! Such a pure breath of blood... Tsk tsk, the surprise that Mu girl gave herself is really not small! Having worked hard for so many years, he is already one hundred and fifty years old, and his bloodline can reach the pinnacle of the king!

Mu Qianyue is so young, only twenty-four years old, and her bloodline has reached this level! Her future achievements will never be bad!

It will be a matter of time even to become a Pill God!

The terrible Qinglong Minghuo once again wrapped the Hongmeng Ding Hongmeng Ding. At the beginning, Hongmeng Ding Hongmeng Ding continued to resist, until later it gradually gave up resistance and became tame.

A pale white light was shining on Mu Qianyue and Honghuang Hongmengding at the same time.

This is the contract light between the warrior and the spirit weapon.

At the same time, a soft voice sounded in Mu Qianyue's heart, "Master, my name is Xiao Meng."

"Huh? You can talk?" Mu Qianyue widened her eyes in surprise and replied in her heart.

"Of course! I can not only talk, but also turn into a human form, but these people don't know, hehe..." Xiao Meng's voice was naughty and proud.

Mu Qianyue twitched the corner of her mouth speechlessly, the talking and transforming medicine cauldron...well, this is the first time I have seen you! It seems that this great grandeur has reached the realm of an artifact! Just like Tian Shuo is also an artifact that can be transformed.

Because the interaction between Mu Qianyue and Xiao Meng took place in her heart, others didn't know it.

All I know is that Mu Qianyue has contracted Hongmeng Ding! !

One by one, his eyes widened in surprise, his face was full of horror, and his expression seemed to be a ghost.

what happened? Did Mu Qianyue really conquer Hongmeng Ding? And contracted it?

"No! It's impossible!" Yaozihe stood up from his position with excitement, with an old face full of sullen anger and unwillingness. The Hongmeng Ding is a holy thing left by the ancestor, how easy it is Got a contract?

Others also looked shocked and regretful, obviously not willing to believe this fact.

This is the holy thing left by the ancestors!

Now it's so easy to change hands!

"We have used these methods before! But no one succeeded. Why did Mu Qianyue succeed?"

"Yeah! That's weird!"

"Could it be that our flame is not warm enough?"


"Haha...I deserve to be Yao Ziqiu's intended apprentice, it's not bad, even Hong Meng Ding was subdued by her!" Yao Ziqiu laughed excitedly, not feeling sorry for it at all.

No matter how good the medicine cauldron is, it has been left in the dust, that is the real pity.

If the Hongmeng Ding Hongmeng Ding can exert its effect, then it will not humiliate Hongmengding Hongmeng!

"This..." Yao Ziquan stared enviously. Is this girl's luck a bit too good?

He also tried these methods back then, but they all failed.

"Sect Master, Honghuang Hongmengding can't give it to outsiders!" Yaozihe still pulled this handle and said unwillingly.

"You don't have the ability to subdue the Magnificent Great Mengding Ding, so don't blame others." Sect Master Yao said indifferently, his eyes rolled, and finally landed on Mu Qianyue's body. Elder?"

Seeing Mu Qianyue's eyebrows condensed, Sect Master Medicine continued, "You can rest assured, there are only benefits, no harm. You only need to stand up when Medicine King Sect is in trouble and help Medicine King Sect. Other times you are all Free, go wherever you want."

"Since the suzerain is kindly invited, then I will agree." Mu Qianyue said lightly, not restricting her freedom of life, this can still be reluctantly accepted.

After all, Sect Master Yao is a pretty good person, not like Yao Zihe, he even took out the sacred medicine pot of Yao Wangzong for himself, so this favor Mu Qianyue also wanted to give it.

Otherwise, it seems too inhumane, too arrogant and arrogant.

Seeing Mu Qianyue's promise, Sect Master Yao smiled, "Okay, from now on you will be the tenth elder of the inner gate of my Medicine King Sect."

His words fell in the crowd, causing a great deal of sorrow.

Mu Qianyue's luck is really good! Not only did he conquer the prehistoric Hongmeng Ding, but he was also promoted to the Ten Elders of the Inner Sect of the Medicine King Zong in one fell swoop. Since then, his status and status have been different!

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